Using The Law Of Attraction And Manifesting Abundance

By Sophie Jones

People frequently learn about the Law of Attraction due to financial hardships. Most people realize intuitively that something deep within us plays an important role in our financial situation. You might find it hard to accept, but whether it's good or bad, your financial condition is the result of the Law of Attraction.

You might find it amusing for anyone to think you would intentionally create a life full of financial struggle, particularly when so many factors like losing a job seem beyond your control. Abundance, however, is just an external manifestation of what's inside us. This is why so many people fail when they try to manipulate the Law of Attraction to improve their financial situation.

The Law of Attraction doesn't always work the way you want. You might wonder why, if it's truly a Universal Law. To begin with, you need to realize that the Law of Attraction is continuously in operation whether you know it or not, and whether you believe in it or not. In fact, it's one of the laws of the universe and it cannot be changed. Our difficulties lie in understanding and manipulating the Law of Attraction rather than in the Law operating differently from one occasion to the next.

Popular books and movies such as The Secret have recently created a great deal of interest in the Law of Attraction, but it is one of the mainstays of the universe and people have actually been aware of the Law for thousands of years. It is one of the underpinnings of a variety of philosophies and even some religions.

This means that the Law of Attraction should not be scoffed at as being a fad, and it shouldn't be abandoned if it doesn't appear to help you. If the Law of Attraction isn't working the way you want, it's because you don't yet truly understand the way it operates. For some people, it even seems to work backwards. For example, instead of their financial situation improving, these people might experience financial setbacks.

This is an important thing to remember when you're learning the way the Law of Attraction operates. You can't just manifest abundance by forcing yourself to focus on it and saying affirmations several times a day.

Vibrations and the fact that similar vibrations attract form the basis of the Law of Attraction. Even though you are saying affirmations daily, what emotions are you feeling? Are you emotionally depressed or feeling hopelessness? Are you feeling a bit desperate about your finances? When you feel that way the vibrations you emit relate to finances, but they revolve around despair. When the universe receives your vibrations it will send similar vibrations back, and those vibrations will result in increased despair and additional financial setbacks.

This situation can be a Catch-22 for many people. A Catch-22 is a dilemma where a person needs something, but can only get it by not wanting it. This might sound unattainable, but if you understand a few techniques related to the Law of Attraction it is possible to willfully use the Law to your advantage and turn your finances around.

First, you need to be truly aware of your emotions. It is your emotions that constantly emit vibrations to the universe. You know emotions can be almost impossible to control, so you should also realize that manipulating the Law of Attraction can be difficult. Our ancient ancestors worked hard at it during their training, and you will need to also.

However, knowing that fact and taking action on it will put you well ahead of most people when it comes to using the Law of Attraction to bring more abundance into your life. You cannot trick Universal Laws because it is not your conscious mind that sends out vibrations, it is your emotional heart.

This means whenever you're doing affirmations, you'll need to keep your emotions under control. Don't consciously do your affirmations at a time when you're fearful or depressed about your financial status. If you do, you'll only be creating vibrations that will ultimately worsen your financial condition.

Instead, work with the Law of Attraction when you're feeling hopeful. When these positive vibrations are combined with a conscious intent to manifest abundance, it's inevitable that the power of the universe will bring you positive financial returns.

The Law of Attraction is aptly named. It is one of the immutable Laws of the Universe. Learning the properties of this law is important to being able to skillfully use it. It is always in force. It is not something you can switch on and off or call upon when it is convenient. It is working twenty four hours a day to bring you circumstances and experiences that are a vibrational match for the emotional vibrations you emit. The areas of concern that occupy your mental plane, like finances, are where these events will manifest.

You can use the Law of Attraction to create abundance in your finances, but you need to do more than simply emit positive vibrations. You also need to keep your negative feelings away. A failure to do this will result in your positive and negative vibrations simply canceling each other out. You can do it, however; just remain positive and grateful for the gifts you already have. You'll have a powerful tool for manifesting abundance in your financial life if you remain sincerely grateful.

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