Remove All The Junk- Improve Your Self Confidence!

By S. Scott Matthews

Is your self confidence so low that you need a shovel to pick it up? You would really like to build your self confidence but you don't even know where to start.

You may not even be sure if the fears you are feeling are real.

Well there is no doubt that the fears that you are experiencing are real and not imaginary. However, it is up to you to take the action needed to overcome these fears. By taking positive steps to control or address your fears you will be taking the initial steps necessary to building your self confidence.

Where Do You Get the Lack of Self Confidence ?

Simple answer is your mind, more specifically your memory.

Stored away in your mind are the memories of failures that happened in your life. Also attached to these memories is the pain and embarrassment that went with them. So you are really the steward of the gate to your mind. What goes in and what comes out is really determined by you. People who have low self confidence are the ones who tend to dwell on the unpleasantness of their life. The are the pessimists who see life as a lost cause. So is all lost and there is no hope? Not at all but we are going to need to see a change if you're willing? Meet Mr./Ms. Self Confident!

The new you is only going to put positive and creative thoughts in your head. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much enhanced you're going to feel about yourself when you extinguish all negative thoughts.

communication With Other People.

Many times your want of self confidence comes from being intimidated by others either at work, school or other circumstances. Being gracious to others is always the sign of good character. However, it does not mean you have to be intimidated by them. Just like you, they are trying to survive in the world and they have the same wants and needs as do you. As you treat them with respect and courtesy, so you are entitled to just as much. So when you meet these people let them know that they just met a person who is courteous, respectful but most of all self confident. How Can You appear Self Confident? The new you is a person who greets people with a friendly handshake, does not mutter and looks you right in the eye.

The new you now dresses, walks and carries themselves with self-confidence. This is not an air of cockiness or haughtiness. It is a message to the world that "I am a rock in my world and stand ready to prove it".

It's significant to understand Yourself

It's time to rank yourself. What you can do it make a list of all your qualities with regards to your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on the major areas such as your knowledge, personality, ability to relate to others and your professional and personal relationships. You need to be honest but not brutal with yourself. The evaluation is to work on the areas that need betterment. You should be constructively critical of yourself but not harsh. Often people are too negative on themselves. The purpose of this evaluation is to really see yourself and the great things for which you can be thankful. work on the areas that need improvement and remember that your action is the greatest way to improve self-confidence.

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