How to Increase Your Psychic Ability With The Pendulum

Psychic energy is often referred to when describing the seven Chakras. Each Chakra has a color that it is associated with such as red in the groin area and green for the heart area on the body. An Aura is the electrical light field which surrounds our bodies and is equally powerful or weak depending on your state of mind and physical health.

If you are feeling down and under the weather, so to speak, your natural colors may change and relfect the moods or state your are in. For example, if your heart Chakra is a weak green color instead of a vibrant, steady, full and rich green then you may have heart problems or recently had your heart broken. It tells us that you are in a weakened state of mind or body and your psychic energy is low.

Like a muscle that has not been used much it becomes less viable than a muscle that has been used to lifting weights or doing harder work. The same thing happens to our Chakras and Aura. The colors that radiate become lifeless and are not their normal vibrant selves. Strengthening your Aura or Chakra that is out of balance requires paying attention to and exercising that area of your life or body.

Many professional psychic advisers get depleted after doing psychic readings. To replenish their psychic energy they will do something that they know revives and replenishes their energy reserves. This can be as simple as going outdoors and being in nature. Quiet streams or a park can do the trick. Nature can be a powerful revitalizing source of counter-acting negative or depleted energy sources and it also increases your psychic ability.

We have all felt depleted, especially after being around someone who is negative or has a lots of problems. Some of us soak up that negative energy like a sponge and must do something to counter-act it. Doing some fun filled activity is the counter-measure to ridding yourself of negative vibrations. The following is one way to achieve just that balance you have lost.

1. Don't worry if you are not in possession of a pendulum. You can make your own using a large paperclip or a ring. Attach the paperclip or ring to a thread about sixteen to eighteen inches long. Do not let your exhalations influence your pendulums' movement.

2. Brace your elbow on the table in front of you holding the end of the string between your fingers. At first you may have to force the pendulum into right and left circles, standing for yes and no answers. Ask a question and make the pendulum go in a right circle for 'positive' and a left circle for 'negative'. Keep asking questions in a very clear sentence until the pendulum moves on its' own giving you the answers you are seeking.

3. You can also use a pan, cup or other vessel that will hold liquid. Then ask the liquid to begin to move when you ask a question.

4. You can also use anything that is cylindrical like a pen with no clip and ask it to move when seeking answers.

Be sure that you are working in a very quiet environment so that all of the psychic energy you are drumming up will not get distracted and will come through. Turn off anything that will disturb the psychic energy you are trying to increase. This is a very important step in this process.

Sticking to this protocol on a regular basis will draw in and develop your psychic energy and ability. It can be likened to going to the gym on a schedule each day - the more you go, the better shape you get in over time. Just realize that this type of inner work takes time and the more time you spend on yourself, the stronger your power becomes.

Your psychic abilities and increasing power should become apparent at the end of daily practice during your first two weeks. However, should you start showing off your new talents or acting as though you alone created them, you will see these powers rapidly decrease. Then you'll have to start over from the beginning.

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