What Are Psychic Clairvoyants?

By Aileen Courts

A person having the gift of sixth sense, who is able to perceive things from the environment which is otherwise hidden or are not perceptible by other human beings through the usual sense organs, is known as a psychic. A clairvoyant on the other hand is someone who has the special ability to 'see' things which are hidden or are happening far away. Thus, a psychic clairvoyant can be termed as that type of a psychic who can clearly see certain things which other people cannot.

Thus, it can be said that psychic clairvoyants are a subset of the psychic community as a whole since there exists various other psychic abilities apart from clairvoyance. However, it is one of the most common of such abilities seen to exist in this world. Common examples of experiences faced by a psychic clairvoyant involves phenomenon like having a vision of a natural disaster occurring far away, being able to see loved ones, being able to see spirits or other things which are not visible to the naked eye. Since a psychic clairvoyant has the gift of special sight, it is linked to many other psychic abilities as well.

If you are a psychic who has the special ability to know about the future, you may be said to have the psychic power of precognition. Thus you would be able to predict future events accurately. Now consider for a moment that you acquire such knowledge during a dream or through a vision. In that case since you have the special ability to 'see', you might as well be termed a psychic clairvoyant.

Secondly, suppose you have the psychic ability to communicate with the spirits or souls of dead men and you involve yourself in channeling or mediumship. Now, it may happen that you can hear them or maybe a turntable is used for writing purposes. But in case you 'see' the spirits or any form thereof, you will be regarded as a psychic clairvoyant since you are being able to see something that is otherwise not visible to others.

Thirdly, for someone involved in aura reading he has to be a psychic clairvoyant. Aura reading involves perceiving the aura or the energy emanating from another person. The individual most of the time sees this aura in different vivid colours giving him an idea about the type of energy the second person is emanating.

Moreover, taking the case of lucid dreaming, a certain amount of clairvoyance or clear viewing abilities is much required. A lucid dreamer can safely be said to be a psychic clairvoyant since he lets his body rest and thereafter passes into the realm of dreams completely wakeful and aware of himself, watching his own dreams and sometimes even manipulating them to watch or experience whatever his mind wishes to.

Lastly, in case of astral projection which refers to the ability of projecting yourself from your physical body to that of another astral plane or another realm of consciousness, involves a lot of visualization in the first place. Thereafter, after it is attained, your astral body travels to another plane and watches your own body and the world from a distance. So this can also be another kind of psychic clairvoyance.

The best way to develop one's clairvoyant abilities is by regular meditation. Meditation calms the mind, and makes the individual acquainted with his own subconscious. Through meditation a psychic or for that matter anybody can develop focusing and concentrating skills, thereby developing the ability to visualize clearly.

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