
Numerology have been an interesting subject of mine for a while and it's amazing accurate on how it tells a lot about one's character, i had these notes back in the days and i thought i might as well just share

Numerology: Is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.

Mastering numerology is like mastering any skill. The more you know about the tools you are working with the more adept you are going to be at accomplishing the craft. In this case your tools are the numbers themselves and the craft is the extent of your personal ability to interpret the numbers.

The more you know about what each number symbolizes the better able you will be at divination and personality analysis. In the case of the planes of expression, essence and life challenges calculations you will be asked to weigh out the dominance of a certain number against others.

For instance you can be the most dominant number 1 personality in the world (as ones are famously very self-centered) but if your name is dominated by 9s your innate selfishness may be very much mitigated by a desire to sacrifice all for others. This is because nines tend to follow a more humble or spiritual path in life. To help you get a handle on the key traits that are symbolized by each number here is a selection of 20 key words that describe each one.

  • The Number One: The Creative, Male, Dominant, Alpha, Leader, Ambition, Initiation, Individualism, Self, Arrogance, Aggression, Attainment, Happiness, Fulfillment, Glory, Fame, Birth, Fire, Unique, Omniscience

  • The Number Two: The Submissive, Female, Dualism, Cooperation, Consideration, Cooperation, Balance, Mediation, The Other, Love, Flexibility, Adaptability, Grace, Dance, Harmony, Devotion, Obedience, The Subconscious, Water, Soul Mate,
  • The Number Three: The Divided, Triangle, Multiples, The Holy Trinity, Faith, Hope and Charity, Expression, Speech, Wit, Society, Art, Culture, Sensuality, Sorrow, Immaturity, Passion, Air, Surprise, Spontaneity, Change, Sex

  • The Number Four: The Builder, Foundation, Stability, Patriarchy, Power, Progress, Earth, Justice, Ability, Manual Dexterity, Practical, Law, The Conscious Mind, Civilization, Traditional, Profit, Wisdom, Commerce, Health, Conviction

  • The Number Five: The Visionary, Expansion, Opportunity, The Matriarchy, Adventure, Imagination, Story-telling, Symbols, The Subconscious Mind, Individualism, Freedom, Healing, Miracle, Choices, Unconditional Love, Mercy, Kindness, Invention, Resourceful, The New Age, Assistant.

  • The Number Six: The Protector, Provider, Healer, Nurturing, Children, Empathy, Intuition, Sympathy, Quality, Sustenance, Love of Community, Unconditional love, Circulation, Economy, Agriculture, Charity, Balance, Grace, Evolution, Simplicity, Sorcery.
  • The Number Seven: The Analyst, Thinker, Science, Learning, Education, Study, The Written Word, Logic, Alchemy, Secrets, Myth, Religion, Ritual, Understanding, Knowledge, Isolation, Chastity, Dignity, The Collective Consciousness, Genius.
  • The Number Eight: The Manifesting, Wealth, Power, Riches, Status, Material, Pragmatism, The Ego, Provision, Aggregation, Dictatorship, Multiples, Business, Investment, Employment, Appearance, Customs, Skills, Exchange, Reality, World Transformation.
  • The Number Nine The Humanitarian, Religious, Charitable, Philanthropic, Duty, Calling, Mission, Obligations, Hardship, The Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Mysticism, Faith, Angel on Earth, Faith in Mankind, Optimist, Suffering, Self-sacrifice, Karma, Enlightenment, Divine Wisdom.
  • The Number Eleven The Master Teacher, Illumination, Enlightenment, Inspirational, Idealism, Intuitive, Psychic, Channeling, Poetry, Art, Symbols, Expression, Dreamer, Revolution, Drugs, Alternate Consciousness, Mysticism, Catalyst, Prisoner, Prophet.
  • The Number Twenty Two The Master Builder, Dreams Made Manifest, Ancient Wisdom, Realization, Force of Nature, The Future, Evolution, Technology, Universal Love, God, Retribution, Redemption, Love, War, Leader, The Universe, Personal Power, Charisma, Service, The Divine Imagination.

So as you can see, numerology can be as complex as the human personality itself and it takes a number of calculations to paint an entire portrait of a human's psyche. In fact one could say that there are about as many numerological combinations in this type of divination as there are human individuals so it is very, very rare that two complete numerological charts are the same.

You can try a free reading and see how accurate it is, some other things will surprise you that you don't even know about yourself

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Your Intuition

Jose silva spend over 50 years developing his Silva Method and it so far the most profound meditation method to develop your psychic abilities, such as telepathy, intuition, holistic healing, mind control and many other mental abilities that our mind has the potential of developing.

In order to deal with this world today, we must connect with our inner sense to see beyond the "Iron Curtain"

Posted via web from kilobugs's posterous

How to Astral Project

What is Astral projection / Out of body experiences?

Astral projection: is when a person consciously projects their awareness out side their physical body.
Out of body experiences: These are experiences that occur naturally when a person’s consciousness leaves their physical body.
The only difference between astral projection and out of body experience is you astral project to achieve out of body experience.
Another difference between Remote viewing and out of body experience is that you don’t have to leave your physical body to perceive the distance information, while while in out of body experience you can actually be where you are remote viewing…more like watching a movie in virtue reality and watching a movie on a two dimentional images. just like everything else there are different levels of  astral projection and the more you do it the better of a navigator you become, people do it for years and still realize that they have only just scratch the surface of the ice berg, the way you navigate in the astral place is totally different with the physical, your tools is your thought, think it and become it..think it and get there..but it’s not as easy as it sounds..if you think about your body you just go right back into your bed. that’s why guided meditation can be usefully for concentration and focus.
Learn more about Out Of Body Experiences

How to Program you Mind

Whether you agree with me or not, our minds get programed almost every moment the time pass by, think about it for a moment, When you are listening the radio, watching television, browsing the internet, driving to work or going to the gym, reading posters, advertisements, hanging out with a friend, the commercials, ads, the atmosphere of the place this includes smell, temperature etc, not forgetting the colors of the place. There are countless number of information going into your brain without you being aware of it......


The Right To Be Rich!

Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.

We cannot rise to our greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless we have plenty of money. In order to unfold the soul and to develop talent we must have many things to use, and we cannot have these things unless we have money to buy them with. People develop in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that people must have money in order to make an exchange of things. Therefore, the basis of all human advancement must be The Secret Science of Getting Rich ®.

The object of all life is development. Everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining. Each of us has a right to life. This means the right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things that may be necessary to our fullest mental, spiritual and physical unfolding in other words, our right to be rich.

In this Program, They don’t speak of riches in a figurative way. To be really rich does not mean to be satisfied or contented with a little. You ought not to be satisfied with a little if you are capable of using and enjoying more. The purpose of nature is the advancement and development of life. Every individual should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty, and richness of life.

When you own all you want for the living of all the life you are capable of living, you are rich. You cannot have all you want without plenty of money. Life has advanced so far and become so complex that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness.

You naturally want to become all that you are capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature. Success in life is becoming what you want to be. You can become what you want to be only by making use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them.


Therefore, an understanding of the laws of the universe and The Secret Science of Getting Rich   is the most essential of all knowledge. 



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