Human Consciousness

“Whatever The Mind Can…… Conceive It Can Achieve.” W. Clement Stone 1902-2002 Human mind is the doorway through your normal five senses nose, eyes etc. then you can manipulate what you perceive. I can’t put more emphasize on this Everything that happens outside happens inside your brain, think about it when you touch, feel, taste, look smell all the five perception doors are connected to the brain with the neural connectors and they have to take the signal to the brain first and then the brain enterprets the signal. The plain of reality that we currently know is like a matrix that has a mind. And everything that a mind perceives is some form or energy (vibration) that mind collects and put it together so that it makes some sense out of it. Light is energy, and so as sound, heat, smell (chemical reaction), mass and density these are all some kind of waves and energy. The heart and Mind As long as you live, know this: All the feelings you have are for the heart And the thoughts are for the breath Whenever you talk that is by breath Whenever you move that is by heart Every strength you use is by your heart And every words that you say is by your breath It’s mostly likely to determine the beauty of something by its smell And the weight and strength of something by heart Breathing is direct proportion with your attention When one breathing he spreads out what he thinks by his breath, (when you talk the voice is generated by your breath) And by his actions, think beauty and become beauty, spread the beauty, think life and become alive, spread the life. In reality humans are the ones suppose to give life to the environment and nature,        Nature does not have intelligent to know what is wrong and right but with the intelligence we have we can achieve it. The way one affects the environment is the same way one affects his own health and body, let’s say one lives in contaminated place with oil or something that is harmful to the natural environment, this will affect his health too, the food he eats, air and people, When one wants to have a good health, one must respect both his body and his environment, say keep his room clean, his house and so forth.

Human consciousness is one of the things that puzzles the scientist because of it's unique nature!

Posted via email from kilobugs's posterous

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