The Facts And Fiction Of Astral Traveling

By Linden Cole

Astral traveling refers to the ability to set apart your astral self or your subtle within, from your organic body and to project it outside for the sake of traveling to higher realms of consciousness. Therefore we can say that it is a phenomenon where the soul departs from the body temporarily and goes to high astral planes, seeing his own body and the world from some distance.

Astral traveling is a very old phenomenon. The spiritual 'sanyasis' who resided in lonely mountain caves and belonged to old and spiritually advanced cultures of India ,Egypt and the like , were believed to go onto trances and go wherever they wanted.

Astral traveling as a phenomenon happens during a near death experience or during lucid reaming. In case of near death experiences such as road accidents or cases of drowning, many survivors give accounts of how they saw their own accident from a distance, as if in a movie.

It is also common for people to experience astral traveling during lucid dreams or meditation. Lucid dreaming is the practice of plunging into the world of dreams with a fully conscious state of mind. So, as soon as a person is conscious that he is dreaming, he is said to be lucid dreaming and thus he might experience astral traveling during such dreaming sessions.

Astral traveling is a difficult feat to achieve. A person needs to make meditation a part and parcel of his life in order to gain more control over his sub conscious mind. Necessary prearrangements are also important like arranging for a calm and peaceful dimly lit room without electronic equipment interference. Moreover abstain from having food that generate heat and increase the no. of thoughts and clear your mind from all negative thoughts.

One can achieve astral traveling by attaining a state of trance through meditation. You can imitate the REM sleep mode that is actually the last epoch of our sleep stage. Fast eye movement and intensive brain activity are its characteristics. The body should be relaxed and put to sleep, but the mind should be awake and focused. You can think of yourself floating out of the body or use a rope like structure to pull yourself out. You have to transmit all your body energy to enhance this vision to experience it like reality.

Talking about the issues, leaving your physical body constitutes the main problem in the first case where astral traveling is concerned. If you have even the smallest of doubts over yourself, it will not let you leave your physical body. You should have complete faith in yourself and truly believe that you are capable of attaining such a feat. If you repeatedly think and worry about your attempts, and whether your actions are going working or not, you will never attain your objective

The second problem arises when you have managed to leave your body and traveling outwards. You should remember that even the slightest of fears in the mind that whether you are going to get too far away or not, or weather you can return back, will cause yourself to be ' sucked in' into your physical being once again, and you'll wake up all of a sudden. Thus, the main thing is to be clam, fearless and peaceful and have faith and believe in yourself to enjoy and experience astral traveling.

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