The Core Skills You Need To Learn Hypnosis

Conversational Hypnosis is an art that takes a certain set of skills in order to master.  These skills are quite attainable when the correct instruction and study of hypnosis has been focused on. 

Conversational hypnosis is the practice of inducing hypnotic trances through the focused skills learned in language, speech and suggestion.  The primary objective is to induce a trance in order to accomplish a motivated outcome or reach a specific purpose; for example ease emotional pain, enhance health, and lead a happier life. 

The skills most required of you as the hypnotist are to master a signal recognition system, develop a relationship with your subject beyond rapport, learn the foundations of hypnotic language and advanced hypnotic language, develop authority strategies, recognize emotional triggers, destroy resistance as well as become skilled in conversational induction, conversational trance formulas and advanced frame control. 

All of these skills will help you attain the highest level of success in conversational hypnosis and achieve a better life for your subjects as well as for yourself.
Signal recognition systems are the foundation in hypnosis training from which you will start to see when a subject is entering a hypnotic trance.  These skills will aide you in opening your senses to the signs given by your subject when becoming hypnotized. 

Signal recognition will save you time in that you will be able to quickly asses when your subject is in trance instead of using unnecessary time to talk you subject into hypnosis.  You will learn to see, hear and feel when people are responding to you hypnotically. 

This skill will also allow you to see those around you moving in and out of hypnotic trances produced everyday by their environments.  The signal recognition system is important to master and continue to study as it is a core fundamental skill you will use throughout your study and practice of hypnosis.

Everyday we develop rapport with people, friends, family and strangers.  In conversational hypnosis it is important to learn to move on beyond the normal constraints of typical rapport and to develop deeper relationships with your subjects. 

In hypnosis you and your subject are developing an intimate relationship that allows you as the hypnotist into your subject’s mind, to understand and ultimately control certain thoughts through suggestion and language. 

In order to accomplish this you must go beyond rapport and embody an intense connection that allows your subject the unconscious freedom to do something simply because it pleases them to please you. 

This can be considered an abnormal or skewed relationship in that the subject allows you into their world and will follow your lead through the conversations, language and suggestions you give to them.  This is a very powerful and unique connection.
Conversational hypnosis is just that, there is an art to the language you as the hypnotist need to master.  Part of this skill is found in hypnotic language foundation and advanced hypnotic language.  The main idea is that conversational hypnosis is attained through language. 

You need to learn how to shape the conversation you are having with your subject in a way that makes the words you speak themselves hypnotic, causing your subjects mind to set off into hypnotic state that responds to you in hypnotic ways. This skill should get strong focus from you as you master hypnosis techniques.

In the language you use for hypnosis you will also want to develop your authority strategy.  Authority strategy is a tactic that is required in order to be a successful hypnotist. 

It allows you to phrase suggestions in a way that the conscious mind of your subject responds, without this skill you will not be able to attain your goals as a hypnotist. 

The authority strategy gives your subject the will and wants to carry out your hypnotic suggestions, if you are not the authority within their trance the subject will not listen to your suggestions.  This skill is fundamental as it will be a large piece of the puzzle that will aide in your success as a hypnotist and allow you to achieve your goals in hypnotism.

Emotional triggers are the way to your subject’s unconscious responses, once you learn to control emotional triggers you will have the power to control the pictures and feelings that govern a subjects mind and ultimately change their life. 

This skill will give you access to pictures and feelings from within your subjects mind.  As you perfect this skill you will be able to be able to alter feelings that lead to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life for your subject.  This will aide in your objective to create rewarding and wonderful happiness for those who attain your services.

In conversational hypnosis there is often resistance and this brings us to the next fundamental skill you will need to acquire.  How you as the hypnotist will destroy this resistance, the most popular way being through the telling of stories. 

Destroying resistance through story telling involves you becoming the story teller to bypass the minds usual filtering systems that tell a person, “this is not right”, or “this can’t be happening”.  Once you have mastered story telling that will create a hypnotic trance you will be allowed into your subjects mind to place new ideas, perceptions and thoughts dealing with their lives and how they ultimately live them. 

Conversational hypnosis will require you to also learn how to deal directly with the unconscious mind; this is done through conversational inductions.  This concept is a way to formulate how to induce a trance through conversation, the real core of conversational hypnosis. 

Conversational induction will provide you with the skill of moving from normal speech into a conversational hypnotic induction with ease.  In doing this you will then be dealing directly with the unconscious mind of your subject which is what your job as a hypnotist is ultimately all about. 

This technique will teach you to mold conversation that sounds completely ordinary to others into something much more intense for you and your subject; this in itself will take a grand amount of understanding and skill.
Conversational trance formulas are paramount in the art of hypnosis.  These are formulas that will get you exactly where and what you want from your subject.  Getting your subject into a trance come very easily to you but then where do you go from there, this is where conversational trance formulas are required. 

The formulas consist of the P-CAT formula, which is used for personal change in a subject.  This is handy for those rough days, bad times in relationships and even when ending a relationship. 

The COMILA formula is used mainly for persuading and influencing people.  This formula is helpful to people in their professions such as influencing an individual to want to learn, sales, education, management as well as for general inspiration.

Next in the list of helpful formulas is the LIFE checklist.  This is a checklist developed to help you know you are actually engaged in a hypnotic conversation.  The LIFE check list consists of four steps that will help you identify quickly and efficiently that hypnosis is underway.

Conversational hypnosis will also require you to master such techniques as “future memories” and “stacking realities”.  Future memories are memories you place in your hypnotized subject’s mind that have not taken place yet. 

The goal is that they will become memories as the subjects unconscious brings them to their conscious mind as events that have already happened.  The art in this is to make the future memory so compelling that the unconscious mind will want the memory to have happened and eventually follow your suggestion to make the memory a real instance that has happened in the past.

“Stacking realities” and “accidental trance identification” are other techniques that help hypnotists to slip past the resistance and interference within a subjects mind that prevent hypnosis. 

Advanced frame control will also be paramount to master.  This is the art of leading all your hypnotic interactions in the direction you desire.  Without this skill you will not be able to control the direction of conversation, hampering your goal of creating a more peaceful, happy, healthy mindset for your subjects.  All of these strategies, once mastered, will help you in the ease of your conversational hypnosis.

There are many exciting and great skills involved in becoming a successful conversational hypnotist, while this information may seem overwhelming at first it is just a taste of the powerful skills that you will enjoy perfecting as you assume your role as a hypnotist.

 Once mastered many of these skills will provide you with a life time of learning and development personally and professionally, as well as help you to change lives for the better.

To Find out more about this Read it Here 


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Power Of Your Subconscious Mind


By using self-hypnosis you can improve your life by reprogramming your subconscious mind.
To find out how you can improve your life visit: 

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The Power Of Giving.

The more we give the more we get”… what does this statement mean? Is it true that when I give money to other people I will get  more money in return?, well to see if it works you might want to try…and see the results, Maybe you will lose more than what you have given. Everything we see, understand and conceptualize are only half truths, and that’s why there are wars and conflicts everywhere, I can relate it to the analogy of two people looking on a vehicle Tyre and one says, that tyre is black..and another replies no that tyre is rubber…. So now let’s go back to the power of giving, the statement is always true, it doesn’t seem true only because you have understood it in your way…

There has been misunderstanding between the law of giving and receiving, the law works all the time, we just don't understand what we are really giving.

Intelligence and Energy Fields

This concept of intelligence existing “outside” the physical confines of the living organism has been hard for the scientific community to accept. But over the past 5-10 years, hard evidence has been produced which is having its effect on the scientific skeptics.


Dr. Karl Pribram
Dr. Karl Pribram, a prominent American brain surgeon, sees the brains neurons “outpicturing” the physical universe, similar to the holographic process. He suggests that our brains are exposed to the entire concept of the universe in the same way that any minute part of a hologram contains basically the same information as the whole.


British scientist, Jacob Boehm came up with the same Holographic Theory and had it published in a prominent scientific journal.


Morphogenetic Field


Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
But probably most amazing of all is the theory that British physicist Rupert Sheldrake has proffered. If his theory is proven correct, it will rival Charles Darwin’s Theory of evolution in its magnitude.

Basically he has proven repeatedly through laboratory controlled experiments that different species of animals appear to be “plugged” into a dedicated intelligence field which is universal to that particular species.

For example, when enough mice in a group have learned a maze, they ALL suddenly know the maze – whether they have run it or not!


It now appears, after a BBC television experiment, that if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes easier for all humans to learn it. Sheldrake calls this shared intelligence the morphogenetic field.

There is an interesting parable about his called the “100th monkey” relating to an apparent observation made on a remote Japanese Island.

100Th Monkey

A very bright female monkey on a small island was taught to wash sweet potatoes in the seawater. She then taught other members of the tribe to do this. When approximately 100 monkeys had learned this procedure, many other remote monkey tribes started washing potatoes in the same manner. But the interesting thing is that these other tribes were situated on other remote islands and also on the mainland. That is, they had no possible way of acquiring this knowledge, other by some form of intuitive universal “sharing”.


The BBC in London tried out Sheldrake’s Theory on 8 million of their viewers. They showed on prime time TV, a difficult puzzle that only a very small percentage of their viewers were able to solve. Then the correct answer was also given on prime time TV. Shortly after, the same experiment was repeated by a TV network in another country. A far higher percentage of these foreign viewers were able to get the puzzle right the first time. As the puzzle was in the form of a universal pictorial concept, language and customs were not considered to be a factor.


The BBC and Sheldrake concluded that as the correct answer was now existing within the human morphogenetic field then the human race now “knows” the answer. Basically Sheldrake’s Theory explains “intuitive” functioning to a degree.


What Sheldrake is saying is that there is a “larger” mind for each life-form and each individual life-form “programs” that larger mind. The theory might be laughable except for Sheldrake’s acceptance in the scientific community and also the BBC experiment.


Polygraph Test

Cleve Backster, instituted the Central Intelligence Agency's polygraph program in 1948
But probably the most startling (and easily repeatable) experiments came from Cleve Backster, a polygraph (lie detector) expert. Operating from his San Diego, Californian laboratory he found that plants react – at a distance – to human thought. He initially connected his polygraph equipment to a Dragon Plant to test for possible “plant stress”.


He decided to generate stress by burning the plants leaves and sure enough the polygraph machine registered a strong reaction. But he hadn’t actually burnt the leaves – he had only intended to do so!


He had thought about it with emotion and intent!


Skeptics who tried the same experiment without genuine intent couldn’t get it to work. Backster went a step further and totally shocked the scientific world. He scraped human cells from a volunteer’s mouth and connected these to his polygraph and medical EEG equipment. He found to his utter amazement that these cells reacted instantaneously to the donor’s emotions, even when they were geographically separated! White blood cells were found to be particularly susceptible to emotion. (This may explain for the first time why people with strong positive emotions have better health).


This intelligence field is the key to probably the most extraordinary part of the advanced mind power research of Jim Francis – his discoveries about our mental connection with the morphogenetic field.


And could explain how his exciting programs work, such as Subjective Communication – the ability to connect with other peoples minds through this field to create win/win situations…


and remote viewing, the ability to see people, objects and places in the past, present and future – by accessing this field…

and remote influencing, the ability to transfer emotions and heal people from a distance, through this field…


For nearly 10 years, Jim Francis and his team carried out 'world first' and leading edge research into advanced mind power. Discover some of their secrets for Free in the powerful ebook - Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution which includes the complete Dream programming technique revealed for free for the very first time - how to cure your mind and body while sleeping ...and a remote influencing exercise you can try. Collect your mind power gifts from the site


Real Mind Power Secrets 

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Albert Einstein's Words on Spirituality and Religion

Albert Einstein.

(The following quotes are taken from The Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press unless otherwise noted)


"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."


(The following is from Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer, Princeton University Press)"I'm not an atheist, and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations."


(The following is from The Quotable Einstein)"Thus I a deep religiosity, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this attitude which has never left me."


"I don't try to imagine a God; it suffices to stand in awe of the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it." 


"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own - a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."


"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that , compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of  human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."


". . . In spite of all this, I don't let a single opportunity pass unheeded, nor have I lost my sense of  humor. When God created the ass he gave him a thick skin." Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald W. Clark, Avon Books.


"Where dull-witted clansmen of our tribe were praying aloud, their faces turned to the wall, their bodies swaying to and fro. A pathetic sight of men with a past but without a future." (Regarding his visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, February 3, 1923)


"Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our 2,000 years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us."


"I appeal to all men and women, whether they be eminent or humble, to declare that they will refuse to give any further assistance to war or the preparation of war."


"It is my belief that the problem of bringing peace to the world on a supranational basis will be solved only by employing Gandhi's method on a larger scale."


The following is from Elsa Einstein, Albert Einstein's wife, regarding Einstein's development of the theory of general relativity. It's taken from the outstanding book Einstein and Religion by Max Jammer. It's originally taken from Charles Chaplin's autobiography.


The Doctor came down in his dressing gown as usual for breakfast but he hardly touched a thing. I thought something was wrong, so I asked what was troubling him. "Darling," he said, "I have a wonderful idea." And after drinking his coffee, he went to the piano and started playing. Now and again he would stop, making a few notes then repeat: "I've got  a wonderful idea, a marvelous idea!" I said: "Then for goodness' sake tell me what it is, don't keep me in suspense." He said: "It's difficult, I still have to work it out."


She told me he continued playing the piano and making notes for about half an hour, then went upstairs to his study, telling her that he did not wish to be disturbed, and remained there for two weeks. "Each day I sent him up his meals," she said, "and in the evening he would walk a little for exercise, then return to his work again. Eventually," she said, "he came down from his study looking very pale. "That's it," he told me, wearily putting two sheets of paper on the table. And that was his theory of relativity."

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Daily Affirmation

Daily Affirmation: "

'In the infinity of life where i am,

All is perfect, whole and complete.

I believe in a power far greater than I am

that flows through me every moment of every day.

I open myself to the wisdom within,

knowing that there is only One Intelligence

comes all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings,

all the new creations. I trust this Power and Intelligence,

knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me,

and whatever i need comes to me in the right time,

space and sequence. All is well in my World.'

~ You Can Heal Your Life , Louise L. Hay


Akashic Records

What are Akashic Records?

Accessing the book of life

 The akashic records are a universal filing system where every thought, emotion, action, and experience is recorded. The records are written on a substance called 'akasha' or soniferous ether. Akasha, combined with earth, water, metal, wood and fire represent the five human senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste.

Five elements

The akashic records can be accessed by reaching certain states of consciousness. Hypnosis can help you explore the akashic records. You don't have to be a psychic or have ESP in order to read the records. Anyone can read and learn from the akashic records.
The possibilities are endless. You can learn about everything that has ever happened in the history of the universe. You can hear any thought that has ever been conceived. You can feel any emotion that has ever been felt. Everything that has ever existed is at your finger tips.

Think of the akashic records as a super computer that has existed for millions of years, or since the creation of the universe. Everything that has ever occurred has been recorded. Every thought and emotion of every person in the universe is contained in the akashic records.
The akashic records are meant to be explored. You can learn so much about the past experiences and history of the earth and of the universe. You can explore past lives, learn about ancient relatives, and learn the truth about different events in history. The truth is written out clearly in the akashic records. They were meant to be read and you deserve to know all the various pieces of information.

The Akashic Records: The Legend

Ancient civilizations believed in Akasha

The information is non-judgmental and unbiased. For those who learn to read the akashic records, it is supposed act as a guide for the future. We can learn from the past and from others experiences. The history and acknowledgement of the existence of the akashic records has been around since ancient times. Ancient cultures believing in the akashic records include the Egyptians, Himalayans, Persians, Chinese, Greeks, Christians, and Mayans.

The use of the akashic records has been passed down through folklore and is mentioned several times in the bible. Rumor has always been that there is a celestial tablet that contains all information that has ever existed. It is often known as “The Book of Life.”

    “Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.”
--Alchemy and the Secret Doctrine

Edgar Cayce’s 

Edgar Cayce, called it the reservoir of heavenly memories.

Edgar Cayce is one of world’s most popular contemporary psychics. He is known best for his ability to produce answers for seemingly impossible or improbable questions, such as a person’s health condition or the location of mythic places.

Cayce is able to do this by going into a trance state (self-induced). He too believed in the existence of the Akashic Records and was able to use the Heavenly Library to carry out specific readings for people. He calls the Akashic Records the reservoir of heavenly memories.

Make Changes in Your Current Life with the Akashic Records.

Change your life!
The akashic records can give you insight on your past, present, and future. Having access to every thought, feeling, and experience is very powerful because it lets you work on recreating your experiences.
For example, if you feel that something is blocking you from being a success or if you have a fear of failure or fear of success, then you can access the akashic records to set your self free of the roadblocks that are in your way.
Let's say you keep finding yourself in a bad relationship. By looking at the akashic records you can find out why you continue to pick the wrong person in your life. You can let go of past experiences that keep enabling you in bad relationships.

Think of the akashic records as the book of answers. All you have to do is come up with the questions. If you ask the question, “Why?” in any situation, you can answer that question by reading the akashic records to see why.
The akashic records are THE source for everything. They are a trusted source for knowing the truth. If you want to find out what really happened, you can trust the akashic records because they are all-knowing.

Reading Akashic Records 

 Read Akashic Records, by master hypnotist Steve G. Jones is designed to teach you how to read the akashic records and give you the knowledge contained in the akashic records, You'll receive 4 audio modules that take you from A to Z in reading akashic records. And to ensure your success even further, Steve is going include a powerful hypnosis recording. You can find it here:

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A Guide To Feng Shui Art

Feng shui art is an application of the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui that aims to harmonize the energies in nature. It is a belief that is centered on the principle that the world resonates with positive and negative chi. This positive and negative energy is called the yin and the yang.  This energy as a whole is the Chi or most properly known as the ‘Chi energy. Feng shui art includes the use of objects with positive energy to negate the effects of the negative energy. These objects are placed to break the continuous flow of the negative energy in the home. This is believed to give you and your family a better fortune and a healthier life. To get the same benefits, here are some tips you can follow so that you can apply feng shui art in your home. You can use colors to convert negative energy to positive energy. Feng shui colors reflect the five elements namely Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood.
Read more about Feng shui

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Hierarchy Of Life

The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the case of hydrogen-1, which is the only stable nuclide with no neutrons). The electrons of an atom are bound to the nucleus by the electromagnetic force. Likewise, a group of atoms can remain bound to each other, forming a molecule. An atom containing an equal number of protons and electrons is electrically neutral, otherwise it has a positive or negative charge and is an ion. An atom is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus: the number of protons determines the chemical element, and the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element A molecule is defined as a group of at least two atoms in a definite arrangement held together by covalent chemical bonds.In the narrow use of the word, molecules are electrically neutral. Molecules are distinguished from polyatomic ions in this strict sense. However, in quantum physics, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, the term molecule is used less strictly and also is applied to molecular ions, charged organic molecules, and biomolecules. In cell biology, an organelle  is a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function, and is usually separately enclosed within its own lipid bilayer. The name organelle comes from the idea that these structures are to cells what an organ is to the body (hence the name organelle, the suffix -elle being a diminutive). Organelles are identified by microscopy, and can also be purified by cell fractionation. There are many types of organelles, particularly in eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes were once thought not to have organelles, but some examples have now been identified.

Holistic Lifestyle Coach On The Advantages Of South Beach Diet Phase 1

By Koya Webb

Are you hearing anything about the south beach diet phase 1? When you are known to regular health community forums or is a member of a dieting or wellness group, then you've likely heard of this before. The essential idea of the south beach diet is to maintain a healthy diet of regular food staples while using a developing kind of stages to help you phase out the cravings that your body encounters from an unhealthy diet plan. It has proven to be very productive in getting individuals to shed weight and keep it off. The following suggestions below will walk you through some of the benefits of the south beach diet and more particularly the initial phase of the diet.

The advantages of the south beach diet phase 1 are extraordinary. The best part of this phase is that it trains your system without you knowing it. The ins and outs is by practically tricking the body into having urges for healthy foods that will be good and on the other hand gets rid of some of the desires that are frequently related to a bad eating plan. Here is the key to long-term weight loss achievement. The south beach diet and especially phase 1 of the diet plan are actually really effective in this.

Phase #1: The part of the phase is obviously the food. The great thing relating to this diet opposed to others is that it's quite simple for many people to create the change from their previous diets. It is because the foods that are proposed throughout the south beach diet phase 1 are the foods that almost all people already love. Some foods that you should consume over the first phase include chicken, beef, fish, turkey, nuts, eggs, cheese, and vegetables. When it is also recommended to eat garden salad get only 100% olive oil as a dressing. The diet recommends that through this particular stage you need to eat three meals a day and completely quit having sugary foods or any other foods other than the recommendations set out by the first phase of the diet.

Perhaps the most essential component of this diet is the fact that you are gently starting to train your body to stop having craving for sweet foods and other unhealthy foods. Other diet programs generally trigger you to shed weight by denying the body of food. With the south beach diet phase 1 you're actually doing quite the contrary. During phase 1 you will eat three meals per day as well as a snack in between meals. This is crucial to the achievement associated with the diet. You could also have coffee and tea during this phase.

The big adjustments that you'll be creating during this phase is cutting out foods like potatoes, bread, rice, fruit, baked goods, candy, cookies, ice cream, and other foods that consist a high concentration of sugar. As long as you ensure that you follow the south beach diet phase 1 you're certain to be on the path to being successful and reach all of your weight loss goals.

About the Author:

Holistic Lifestyle Coach On 5 Tips For A Healthy Weight Loss

By Koya Webb

Perhaps you are one of those that feel that you need either drugs or some innovative and unique magic formula to help you reduce your unwanted weight. Well against your ideals you can actually shed the excess weight by just having a common sense technique. There are commonly five pointers that will be possible to adopt to attain your weight loss objectives. If you follow these tips you will notice that you will be able for you to lose the weight both instantly and easily.

1. Count Calories

This is the main stage of your whole entire weight loss program. Checking your calorie consumption and being aware of what you will be ingesting is a must have for your weight reduction. This results in a simple and healthy formula that you should follow. If you take in a lesser amount of calories and burn off more calories instead you will see your weight drop off. Now isn't that easy enough for you?

In addition , the more you consume food and the fewer you burn the excess calories the more weight you are going to put on. So the opposite of this would be if you take in fewer calories and burn off more calories you will shed the pounds. See the difference?

2. Watch your Portions

You must never ingest any chunk that is bigger than the palm of your hand. This allows you to take in a lot fewer calories and therefore shed pounds. This is a great golden rule for people that are interested in dropping a considerable amount of bodyweight. Portion size is an extremely vital element of your weight loss regime.

3. Eating the right foods

This is another primary element of a proper weight reduction plan for you. This means you need to make sure you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables because these will help you in increasing your metabolism. It will likewise provide help to burn calories faster while still having a proper weight loss. You also need to make sure that you are also consuming plenty of fiber and other roughage in order to shed the excess weight while at the same time maintaining your gastrointestinal system working correctly.

4. Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking lots of liquids, particularly drinking water, will help you lose the excess weight. Liquids are also filling and therefore will help you control your desire for food. Liquids can even help your system get flushed out and stay thoroughly clean. Water is among the greatest ways to do this. You need to consume 6-8 glasses a drinking water daily.

5. Stay healthy

Your entire body is going to require amino acids which include nuts, fish, and chicken among others. You have to try and stay with the healthier amino acids however such as chicken or seafood.

If you observe these five simple guidelines you will be well on your way to your weight reduction aims.

About the Author:

What Exactly Is Manifesting?

By Claire Skaysbrook

We have all heard many new age gurus tell us that life is what we make it. If most of us spent a few moments and thought about it, we heard those sentiments before. Perhaps it was our grandmother that was trying to encourage us when we were down and out. It may have even been a Jiminy Cricket as he sang when you wish upon a star.

At some point in our lives, we have all heard someone say that we are the masters of our own destiny. We can make our life just as we want it to be. It is within you to manifest abundance, only you can manifest abundance in your own life.

You need to face the fact that the reasons for your life being the way it is right now is due to your wanting it to be just as it is. Yes, all those dead end jobs, mounting bills and unhappy relationships were all your making all by yourself.

You have created the life you life and you need to realize this is true. You need to understand that you have the power to make the changes in your life. You can start right now to manifest an abundant life. You need to change the way you think to make it better.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you have. The way you think and what you think about creates the life you want. Do you realize that all of the thoughts that you have about how you are going to pay your bills has brought more bills into your life. Every moment that you spend worrying about money means that you are going to continue to have money problems. If you are focusing on all of the bad things that are happening in your relationship then that is all you are going to experience in your relationship.

The key to manifesting abundance will depend upon your positive thinking. You need to concentrate on the good things in your life. Waking up this morning and breathing on your own, having a roof over your head, something to eat and clothing to wear are all good things to concentrate on while creating abundance. You need to realize you are fortunate right now and then be thankful for all those good things. Being thankful for these things opens you up to manifesting more good and worthwhile things.

Do not blame others, since in reality it is the way you think and say is that which creates your current life. You may say that you want happiness, success and wealth; however, you must focus your thoughts and words on being happy, successful and wealthy.

You should try these experiments; they will show you that by changing the way you think you can change your life. Do not worry about the need for money, or even how you will pay the bills. Start doing this right this moment. Rather, you should think about how much money you do have and that you have the money to pay for anything you have in your life.

Think and believe that you have plenty of money. You have to consciously pay attention to your thoughts. You dont want to slip and let the old thoughts sneak in. If you want to manifest abundance, you have to think that you already have everything you want in your life.

Remember like attracts like. This means in order to draw more good things into your life, you need to focus on the good things you have. It is you who can improve your life, and have the life you want. You are the only one who can manifest abundance in your life right now.

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Holistic Lifestyle Coach: Advice For Weight Loss After Pregnancy

By Koya Webb

If you just had a child you are probably expecting to go back to your pre-pregnancy bodyweight almost instantly, right? All women do, yet they have difficulties to get rid of the extra fat they gained while having their infant. If you're just like several women, you have probably experimented with a number of distinctive supplements and put in lots of money on weight loss programs that don't work.

If you're eating meals that are rich in the fat content, you will not shed the excess weight. Furthermore, if you plan to relax around and be laid back, you'll not lose the weight also. You have to realize that a healthy diet and physical exercise are important element of any kind of pregnancy weight loss plan. You can find three tips that will get you well on the road to losing that pounds.

1. First of all, you must make sure that you're consuming plenty of water. You should consider drinking no less than 6-8 glasses of drinking water each day. The more you consume the more toxic compounds you will end up excreting from your system that will help with your weight loss. Also, having lots of water will allow you to feel satiated so you won't have many hunger cravings throughout the day.

2. Another excellent tip for shedding that pregnancy pounds is to be certain that you're ingesting a healthy breakfast each day. It is necessary to not miss this mealtime. This is the meal that will certainly make your metabolism motivated. When you are resting, your metabolic process decelerates, hence, you'll shed less body fat. When you eat a nutritious breakfast your metabolic process will awaken and begin to burn off fat from your body. Your morning meal should consist of dairy, grains, fruits, and lean meats. All of these are great metabolism starters.

3. When you're consuming the appropriate food, your body will be needing energy for it to use that food effectively. This will help you burn off the calories from the meals that has been digested already. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are great ways to have that energy moving and will help you get through your day. These kinds of food are necessary to any weight loss program and they must be included in yours.

Slimming down after pregnancy shouldn't just be a desire of yours. On average, a pregnant woman will acquire 20-30 pounds and it is important for your health that you lose at least 50 % of that after pregnancy.

If you stick to these simple tips in addition to a balanced eating and working out, you will be on the right path to losing those extra few pounds. Make sure that that you do not quit. You can do it.

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Do Celebrities Know The Cosmic Ordering Secrets?

By Janette Stretens

More and more, people are realizing the importance of the cosmic ordering service. All you need to do is to place your order with the universe and then get it! Many celebrities publicly put their success down to cosmic ordering.

Yes, there are lots of people out there who do get what they consciously desire, but what about the people who don't or who can't make it happen? Do the people who succeed know something that others don't? Do cosmic ordering services really exist?

Think about the last time you saw someone succeed or win big. If you were grumbling and unhappy, you were just placing your order with the cosmos! The emotions of envy and disdain at another person's success reinforces the belief that you will never be a success and that you will never get what you want. You are saying you always want to be poor and sad!

Consider going to dinner at a nice restaurant. What do you do if you see someone there with a lovely meal? You don't get angry about not having it, you just get excited and order it for yourself! You'd hope that they loved their dinner and you would be happy for themselves.

With that in mind, why not be happy at someone else's success? You'll find that you can take happiness in their success and understand that your own is just as sweet. Don't be angry or bitter or disappointed because that reinforces what you already have; you are essentially planning for failure.

Lots of religions tell us that prayer and thought can bring us anything we want, but they don't tell us there is a catch. Belief is something that needs to be a part of this equation. More and more scientists have found that if you apply the principals of quantum physics to belief, it comes out quite the same. Many tenets of religious dogma show up to be quite true indeed!

The truth is that the application of the application of the mind's power and energy can make it happen. This is honest, simple proof.

There are many things that block a person from achieving their dreams if they just use positive affirmations. Past beliefs negate all the phrases you say and eliminate most of the good that the affirmation creates. Some affirmations manage to stick, but it takes time if you allow the old beliefs to remain.

So what are the cosmic ordering secrets? You need to do a thorough housecleaning of your brain before you start any program to attain your life's desires. You need to start with a clean slate and realize it's okay to accept all the great wealth the Universe has to offer.

Various methods help you to clean out the old. Just like a vacuum sweeper is more effective than a small toothbrush to clean the carpet, so are newer scientific ways more effective in making your mind available to accept the new way of life you desire.

Look at self-hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and binaural frequency waves to help you move forward. These tools are great when it comes to helping you get the results that you want, and when you use them, you can understand your own subconscious a lot better. This will help you avoid sabotaging your own attempts at success.

Remember that we as people hate change. Your mind will fight to stay right where it is, and unless you are going to believe that you already have what you want, it will fight you tooth and nail. This is something the cosmic ordering system can help you avoid. It can even help you become less used to the state that you are in now, because it believes that you are different!

The cosmic ordering system can give you whatever it is you want. Pick out your order and then find a way to make it a reality!

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Holistic Lifestyle Coach: Inescapable Facts Regarding Arthritis Diets And Weight Loss

By Koya Webb

Are you among the thousands upon thousands of folks, who wake up every single morning, with every joint in your body radiating pain? Is arthritis pounding your butt, with pain, throughout your day? Do you miss being able to grab your grandkids due to arthritis pain?

If you responded yes, to any of the above questions, you need to read on to understand how arthritis diets and weight loss may help bring relief for your aching body.

This article is not meant as medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always having a physical illness you need to check with your own physician straight away. Now back to your information.

Arthritis diets come with an ultimate aim of helping your body in the administration of this degenerative condition. Your doctor will advise you, at the start of the diagnosis period of arthritis, about which foods should be avoided and which must be increased in the diet.

You, being an arthritis sufferer, must be willing to plan your meals regularly, but permit some kind of flexibility when dining out. Remember that swaying from the diet at times is ok, as long as it doesn't happen all too often. By doing this you'll be able to enjoy a normal life without a lot of limitations so far as your food intake is concerned.

Some foods that are known to help with arthritis symptoms consist of:

* Dairy foods for calcium - This consists of yogurt and milk and not so much chocolate and ice cream. Yogurt is likewise great for overall digestive health.

* Fruits and vegetables - These are appropriate for everyone whether or not you have arthritis, are overweight or not. But they may also assist you as they provide healthy energy, weight reduction and strong bones and muscles.

* Starchy foods - It has been observed that some starchy foods like potatoes may benefit arthritis symptoms

Along with the above diet tips, consider other adjustments to your lifestyle to assist in dealing with arthritis.

This includes slimming down (in case you are overweight). Perhaps the loss of a few pounds can help alleviate stress on your joints as well as other bones. Prior to executing a major weight loss, make sure and check with your doctor.

While you are verifying with your health professional, you need to inquire about increasing your calcium intake with supplements. Your obvious benefit will be stronger bones and joints. In addition, since you will be feeling better, have more energy and strength; you will become more active.

Being an arthritis sufferer and possibly overweight you can also find some relief and lose weight while carrying out gentle resistance weight training. Tests have shown that resistance weight training is good for the general health of the body. Don't worry! This does not mean it needs to be expensive or difficult.

You being an arthritis sufferer, must become knowledgeable regarding what's right for you. You know your body and your own mind. You know what you can do and not do. Therefore, you're the one, which can make the life changing judgements, such as weight loss and a healthy diet plan, required to alleviate the daily pain within your joints and bones.

Some of the things you have learned in this article will help make your life a little more comfortable. By eating the right foods, you won't just lessen your pain and suffering, you stand a good chance of losing those unwanted weight, if you wish to. Arthritis diets don't have to be restrictive. They are merely designed to help people cope with an illness which can so often become much worse if an ideal diet isn't carried out.

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How Life Coaches Can Find More Clients By Finding A Niche

By James Matterson

If you are at a networking conference and you will be asked over and over again what it is that you do. If you simply tell someone that you're a coach then you have not found your niche yet. If you tell someone that you're a "xxxx life coach" then you are more likely to find that you are something which makes people say "I need one of those" or "my friend needs one of those". As a result of this you will find that more work comes your way.

It is an important step for any life coach to find their niche. It is a trap that many life coaches fall into to not take this step and to try and appeal to too broad a range. Here are 4 reasons why it is important for a life coach to narrow their range and why it can result in getting more clients:

Life coaches looking for potential new business should have a marketing plan. If you try to reach out to too many people you can end up appealing to none of them and it is extremely important to try and build up a relationship with potential clients. When you have identified a specific group that you want to target and have worked out their specific needs you will be able to immediately attract this group to your services by tailoring your website and promotional material specifically for them. This will bring in more clients for you.

People are more likely to react after reading your website or promotional material if you can show yourself to be an expert in their particular problem. Trying to be an expert at everything just simply doesn't work and you end up spreading yourself too thin. You will find yourself having more success if you are able to tell people the specific area of life coaching you work in rather than just simply being a 'life coach'.

Once you have specified your target market, you can then take the steps necessary to find out where these people go and the websites they visit. This will help you to find out what these people are talking about which will help you to formulate solutions that are tailored to their specific problems. In addition, these solutions will involve solutions that people actually need, rather than your pre-conceived ideas about what they need. This will help you avoid a common coaching mistake.

When you have defined your niche it would also be advisable to do a bit of research to find out if the project will be viable. Marketing your services will be easy if you get this step right.

So there are many reasons to find your niche, and there are others not mentioned here. It would be a good idea if you are thinking about narrowing down to have a brainstorm and take some notes. Look at who you are trying to target now, and if you think you are trying to spread your net too wide perhaps it is time to think about narrowing down.

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Holistic Lifestyle Coach Advice: Lose Weight Quickly By Eating Your Breakfast

By Koya Webb

Research has proven that individuals who wake up each morning and eat breakfast weigh lower than people who consistently start their day without proper fuel for their bodies. If you want to shed weight quickly, then you must get into a proper routine. Get up, start off your day with a glass of water, and then have a nutritious breakfast before going out the door.

But how can you shed weight swiftly if you start to eat breakfast? You have probably been advised again and again that breakfast is the central meal of the day. Your folks as well as your school teachers were all indicating the reality. It is!

The word breakfast signifies "break the fast." While you sleep, you're fasting for a period of anywhere from seven to 10 hours. Once you wake, you need to give your system the required fuel. Think of it in comparison to a car. It will not run without fuel, right?

Your body is the same way. You need to nourish it and by simply so doing, it is possible to lose weight quickly. It will not only enable you to sustain a stable healthy weight, but eating breakfast additionally permits the body to feel full plus it stimulates proper metabolic purpose. All this is vital to starting up the day off right as it leads to providing you with the energy and mental ability you need to accomplish what you need to do in the run of a busy day.

Another significant point with regards to excess weight is the fact that those who eat breakfast consistently are much more unlikely to binge during the day, eat late at night or to snack on processed foods unnecessarily.

What makes a nutritious breakfast is the following question. So as to remember what to eat, you should think eat "1-2-3 energy." You're looking for a single helping of protein, two portions of fruit, and three helpings of grain. Excellent choices of protein consist of eggs, low-fat milk, peanut butter, yogurt and cheese.

Fruit helps to ensure that you begin your day with the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates which are required. Fruit also helps to prevent dehydration plus it stops bowel problems from setting in. Oatmeal is a wonderful breakfast food for those seeking to lose weight naturally. Oatmeal is a bulk dense food that decelerates the digestive system, thereby rendering it possible for an individual to feel fuller for a longer period of time. Oatmeal is also excellent for soaking up cholesterol inside the blood stream.

Fiber is also important as a way of losing weight quickly. Fiber should be an important part of breakfast. Fiber keeps the digestive system running smoothly and helps the bowels to do their job. Choose high fiber cereal and whole grain breads. Additionally it is better to select fresh fruit over juice. If fresh fruit is expensive, buy frozen fruit. Avoid processed fruit because these are packed with sugar. Whole wheat germ and flax meal can be spread over cereal, oatmeal or yogurt for an extra helping of fiber.

An excellent option for breakfast would be to eat two slices of whole fiber bread along with a tablespoon of peanut butter plus a glass of orange juice. On a day that you're in a rush, health can still be a priority. Choose a serving of high fiber cereal or oatmeal, a banana along with a glass of skim or one percent milk.

You need to look at your eating habits carefully. If breakfast isn't crucial to you, then it's time to readjust your goals, to help you lose weight quickly.

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Save My Relationship - Why Listening Is More Important Than Hearing

By Jessica Hamilton

"How to save my relationship" - have you ever pondered this question? Asking yourself whether you and your loved one both want to save your relationship is the first step. A lot of hard work is entailed in repairing a strained relationship and this fact remains the same if you are married or have a common law dwelling with your partner. As long as all parties involved are ready and willing to put in the difficult work and tackle the problem issues then most marriages can be salvaged. In the event that only one person is willing to do what it takes, getting back to a place of happiness in the marriage is seldom achieved.

Only staying to together because it's familiar or for the kids are not good foundations on which one should build a relationship. Figuring out if there is any future between the two parties is based largely on whether or not both of you are willing to commit to weeding through the issues. Steps must be taken to resolve the ongoing problems and it cannot be done by only one individual. Both parties must be willing.

Digging deeper into the problems of a marriage or relationship usually reveal that cheating is most times a symptom that occurs as a result of stronger unresolved issues between the couple. Starvation for closeness in a relationship is many times the catalyst that causes a person to go looking for intimacy elsewhere. It is normal in many relationships to be tempted to ignore an incident of cheating as a way to save the marriage. This is the total wrong way to go about trying to save your marriage because you are not dealing with the actual problem which is the lack of intimacy. Facing the truth though initially more painful saves a lot of long term hurt that is inevitable when the issues are not dealt with.

Asking yourself how to save your marriage is a normal thing. However, for best results each partner should ask this question of the other partner to find out exactly where their problems lie so they can attack it head on. The only way to get the sometimes painful but necessary truth from your partner is to shut up and listen to them explain their issues with you and the relationship on a whole. Not liking everything that is said in this open time of discussion usually tempts many couples to avoid this part of the process but it is crucial to healing. It is important to recognize that your partner is not saying these things with the intention of causing pain but usually to get stuff off their chest that has been eating at them for quite some time.

Getting an understanding of the real issues in the relationship goes a long way in determining if the relationship should be worked on to salvage it. Before you retire to bed at night it is a good practice to take time off to hear the issues each partner has to voice. When performing this task it is important to really listen to the issues being discussed and not simply hearing them.

Another important fact to understand is that when a marriage has issues and the decision to save it has been reached the road ahead is long and hard but possible. A roller coaster of emotions await you as one day you may feel like you've made vast improvements and the next day you feel like the reset button was hit and you are starting over again from step one. Sorry is a word that is used too much in many relationships. My advice to you is to use this word sparingly. Only use it when you mean it ans using it too often makes it lose its' meaning. Each and every relationship comes with good times and bad times. The trick is to work towards increasing the good times and reducing the bad times. Always keep each other in mind and your actions will make the question how I can save my marriage a thing of the past.

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Conversational Hypnosis - A Quick How To

By Nick Sadine

conversational hypnosis used to be for the elitists only - however now any businessman can use it's mystical powers.

You can talk your way through just about anything. Find new found respect from your friends and family. Instead of always having to chase after new business you can leverage off of your existing clients and continue to drive business. The success with this kind of training and program just won't happen over night, even if it all does seem to unreal. You legally take the knowledge and put it to practical use regardless of your background, your situation or past education experiences.

Conversational hypnosis allows you to create a rapport with perfect strangers very fast. Outside of telepathy, this is the closest way you will get to reading someone else's thoughts. You'll want an open mind when it comes to this new method. Milton Erickson, the father of conversational hypnosis, used to practice with his own patients in the 1950s.

Dr. In 1953 the American Medical Association wanted to put Dr. Erickson on the stand for a hearing and strip him of his license to practice medicine in New York. Milton came up with the brilliant idea of using his secret tactic on the president of the AMA. Dr. Milton Erickson was so sly and slick when using conversational hypnosis on the AMA president, that one year later the AMA flat out added it to the standard methods of treatment for patients in the US. The AMA decided to recognize hypnosis as an alternative method of treatment. Hypnosis didn't pose a threat to people's health. Mainstream America just still isn't even aware of this kind of covert power that anyone can utilize.

Conversational hypnosis involves conversing with people by developing rapport and establishing trust. It simply techniques that literally creates an amnesic effect on your potential target. Conversational hypnosis involves figuring out what the other person is thinking and then getting in line with that conversation. Once you do this you hijacked their minds. This couldn't be simpler with some practice. Conversational hypnosis definitely allows you to manipulate your world around you.

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The Facts And Fiction Of Astral Traveling

By Linden Cole

Astral traveling refers to the ability to set apart your astral self or your subtle within, from your organic body and to project it outside for the sake of traveling to higher realms of consciousness. Therefore we can say that it is a phenomenon where the soul departs from the body temporarily and goes to high astral planes, seeing his own body and the world from some distance.

Astral traveling is a very old phenomenon. The spiritual 'sanyasis' who resided in lonely mountain caves and belonged to old and spiritually advanced cultures of India ,Egypt and the like , were believed to go onto trances and go wherever they wanted.

Astral traveling as a phenomenon happens during a near death experience or during lucid reaming. In case of near death experiences such as road accidents or cases of drowning, many survivors give accounts of how they saw their own accident from a distance, as if in a movie.

It is also common for people to experience astral traveling during lucid dreams or meditation. Lucid dreaming is the practice of plunging into the world of dreams with a fully conscious state of mind. So, as soon as a person is conscious that he is dreaming, he is said to be lucid dreaming and thus he might experience astral traveling during such dreaming sessions.

Astral traveling is a difficult feat to achieve. A person needs to make meditation a part and parcel of his life in order to gain more control over his sub conscious mind. Necessary prearrangements are also important like arranging for a calm and peaceful dimly lit room without electronic equipment interference. Moreover abstain from having food that generate heat and increase the no. of thoughts and clear your mind from all negative thoughts.

One can achieve astral traveling by attaining a state of trance through meditation. You can imitate the REM sleep mode that is actually the last epoch of our sleep stage. Fast eye movement and intensive brain activity are its characteristics. The body should be relaxed and put to sleep, but the mind should be awake and focused. You can think of yourself floating out of the body or use a rope like structure to pull yourself out. You have to transmit all your body energy to enhance this vision to experience it like reality.

Talking about the issues, leaving your physical body constitutes the main problem in the first case where astral traveling is concerned. If you have even the smallest of doubts over yourself, it will not let you leave your physical body. You should have complete faith in yourself and truly believe that you are capable of attaining such a feat. If you repeatedly think and worry about your attempts, and whether your actions are going working or not, you will never attain your objective

The second problem arises when you have managed to leave your body and traveling outwards. You should remember that even the slightest of fears in the mind that whether you are going to get too far away or not, or weather you can return back, will cause yourself to be ' sucked in' into your physical being once again, and you'll wake up all of a sudden. Thus, the main thing is to be clam, fearless and peaceful and have faith and believe in yourself to enjoy and experience astral traveling.

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An Understanding Of 'Out Of Body'

By Michael Evans

An out-of-body experience (OBE) refers to an experience that involves a floating feeling outside of the body. In the year 1943, this term was introduced by G.N.M Tyrrell in his book Apparitions. This is characterized by subjective awareness from a vantage point outside of one's physical body.

At times this is linked with hypnagogic or hypnopompic dreams, near death experiences, mystical trances, etc. You can contrast OBE with both astral projection and dreaming.

In an OBE you necessitate the perception of one's own body from the outside which is not so in Astral projection. In a dream whether lucid or otherwise, there is a strong perception of being awake and conscious of the experience's reality which is again in contrast to OBE's.

With every out of body experience some aspects differ. Possibility of different types of OBE's with different causes and meanings is there. Let's take a look at different OBE cases where there were different things reported.

In many OBE cases the person reported either being asleep, or been asleep shortly before or on the verge of sleep. Many of these cases refer to circumstances where this sleep is not mainly deep. This could be due to various factors like illness, emotional stress, noises in other rooms, exhaustion from overworking, etc.

There are some other conditions associated with OBE's; situation 1 where people see themselves outside their body takes place all of a sudden and they realize this suddenly, they see their bodies almost by accident. Situation 2 - people experiencing OBE will themselves see their bodies outside or see them being pulled from their bodies. These kind of experiences are short may be for a minute or so.

There are some OBEs that end with a sensation of abruptly snapping or popping back into their bodies. There are some who experience religious epiphanies; some who experience anxiety and fearfulness; some who experience a universal feeling of love and peacefulness. There are also some people who experience simply the OBE itself and there is no straight spiritual experience.

There are mixed opinions regarding the OBE's objective reality given by people. There are those who have a belief that the incidence is exactly how it feels like and that the soul leaves the body to discover things.

With some people, those who have gone through surgery describe out of body experiences as something they could not possibly have witnessed whilst anesthesia effect.

Disapproval of OBE's cannot be done; nonetheless there is no solid evidence that anyone has really left their body. A thorough explanation has been given by many people whom they supposedly could not have made by any other means. Still the study of these observations to the satisfaction of the scientific community is not done. Either in the form of archetype or symbols, messages are received from out of body experiences or generally they may or may not be recognized at first. There is still a solid proof awaited for these experiences.

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A Psychic Test For Beginners

By Adrian Bonnie

People that have much more sensitive senses than others are often referred to as being psychic. They have very sensitive senses like their hearing, taste, touch, sight and smell. This allows them to experience things that the average person could not experience.

Psychics are able to touch an object or even enter a room with strong psychic vibrations and see events from the past, present and future or to commune with the dead. With a psychic test, everyone can learn how to develop their 5 senses and become more aware of and in tune with their psychic abilities.

A simple psychic test you can try is by using several decks of psychic cards. These cards might include colors, symbols, geometrical shapes, numbers, animals, or faces. To test your ability to predict the future, shuffle the cards then stack them in front of you. Touch the card on the top of the deck and focus on thinking about what the color, animal, or other figure on the card will be.

Take your time and really concentrate on the card. Do not rush yourself. Be sure to take it slow and let your mind relax completely. You may find that there are words and images that begin to flood your mind. These are clues as to what the top card will be. When you have decided on the description of the card, say it out loud and then turn the card over. You should practice this a few times and then begin keeping track of how many you get right or wrong. If you are able to identify over half of the cards without looking at them first then you probably have psychic abilities that are not developed yet but should be worked on.

If you are looking for a psychic test that will tell you if you can look into the past and give accurate accounts of things that have happened then you will need someone to assist you. You can try out your abilities on your friends and family members but if you know a lot about the person's past already then you may not be able to tell if you are giving real psychic results or if are just telling about what you already know. Your psychic intuition needs to be developed so you should use someone that you do not know that much about.

The ability to look directly into the subject's life and give them conclusions about themselves is called psychic intuition. It also has a lot to do with being able to predict events that are going to happen in the future. You might already have these feelings a lot of the time. Have you ever had a knock on the door and knew exactly who it was before you answered it? What about having a feeling that someone that you care about has been injured in some way and then got a phone call confirming the worst was true?

There is a psychic test that can be used to strengthen your intuition. The reading of psychic auras is a great place to start. The field of energy or the life force that each of us have surrounding us is considered to be the auras. It looks like an ethereal light. Psychics can tell about a person's personality, mood, and overall health just by looking at the colors in their aura. They can also sense the presence of an aura.

How many times have you stood beside someone in a line and just been able to feel their anger and frustration over having to wait? Or have you ever walked into a room after a fight and felt the negative energy in the air? If so, you have the ability to sense auras. To sense auras at any time, try physically holding the hand of the person receiving a reading and using soothing music during the session.

Find a seat that has a white wall and ask the person to sit in a chair with their back to the white wall. Sit directly in front of them and close your eyes. Listen to the music and let it sooth you into feeling the vibrations that are coming from the person that is in front of you. You should know that you will begin to feel the emotions that the person is feeling as you pick up on their vibrations. Let your eyes open after three or four minutes and see if you see their aura surrounding them. You should have neutral lighting in the room and maybe even some candles.

Look easily at the subject and do not stare very hard at them. You could cause eye strain and not be able to see the aura. Put all of your focus onto one particular spot on the subjects face. This could be their forehead if you wanted. Focus your gaze in on that one spot for a minimum of thirty seconds and do not shift your eyes from that spot. As you hold your gaze you should be able to see the aura that is surrounding them and should be able to see the colors.

Although you are giving a reading to the person, if you can get them to participate your results may be much better. They do not need to sit quietly while you are doing the reading. You should begin by asking them very simple questions such as what their first and last name is and what kind of things they are hoping to achieve from the reading. The answers will help you to understand the visions that will receive.

Through practice, dedication and belief in your abilities a psychic test can give you an accurate guidance into your current level of psychic ability. Use regularly to strengthen these abilities and unlock all your psychic powers.

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How To Practice Astral Projection

By Conran Beecham

Astral travel or other wise called astral projection is an out growth of out of body experience. It says human body is constituted of as astral body and physical body in which astral body can leave human body and it can travel while physical body remains dead. After its travel or floating and it will re enter to human body and resume earlier state.

It had been practiced among many religious practitioners and believers. Many of them get trained to practice this for spiritual purposes. Earlier it is known as Spiritual walking, a more religious term. It usually occur at the time of death, when soul leaving human body. When a body is in critical state, usually it does respond to any treatment because soul may leave body often and look down upon it floating above his head.

Being a beautiful art it has been practiced among various religious people and the techniques are introduced to practice it consciously when ever they desire to do. Later their followers gave up the practice of that wonderful art and gradually numbers of people who can do the art is reduced.

Historic evidences tell that ancient people had used astral projection for multiple purposes. Old cultures such as Indian, Chinese, African and Egyptian were highly concerned about heaven, hell and other out of universe concepts. They experienced all those stuffs projecting their spirits to the destination they want to know.

You can practice astral travel; it does not require an extra ordinary mind or personality. Learn to concentrate on your thoughts and control your mind, you can enjoy out of body experience. Before you start to practice out of body experience you need to set up a clear mind which strongly believes that your astral body can leave your physical body and your astral body can re enter to physical body after completed its travelling.

Once you have good mindset and focus, 50 % of the job has done. You need not to be worried about retaining of your soul back to your physical body. You have full control over your body and spirit while it wanders universe. Next step is concentration to attain the stage.

How to practice astral travel and enjoy out of body experience? Choose a place which can give you perfect calm and make sure that there is nothing to disturb you such sounds which distracts your concentration and deviate your attention. Better to close all light sources to your room. Lay flat on your bed looking up and lay your hands on both sides.

Make some visuals in mind and focus on them without much strain and manifest your mind to have clear definition of those pictures. Now, tell yourself that you are about to leave earth to heaven. Your anxiety may rise in this stage and you may start shivering your body that is a positive sign so that you need not to tend to leave the stage or give up the practice. Encourage your sub conscious mind and be ready to float in the atmosphere.

Now, you will feel like you have lost half of your body weight and travelling up heaven. Astral projection is done.

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