The Core Skills You Need To Learn Hypnosis

Conversational Hypnosis is an art that takes a certain set of skills in order to master.  These skills are quite attainable when the correct instruction and study of hypnosis has been focused on. 

Conversational hypnosis is the practice of inducing hypnotic trances through the focused skills learned in language, speech and suggestion.  The primary objective is to induce a trance in order to accomplish a motivated outcome or reach a specific purpose; for example ease emotional pain, enhance health, and lead a happier life. 

The skills most required of you as the hypnotist are to master a signal recognition system, develop a relationship with your subject beyond rapport, learn the foundations of hypnotic language and advanced hypnotic language, develop authority strategies, recognize emotional triggers, destroy resistance as well as become skilled in conversational induction, conversational trance formulas and advanced frame control. 

All of these skills will help you attain the highest level of success in conversational hypnosis and achieve a better life for your subjects as well as for yourself.
Signal recognition systems are the foundation in hypnosis training from which you will start to see when a subject is entering a hypnotic trance.  These skills will aide you in opening your senses to the signs given by your subject when becoming hypnotized. 

Signal recognition will save you time in that you will be able to quickly asses when your subject is in trance instead of using unnecessary time to talk you subject into hypnosis.  You will learn to see, hear and feel when people are responding to you hypnotically. 

This skill will also allow you to see those around you moving in and out of hypnotic trances produced everyday by their environments.  The signal recognition system is important to master and continue to study as it is a core fundamental skill you will use throughout your study and practice of hypnosis.

Everyday we develop rapport with people, friends, family and strangers.  In conversational hypnosis it is important to learn to move on beyond the normal constraints of typical rapport and to develop deeper relationships with your subjects. 

In hypnosis you and your subject are developing an intimate relationship that allows you as the hypnotist into your subject’s mind, to understand and ultimately control certain thoughts through suggestion and language. 

In order to accomplish this you must go beyond rapport and embody an intense connection that allows your subject the unconscious freedom to do something simply because it pleases them to please you. 

This can be considered an abnormal or skewed relationship in that the subject allows you into their world and will follow your lead through the conversations, language and suggestions you give to them.  This is a very powerful and unique connection.
Conversational hypnosis is just that, there is an art to the language you as the hypnotist need to master.  Part of this skill is found in hypnotic language foundation and advanced hypnotic language.  The main idea is that conversational hypnosis is attained through language. 

You need to learn how to shape the conversation you are having with your subject in a way that makes the words you speak themselves hypnotic, causing your subjects mind to set off into hypnotic state that responds to you in hypnotic ways. This skill should get strong focus from you as you master hypnosis techniques.

In the language you use for hypnosis you will also want to develop your authority strategy.  Authority strategy is a tactic that is required in order to be a successful hypnotist. 

It allows you to phrase suggestions in a way that the conscious mind of your subject responds, without this skill you will not be able to attain your goals as a hypnotist. 

The authority strategy gives your subject the will and wants to carry out your hypnotic suggestions, if you are not the authority within their trance the subject will not listen to your suggestions.  This skill is fundamental as it will be a large piece of the puzzle that will aide in your success as a hypnotist and allow you to achieve your goals in hypnotism.

Emotional triggers are the way to your subject’s unconscious responses, once you learn to control emotional triggers you will have the power to control the pictures and feelings that govern a subjects mind and ultimately change their life. 

This skill will give you access to pictures and feelings from within your subjects mind.  As you perfect this skill you will be able to be able to alter feelings that lead to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life for your subject.  This will aide in your objective to create rewarding and wonderful happiness for those who attain your services.

In conversational hypnosis there is often resistance and this brings us to the next fundamental skill you will need to acquire.  How you as the hypnotist will destroy this resistance, the most popular way being through the telling of stories. 

Destroying resistance through story telling involves you becoming the story teller to bypass the minds usual filtering systems that tell a person, “this is not right”, or “this can’t be happening”.  Once you have mastered story telling that will create a hypnotic trance you will be allowed into your subjects mind to place new ideas, perceptions and thoughts dealing with their lives and how they ultimately live them. 

Conversational hypnosis will require you to also learn how to deal directly with the unconscious mind; this is done through conversational inductions.  This concept is a way to formulate how to induce a trance through conversation, the real core of conversational hypnosis. 

Conversational induction will provide you with the skill of moving from normal speech into a conversational hypnotic induction with ease.  In doing this you will then be dealing directly with the unconscious mind of your subject which is what your job as a hypnotist is ultimately all about. 

This technique will teach you to mold conversation that sounds completely ordinary to others into something much more intense for you and your subject; this in itself will take a grand amount of understanding and skill.
Conversational trance formulas are paramount in the art of hypnosis.  These are formulas that will get you exactly where and what you want from your subject.  Getting your subject into a trance come very easily to you but then where do you go from there, this is where conversational trance formulas are required. 

The formulas consist of the P-CAT formula, which is used for personal change in a subject.  This is handy for those rough days, bad times in relationships and even when ending a relationship. 

The COMILA formula is used mainly for persuading and influencing people.  This formula is helpful to people in their professions such as influencing an individual to want to learn, sales, education, management as well as for general inspiration.

Next in the list of helpful formulas is the LIFE checklist.  This is a checklist developed to help you know you are actually engaged in a hypnotic conversation.  The LIFE check list consists of four steps that will help you identify quickly and efficiently that hypnosis is underway.

Conversational hypnosis will also require you to master such techniques as “future memories” and “stacking realities”.  Future memories are memories you place in your hypnotized subject’s mind that have not taken place yet. 

The goal is that they will become memories as the subjects unconscious brings them to their conscious mind as events that have already happened.  The art in this is to make the future memory so compelling that the unconscious mind will want the memory to have happened and eventually follow your suggestion to make the memory a real instance that has happened in the past.

“Stacking realities” and “accidental trance identification” are other techniques that help hypnotists to slip past the resistance and interference within a subjects mind that prevent hypnosis. 

Advanced frame control will also be paramount to master.  This is the art of leading all your hypnotic interactions in the direction you desire.  Without this skill you will not be able to control the direction of conversation, hampering your goal of creating a more peaceful, happy, healthy mindset for your subjects.  All of these strategies, once mastered, will help you in the ease of your conversational hypnosis.

There are many exciting and great skills involved in becoming a successful conversational hypnotist, while this information may seem overwhelming at first it is just a taste of the powerful skills that you will enjoy perfecting as you assume your role as a hypnotist.

 Once mastered many of these skills will provide you with a life time of learning and development personally and professionally, as well as help you to change lives for the better.

To Find out more about this Read it Here 


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Power Of Your Subconscious Mind


By using self-hypnosis you can improve your life by reprogramming your subconscious mind.
To find out how you can improve your life visit: 

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The Power Of Giving.

The more we give the more we get”… what does this statement mean? Is it true that when I give money to other people I will get  more money in return?, well to see if it works you might want to try…and see the results, Maybe you will lose more than what you have given. Everything we see, understand and conceptualize are only half truths, and that’s why there are wars and conflicts everywhere, I can relate it to the analogy of two people looking on a vehicle Tyre and one says, that tyre is black..and another replies no that tyre is rubber…. So now let’s go back to the power of giving, the statement is always true, it doesn’t seem true only because you have understood it in your way…

There has been misunderstanding between the law of giving and receiving, the law works all the time, we just don't understand what we are really giving.

Intelligence and Energy Fields

This concept of intelligence existing “outside” the physical confines of the living organism has been hard for the scientific community to accept. But over the past 5-10 years, hard evidence has been produced which is having its effect on the scientific skeptics.


Dr. Karl Pribram
Dr. Karl Pribram, a prominent American brain surgeon, sees the brains neurons “outpicturing” the physical universe, similar to the holographic process. He suggests that our brains are exposed to the entire concept of the universe in the same way that any minute part of a hologram contains basically the same information as the whole.


British scientist, Jacob Boehm came up with the same Holographic Theory and had it published in a prominent scientific journal.


Morphogenetic Field


Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
But probably most amazing of all is the theory that British physicist Rupert Sheldrake has proffered. If his theory is proven correct, it will rival Charles Darwin’s Theory of evolution in its magnitude.

Basically he has proven repeatedly through laboratory controlled experiments that different species of animals appear to be “plugged” into a dedicated intelligence field which is universal to that particular species.

For example, when enough mice in a group have learned a maze, they ALL suddenly know the maze – whether they have run it or not!


It now appears, after a BBC television experiment, that if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes easier for all humans to learn it. Sheldrake calls this shared intelligence the morphogenetic field.

There is an interesting parable about his called the “100th monkey” relating to an apparent observation made on a remote Japanese Island.

100Th Monkey

A very bright female monkey on a small island was taught to wash sweet potatoes in the seawater. She then taught other members of the tribe to do this. When approximately 100 monkeys had learned this procedure, many other remote monkey tribes started washing potatoes in the same manner. But the interesting thing is that these other tribes were situated on other remote islands and also on the mainland. That is, they had no possible way of acquiring this knowledge, other by some form of intuitive universal “sharing”.


The BBC in London tried out Sheldrake’s Theory on 8 million of their viewers. They showed on prime time TV, a difficult puzzle that only a very small percentage of their viewers were able to solve. Then the correct answer was also given on prime time TV. Shortly after, the same experiment was repeated by a TV network in another country. A far higher percentage of these foreign viewers were able to get the puzzle right the first time. As the puzzle was in the form of a universal pictorial concept, language and customs were not considered to be a factor.


The BBC and Sheldrake concluded that as the correct answer was now existing within the human morphogenetic field then the human race now “knows” the answer. Basically Sheldrake’s Theory explains “intuitive” functioning to a degree.


What Sheldrake is saying is that there is a “larger” mind for each life-form and each individual life-form “programs” that larger mind. The theory might be laughable except for Sheldrake’s acceptance in the scientific community and also the BBC experiment.


Polygraph Test

Cleve Backster, instituted the Central Intelligence Agency's polygraph program in 1948
But probably the most startling (and easily repeatable) experiments came from Cleve Backster, a polygraph (lie detector) expert. Operating from his San Diego, Californian laboratory he found that plants react – at a distance – to human thought. He initially connected his polygraph equipment to a Dragon Plant to test for possible “plant stress”.


He decided to generate stress by burning the plants leaves and sure enough the polygraph machine registered a strong reaction. But he hadn’t actually burnt the leaves – he had only intended to do so!


He had thought about it with emotion and intent!


Skeptics who tried the same experiment without genuine intent couldn’t get it to work. Backster went a step further and totally shocked the scientific world. He scraped human cells from a volunteer’s mouth and connected these to his polygraph and medical EEG equipment. He found to his utter amazement that these cells reacted instantaneously to the donor’s emotions, even when they were geographically separated! White blood cells were found to be particularly susceptible to emotion. (This may explain for the first time why people with strong positive emotions have better health).


This intelligence field is the key to probably the most extraordinary part of the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis – his discoveries about our mental connection with the morphogenetic field.


And could explain how his exciting programs work, such as Subjective Communication – the ability to connect with other peoples minds through this field to create win/win situations…


and remote viewing, the ability to see people, objects and places in the past, present and future – by accessing this field…

and remote influencing, the ability to transfer emotions and heal people from a distance, through this field…


For nearly 10 years, Jim Francis and his team carried out 'world first' and leading edge research into advanced mind power. Discover some of their secrets for Free in the powerful ebook - Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution which includes the complete Dream programming technique revealed for free for the very first time - how to cure your mind and body while sleeping ...and a remote influencing exercise you can try. Collect your mind power gifts from the site


Real Mind Power Secrets 

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Albert Einstein's Words on Spirituality and Religion

Albert Einstein.

(The following quotes are taken from The Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press unless otherwise noted)


"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."


(The following is from Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer, Princeton University Press)"I'm not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations."


(The following is from The Quotable Einstein)"Thus I a deep religiosity, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this attitude which has never left me."


"I don't try to imagine a God; it suffices to stand in awe of the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it." 


"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own - a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."


"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that , compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of  human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."


". . . In spite of all this, I don't let a single opportunity pass unheeded, nor have I lost my sense of  humor. When God created the ass he gave him a thick skin." Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald W. Clark, Avon Books.


"Where dull-witted clansmen of our tribe were praying aloud, their faces turned to the wall, their bodies swaying to and fro. A pathetic sight of men with a past but without a future." (Regarding his visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, February 3, 1923)


"Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our 2,000 years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us."


"I appeal to all men and women, whether they be eminent or humble, to declare that they will refuse to give any further assistance to war or the preparation of war."


"It is my belief that the problem of bringing peace to the world on a supranational basis will be solved only by employing Gandhi's method on a larger scale."


The following is from Elsa Einstein, Albert Einstein's wife, regarding Einstein's development of the theory of general relativity. It's taken from the outstanding book Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer. It's originally taken from Charles Chaplin's autobiography.


The Doctor came down in his dressing gown as usual for breakfast but he hardly touched a thing. I thought something was wrong, so I asked what was troubling him. "Darling," he said, "I have a wonderful idea." And after drinking his coffee, he went to the piano and started playing. Now and again he would stop, making a few notes then repeat: "I've got  a wonderful idea, a marvelous idea!" I said: "Then for goodness' sake tell me what it is, don't keep me in suspense." He said: "It's difficult, I still have to work it out."


She told me he continued playing the piano and making notes for about half an hour, then went upstairs to his study, telling her that he did not wish to be disturbed, and remained there for two weeks. "Each day I sent him up his meals," she said, "and in the evening he would walk a little for exercise, then return to his work again. Eventually," she said, "he came down from his study looking very pale. "That's it," he told me, wearily putting two sheets of paper on the table. And that was his theory of relativity."

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Daily Affirmation

Daily Affirmation: "

'In the infinity of life where i am,

All is perfect, whole and complete.

I believe in a power far greater than I am

that flows through me every moment of every day.

I open myself to the wisdom within,

knowing that there is only One Intelligence

comes all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings,

all the new creations. I trust this Power and Intelligence,

knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me,

and whatever i need comes to me in the right time,

space and sequence. All is well in my World.'

~ You Can Heal Your Life , Louise L. Hay


Akashic Records

What are Akashic Records?

Accessing the book of life

 The akashic records are a universal filing system where every thought, emotion, action, and experience is recorded. The records are written on a substance called 'akasha' or soniferous ether. Akasha, combined with earth, water, metal, wood and fire represent the five human senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste.

Five elements

The akashic records can be accessed by reaching certain states of consciousness. Hypnosis can help you explore the akashic records. You don't have to be a psychic or have ESP in order to read the records. Anyone can read and learn from the akashic records.
The possibilities are endless. You can learn about everything that has ever happened in the history of the universe. You can hear any thought that has ever been conceived. You can feel any emotion that has ever been felt. Everything that has ever existed is at your finger tips.

Think of the akashic records as a super computer that has existed for millions of years, or since the creation of the universe. Everything that has ever occurred has been recorded. Every thought and emotion of every person in the universe is contained in the akashic records.
The akashic records are meant to be explored. You can learn so much about the past experiences and history of the earth and of the universe. You can explore past lives, learn about ancient relatives, and learn the truth about different events in history. The truth is written out clearly in the akashic records. They were meant to be read and you deserve to know all the various pieces of information.

The Akashic Records: The Legend

Ancient civilizations believed in Akasha

The information is non-judgmental and unbiased. For those who learn to read the akashic records, it is supposed act as a guide for the future. We can learn from the past and from others experiences. The history and acknowledgement of the existence of the akashic records has been around since ancient times. Ancient cultures believing in the akashic records include the Egyptians, Himalayans, Persians, Chinese, Greeks, Christians, and Mayans.

The use of the akashic records has been passed down through folklore and is mentioned several times in the bible. Rumor has always been that there is a celestial tablet that contains all information that has ever existed. It is often known as “The Book of Life.”

    “Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.”
--Alchemy and the Secret Doctrine

Edgar Cayce’s 

Edgar Cayce, called it the reservoir of heavenly memories.

Edgar Cayce is one of world’s most popular contemporary psychics. He is known best for his ability to produce answers for seemingly impossible or improbable questions, such as a person’s health condition or the location of mythic places.

Cayce is able to do this by going into a trance state (self-induced). He too believed in the existence of the Akashic Records and was able to use the Heavenly Library to carry out specific readings for people. He calls the Akashic Records the reservoir of heavenly memories.

Make Changes in Your Current Life with the Akashic Records.

Change your life!
The akashic records can give you insight on your past, present, and future. Having access to every thought, feeling, and experience is very powerful because it lets you work on recreating your experiences.
For example, if you feel that something is blocking you from being a success or if you have a fear of failure or fear of success, then you can access the akashic records to set your self free of the roadblocks that are in your way.
Let's say you keep finding yourself in a bad relationship. By looking at the akashic records you can find out why you continue to pick the wrong person in your life. You can let go of past experiences that keep enabling you in bad relationships.

Think of the akashic records as the book of answers. All you have to do is come up with the questions. If you ask the question, “Why?” in any situation, you can answer that question by reading the akashic records to see why.
The akashic records are THE source for everything. They are a trusted source for knowing the truth. If you want to find out what really happened, you can trust the akashic records because they are all-knowing.

Reading Akashic Records 

 Read Akashic Records, by master hypnotist Steve G. Jones is designed to teach you how to read the akashic records and give you the knowledge contained in the akashic records, You'll receive 4 audio modules that take you from A to Z in reading akashic records. And to ensure your success even further, Steve is going include a powerful hypnosis recording. You can find it here: