Steps To Experience Astral Travel

By Conran Beecham

Astral travel is a form of out of body experience, which says human body is constituted of both physical body and astral body. Astral body can leave human body for a while and it can re enter to physical body and regain the earlier state. Once it left physical body it will travel through sky and heaven.

Astral body theory has been practiced by religious practitioners and has long dates back to ancient Egypt and India that is called spiritual walking. Astral projection is not fully proved by modern science but it has some evidences to justify the phenomenon is true and possible. Astral travel happens while physical body is about to death but if you are practicing spending some time and patience, you can also feel benefits of knowledge perception unleashing your spirit.

People of ancient India, Egypt and Africa had been practiced out of body experience or astral travel. According to them soul is leaving body and travel through sky, heaven and hell. It is essential for purification of soul. They had practiced techniques to undergo astral projection consciously but unfortunately their successors gave up the way and abandoned practicing the wonderful art.

History stands with solid evidence that people f ancient cultures from India, China, Africa and Egypt had practiced the astral to projection to let their soul travels to astral planes. They believed this journey to sky and heaven.

You may also practice astral projection; you need not to have extraordinary skills to do so. Once you gained control over your both conscious and sub conscious minds and improve your concentration power, it is an easily achievable task. Calm and quite space is crucial for astral projection. Find out an ideal place for mediations that free from all external distraction diverts your mind. Spiritual or psychic activities do not occur in disturbed state of mind.

Once you created such a mind set your attempt is 50 percentages finished. Even your slightest fear about getting back to normal state will not allow your mind to go on astral travel. Next is your concentration on your task and constant practice to achieve to attain the state.

How to practice astral travel and enjoy out of body experience? Choose a place which can give you perfect calm and make sure that there is nothing to disturb you such sounds which distracts your concentration and deviate your attention. Better to close all light sources to your room. Lay flat on your bed looking up and lay your hands on both sides.

Make some visuals in mind and focus on them without much strain and manifest your mind to have clear definition of those pictures. Now, tell yourself that you are about to leave earth to heaven. Your anxiety may rise in this stage and you may start shivering your body that is a positive sign so that you need not to tend to leave the stage or give up the practice. Encourage your sub conscious mind and be ready to float in the atmosphere.

Now, you will feel like you have lost half of your body weight and travelling up heaven. Astral projection is done.

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