The Law of Attraction Isn't Working - How To Use The Law Of Action To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

Not too long ago, a coaching client said to me,

?I?ve read about the Law of Attraction in The Secret and all the other books that tell me about the power of positive thinking. But, it?s not working. I?m still not seeing results in my life. ?

I wasn't' surprised. This is a sentiment many of my coaching clients have. They've tried to "think" their way to a successful life but have fallen short every time.

To a certain extent, my clients are right. Although positive thinking is a very powerful tool for building lasting success, it is useless on its own. In order to reach the levels of success you desire in your life, you need to do more than think.

However, when combined with action, positive thinking has the power to totally transform your life. Thoughts + Action = Success!

Want to make the Law of Attraction work for you, try the I'm The Boss 30-day Success Challenge.

Decide. Ask yourself: What do I want to attract in my life over the next 30 days.

Write the Vision. In clear and vivid detail, write down your intention.

Make A Plan. After you're clear on what you want, brainstorm to determine all the steps you could take to make your vision a reality. Don't censor your list. Write down everything that you think of, even if it is a stretch for you.

Divide. Separate your list of tasks into three groups:

Simple - you can complete these tasks quickly (in about an hour) by yourself

Difficult - you can complete these tasks by yourself but it will take you at least a couple of hours but not more than a couple of days to complete

Hard ? a task that you cannot do on your own and it will take at least three days to complete.

Conquer Your List. Take the Easy List first. Complete three easy tasks each day until the easy tasks are all checked off. Next, go to the Medium List. Complete one medium task each day.

You don't need to be concerned with the difficult tasks right now. What you will soon discover is that those tasks that seemed difficult, or even impossible, will be much more manageable. Your actions will bring new resources and opportunities that will catapult you to your vision.

The more action your take the more powerful you will become. You'll be like a magnet attracting resources, skills, connections, and opportunities to you. Other people will use their skills and resources to help you succeed.

Work the Law of Action and you?ll attract all the success you?ve ever wanted.