It Is No Fun Being Overweight

By Mike Allen

I was touched when I saw a television show about a person who was so obese that they could not get out of their own bed. I have not always been on the heavier side. During my younger years, I considered myself to be at a healthy weight for my age and height. Through the years, my body changed and the fatter I got, the more people would look at me in odd ways when I would eat out. I was ashamed when I would sit down to eat in front of others. Other people did not have to tell me what was healthy or not. The stares caused me to eat differently than I wanted.

Riding on the train to work was another cause for me to be embarrassed. As my trip continued, the number of open seats disappeared. There came a time where the only seat that was available was next to me and a parent suggested that their child take it. The little girl let everyone know that there was not enough room for the both of us. My face turned a thousand shades of red.

It was becoming more and more obvious that I had a problem and could not keep denying it. My body was disgusting. I could not solve the problem by focusing on the way that I feel about being fat. The only person who caused me to have a weight problem was staring me in the mirror. I had to stop worrying about the injustices and discrimination I faced as a fat person and take control of my life by taking control of my weight first and foremost. Yes my feelings have been hurt on many occasions by people calling me names and giving me looks, but those uncomfortable situations never pushed me enough to set me in motion to do something about I, but I had to get my confidence up to where I could believe in myself and also exercise some type of self-discipline to know that I had to find some way to learn how to lose weight fast, and there was no time like the present.

I had read all of the articles about how being obese shortened my life. It is normal for people to think about what other people are saying about the way they look. People look over their shoulders and listening to what is being said behind their back. It is not easy to continually ignore the comments of others and put on a happy face for the world. The key is to take what people are saying and use it for good. Make it the reason that you decide to do something and although that does not necessarily mean by following a regimen that will show you how to lose weight fast at home in a week, it does mean changing your lifestyle enough to start to chip away at the excess weight that you are carrying and get yourself to a healthier weight.

Getting fit and trim is a slow process. Somehow, I have been able to dedicate myself to a fitness regimen. My motivation to lose weight came from all of the stares of people around me. Instead of following a fad diet, I am making healthy choices. I have decided that I will no longer be embossed by the stares of strangers.\What other people have to say about me was no longer going to be important to me. It is all about me and not what other people think about me. I will benefit from a fit and trim body. That is what is important.

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