Secrets To Building Financial Wealth Your Way

By Scott Matthews

Is Your Mind Okay With Building Financial Wealth?

You might wonder what does my mind have to do with building financial wealth? Doesn't somebody just give me a quick secret way to make a pile of money? No because first and foremost, the key issue to building financial wealth is establishing if your mind or more specifically you, retain an inner fear about attracting money. You should know that money by itself has imposed a greater fear on most people than any other type of fear. Until you can learn how to control this money fear you can't possibly start building financial wealth.

Why Is There Fear in Making Money?

You can rely that the fear about money that people have is quite real. In the existing economic recession you hear about the lack of consumer confidence even among those who have jobs. So why all the fear? It is because of the unknown and therefore they choose to do nothing but wait to see what occurs. Most just follow the "crowd psychology" in that if everyone thinks so it must be right. Fear is the main cause for people not building financial wealth. People wish they had wealth but they can't overcome their fear in order to go chase it. They make up all kind of excuses or reasons for not taking action. That is the real difference between being rich or poor, taking action. SO, DITCH YOUR FEAR! What you should really be fearful of is not taking an active role in building your wealth today! So stop thinking something bad is going to occur concerning money, it usually won't. This shouldn't be taken to mean be foolish about money but learn to take a sensible approach.

Getting Started Building Financial Wealth.

So you have now started taking an active role in accumulating wealth by eliminating your money fears. Take all you have learned about money and wealth and throw it out the window. Unless you learned your money information from a true "guru" you definitely know accrued their own material wealth, you probably got your information from people who don't have any. Next, you will have to purge your mind and subconscious mind of all the negative thoughts that are stored in there about money fears. You then start building your positive thoughts and look for the massive wealth opportunities that are available for you to accumulate wealth. Just always recall to be active when building wealth. You can't do it sitting on your couch.

Who Do You imagine You Are?

You should see yourself as a person of importance, with confidence, integrity and knowledge. If you are sadly missing one of these components, you are leaving big money on the table. So if you have gaps to fill get busy. Remember no excuses like the rest of the crowd. Find courses, read books, alter your personality, change the way you dress and talk and especially how others see you. Once you find your golden opportunity, niche, or market then you have to work to position yourself as the "go to" person in this field. You have to self promote your company name or your name as an expert. You can discover a lot of information on how to become the expert in a chosen field. This is not referring to a licensed individual but a self designated expert in the particular market you are going to rule. One definition of an expert is "someone who has made more mistakes than anyone else in this chosen field."

present Value to Your Customer And Ask What They Thought.

Give your customers more value than they thought they were going to get from you. Think of the impression you'll make when they get not only your exceptional service or product but also an added bonus. It could be information about additional uses for the product or service they just purchased. Or a coupon for a discount towards future purchases. Just use your imagination. Always express your appreciation and ask for their comments and recommendations about your company. What you are working on here is the real answer for building your financial wealth, keeping your customers close to you. Don't just sell something to the customer and then walk away. construct your customer relationships by sending important emails to them about your company promotions or information, have company coupons or business promotions sent to their mobile cell phones. Be a unblushing marketer who realizes that the real building of financial wealth lies in the best asset of all, your customer.

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How To Have Lucid Dreams

By John H Kelvin

The condition of rest where your body sleeps but your mind is wakeful enough to know that you are dreaming is known as lucid dreams. Thus, it involves a person being aware that he is dreaming and involves him having full control of themselves during this time.

Thus, if you have the power to control your dreams, chances are that since childhood you have visited may places in the world, gone for strange adventures, had gala times with celebrities, acted as a hero to larger than life sci-fi events to save the world, so on and so forth. In short you have made all wishes of yours come true in your dreams.

Thus, when we come to think of it, don't you think that it is greater than any kind of computer games or play station games that we can ever come across? The mere fact that you know you are dreaming lets you do whatever you want to and live that experience knowing fully well that nothing can ever harm you or effect you in reality. You just have the time of your life while you dream and then go back to your normal life after waking up.

The two things that the lucidity of a lucid dream depends upon are those of the dream recall factor and the control factor. That is, the more you can recall the dream and the more you have control over it, the more your dream is said to have been lucid.

Lucid Dreams have been existent and something which people experienced since the early days. Records of monks undergoing dream yoga, even letters bearing experiences of such a dreaming experiences suggests that though the full fledged and focus study regarding this has been initiated quite recently.

The two types of lucid dreams can be stated to be those of the DILD and WILD denoting the 'Dream initiated Lucid Dream' or 'Wake initiated Lucid Dream' respectively. The DILD is more common and it is when you sleep and normally dream and thereafter know or realize that it is a dream. Moreover, this is pretty common in many people occurring in very less intensity. But in full light, it means that you dream first and then you come to know that it's only a dream.

WILD or Wake initiated Lucid Dream is when an individual only lets his body sleep having his mind in complete wakeful state. That is he passes from the wakefulness to the dream realm being completely aware and in control of themselves. A rare experience and an extremely difficult skill to develop, this involves people experiences loud noises, rough vibrations even distinct feelings of passing from one matter to another during highly intense WILD experiences.

Needless to say that WILD involves complete awareness and knowledge during the transition from wakeful to the dream state and involves the ability to manipulate and change the dream. Hence, this kind of an ability is extremely difficult to develop and involves thorough practicing of various techniques and gradually building up the strength over time in comparison to the DILD where it can be done comparatively easily by subconscious mind affirmations mainly.

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Prepare To Lucid Dream

By Jennifer Monroe

Dreams are lovable to every one, because for most, it is a retreat from the pressure and distress to a wonderful imaginary world. Every one loves to have the hallucination of dream right? Make yourself aware of you are dream even though you are in the middle of your sleep. How about the idea? Don't be confused, you can make you dream in to lucid dream and can enjoy the wonderful world of dreaming. You can even gain control over your dream. The person in this condition is called lucid. Experienced people claim that its joy is marvelous than any hallucination. Practice the lucid dreaming through some techniques and start to squeeze in the wonderful world of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is a skill and you can gain it through regular practice and constant effort. Lucidity has different stages which extends from it's initial stage in which you can aware of your dream while it occur and it's extreme stage in which the dreamer can be well aware of it and control the dream while it takes place.

You need to go through some steps which are highly disciplined. Only a sincere effort can achieve the dream of dreaming lucidly. Buy a diary or note book, which is meant to put down your experience in dream after recollecting it. Put the note book in accessible distance so that it helps you to scribble out your recollection after every dream. You may not dream every night but it occurs usually. Read the notes every day before you are going to bed. Some time you may feel the resemblance between the different dreams. Once you practice this method well that will significant changes in your recollecting skill.

The very next step to gain control over your dream is, you should be able to focus the wordings that you see in dreaming. We often fail to read the letters we watch in dream is because of our rapid eye movement. To gain to focus on letters you have a small exercise.

Make yourself dreamy while you are awake. How? Confuse you mind asking the question are you awake or asleep? By asking theses questions frequently you can turn your mind to genuine confusion. In that condition you try to read some letters that you see immediately before you. That will help you to attain the ability to focus on letters that you see in your dream.

Schedule an alarm clock to ring at two hours before you usually awakening. Dreams are usually occur in the morning and there is a general belief that morning dreams are most realistic. When the clock rings at the scheduled time switch off the alarm soon. That will slightly disturb you sleep and you can easily come back to your sleep and same time try to recall the dream that you had and resume the rest.

When you get slightly back to sleep try to recollect your dream it will help you to recollect and as well as resume it. Practice this method every day and that will help you to improve your memorizing skills and as well as to gain control over your dream.

Every night before you back to the silence of sleep take your note book and read it with very consciously and carve each of it in your mind. Convince your mind your strong passion to visualize what you wish. Continue the same every day. You will slightly get awareness and control over your dream.

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Making The Laws Of Attraction Work

By Olivia Jenkins

The Laws of Attraction is all about the power of your thoughts over chance. Thus, it stands in direct contrast to what we have forever been taught and made to believe since our childhood. All these years we have learnt that one can only make his/her dreams come true with handwork, struggle and luck. But what if someone told you that it can be possible by the sheer strength of your belief? The power of your mind? That you can become the best painter if you truly believe that you are becoming the best painter?

In simple words, the Laws of Attraction states that if you want something to happen in your life, believe that it is actually coming your way, have faith in that belief and constantly visualize yourself achieving that aim so that the positive energy and the power of your thought will attract and result in the manifestation of your dream into reality.

You might have a lot of questions hovering in your mind right now, like 'how long does it take for the laws of attraction to work' or 'what exactly do I need to do so that the law works for me', etc. In the first case, remember that the time you will take to manifest your dreams into reality depends on the strength of your belief and the energy you generate with your feelings and emotions while believing in it.

If you can put all negative thoughts out of your mind and focus entirely on your want and truly believe in its manifesting itself, then it will happen more quickly. Coming now to the first question of how exactly may this law be put to use, an individual can follow a three step approach. This involves asking the universe for something, believing that it would happen and then receiving it when it actually does so.

The process of the Laws of Attraction starts when you ask the universe for something, the sole aim of your life. It may be to make you the richest man on earth, to make you famous in the line of work that you do or make you happy in a relationship. Whatever might it be, ask the universe to make it happen. Once you have given your command, believe that it will be given to you. This is the most crucial and hence the most difficult stage. Visualize a picture of yourself after attainment of your aim and strongly believe that it will be happening soon. There cannot be even a slightest shadow of doubt in your mind. Only if you can strongly believe in the occurrence of it, will your dream actually occur in reality.

The universe sends signals that you are on the right track and that your dreams are getting closer to manifesting themselves. Hence, look out for these signs from the cosmos and receive your self made destiny with open arms when it finally comes.

Remember that there is infinite strength in human minds. Positive energy or the power of thought can do miracles only if exercised with determination. The truth is that your thoughts attract energies and create your destiny. The more negative thoughts you have, the more negative energies will you attract in your life.

The power of positivity in your thoughts along with the power of the feelings and emotions of your visualization of your self will go on to create the energy which will attract the event to you and create your destiny as you want it to be.

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Increase Your Own Productivity By Investing In Your Personal Development

By Gina Grigg

Owning a business can be very challenging for anyone. You may constantly be bombarded with difficult tasks and many of them could be extremely time consuming. This, unfortunately, can lead to feelings of incompetence or inadequacy. The main reason for feeling this way is or having difficulty completing your tasks is you may not be investing enough time in your personal development.

There is a strong correlation between personal development and your own productivity. Most people who have no plan for self-improvement in their lives often find themselves torn between the belief that they can get the job done well or they will not be able to handle all that it involves. In turn, these feelings will lead to low quality results or procrastination.

By making a list of your strengths and your weaknesses, you will be able to better evaluate what areas of yourself that need to be worked on. Schedule one hour a day for you to spend on improving your weaknesses. This one hour a day should not be thought of as time away from your business, but as another strategy for you to improve your business.

The hour your take for self-improvement should be spent by listening to audio tapes, taking an Internet class, or reading books on how to improve yourself. However, before you invest in any of these things, confirm they have been written, produced, or taught by an actual expert in that particular topic. Because this industry is so large, you will be guaranteed to find them in the topic you are hoping to improve on.

Feelings of inadequacy and inefficiency can lead to very low productivity. It does not really matter that you own your own business, as these feelings can be difficult to deal with. However, if you take the time and work on your own personal development, you will find that your productivity increases, as well as your income.

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Share Your Spiritual Joy With Christian Personal Checks

By Alan Plastin

Are you bored with your dull and boring personal checks? Are you Christian and swollen with pride? Your finances don't have to be lackluster. As a matter of fact, they can even be motivating!

Personal checks pass through many hands on their way to the bank and during their processing so why not make sure that everyone that touches them receives an inspirational message and image in the process? This can be achieved with Christian checks.

Regular check transactions can be twisted into an occasion to share your devotion with others. You can make a testimonial for Christ with nationally celebrated Christian artists when it comes to photographic and wonderfully illustrated images on your bank checks. Aside from being more appealing than otherwise boring and uninteresting checks, these are also moving. In addition, there is an assortment of check series to pick from.

You can get Jesus personal checks; for instance, with elegant images of Christ, or you can come across images of grandiose scenery with motivating messages. If those aren't your style then you might like checks with images of dignified country churches. Angels are always popular images, of course, when it comes to Christian items and you can find several check series that have images of angels.

If you encompass a zeal for prayer then you might enjoy the prayer checks which include images of a praying family, Jesus and innocent praying children. There are even a number of patriotic Christian themed check designs, too.

Whether you like photographs, illustrations, or even plain checks with inspiring messages, you will almost certainly find something that appeals to you and your faith in Christ. Your finances will never be the same again and everyone will remember these checks when you hand them one.

It doesn't matter which check series you pick, your checks will give the world an indication of your individual relationship with Christ. You can also communicate your faith in a inimitable way every time you pay a bill or purchase something.

Each time you write a check you can catch a glimpse of a biblical scripture, a heavenly illustration or an inspirational image that will remind you of your faith.

You can also discover corresponding accessories such as leather checkbook covers and address labels to go along with your checks as well. These make attractive matching coordinates with your checks.

Remember that when you get your Christian checks online from a highly regarded website you can save. In fact, you can save as much as 50% off your checks.

Checks don't have to be bare and dull. By handing people Christian checks you will be communicating your faith in a way that is understated. This is a brilliant conversation starter and you never know where it might end up. Any commonplace check transaction can be turned into a good opportunity to share your convictions.

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Attempting A Psychic Test

By Peter Jordan

There are many things in this universe which cannot be explained, the reasons behind which cannot be fathomed with the general understanding of the world. The human race has always been a special one different from that of other species. And still there are special ones amongst this race itself who have the power of the sixth sense, a sense which remains undeveloped in the remaining majority. People possesses powers such as predicting the future, tuning in to other people's thoughts, seeing or hearing a loved one from thousands of miles away, seeing the souls of people who lived in the past, etc. Many suffer from the confusion regarding whether they possess any true powers or whether these are cases of coincidences or mental problems. Psychic tests can be used to answer all these questions of the mind.

The term psychic power denotes the special ability to perceive things which are otherwise hidden from, and are not perceptible through the five senses of hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch. Psychic testing on the other hand refers to using methods or techniques in order to test one's psychic powers. The function of psychic tests can be twofold - testing existence or testing intensity. Firstly, if a person is experiencing strange psychic premonitions his/her life and wants to find out whether he/she posses any psychic powers, testing is a good way to have the answer. Moreover, testing can also be done for assessing the strength or level of psychic power by people who already have knowledge about their own abilities.

Psychic test can be undertaken in two ways. You can take it online or in a clinic. One can get thousands of different types of such tests with the click of one's mouse. The challenge lies in selecting and choosing the right one for yourself from an authentic source which would give you accurate results. The advantage of this is that you can take the test from the comfort of your home.

Psychic testing can be undertaken in two settings. The first being in the comfort of your home. For this, you can download or take print outs from the numerous psychic tests available online. Search on the basis of the phenomenon that you are experiencing and thereafter download a well selected test from a good source. Online tests are best in case of identifying whether one has actual psychic powers. The second setting is that of an educational or medical institute undertaking research in this area. Though a clinical environment may be intimidating, but the test standard is of higher quality leading to more accurate results.

Telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance are said to be the three most common psychic powers experienced in the world. Telepathy refers to the special ability to read another person's thoughts and even injecting your own thoughts into it at advanced stages. Precognition on the hand refers to the ability to foresee future events and predicting the same with accuracy. Lastly clairvoyance involves seeing things that are otherwise hidden or are far away.

One of the most popular psychic tests available online or otherwise is that of the Zener Cards. Developed by Karl Zener and Dr. Rhine, these cards have symbols drawn on them which an individual has to guess one after the other till the deck of cards is finished.

This test and its scoring is based on the algorithms created by Dr. Rhine and Karl Zener which then categorizes the person to be having psychic abilities to the extent of 'no ability', 'some ability', 'significant ability' and 'very significant ability'. This test is a very popular and is used to identify real psychic powers from the occasions of coincidences or good guesses. Apart from this, self initiated psychic tests can be undertaken like trying to predict the outcome of a game, next singer on the radio, concentrating and trying to hear or know what the person next to you is thinking about.

Always remember that if you find yourself to be a psychic gifted with such powers, be thankful and never think of it as a curse. Try and test your powers more, developing it in the process so that you can be of help to your fellow human beings.

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How To Find Out If You Are A Reincarnation

By Julie Sommerville

Most religions believe in reincarnation in some form. It is a standard belief because so many people have the nagging suspicion that they have lived more than one life. When you die, your soul does not die, too, nor does it just go directly to an after life. Most of the world's population believes that your soul will enter a new body and start all over again.

The reason why people feel this is because of flashbacks one can experience to situations they know they could not have possibly experienced in their current life. Some people have very strong affinities or ties to certain trades, fashions, music, architecture, or whole decades in general that they have never seen and have no reason to like so much. If this describes a certain way you feel, perhaps you were reincarnated.

If it does, then you should visit some web sites. They can help you and lead you to discover your true self. It has many tips to figure out why you have the preferences and affinities you do. Some of these tools and resources it will lead you to are therapy and hypnosis. Some times people who have extremely strong ties can be able to remember things just through personal meditation.

Some people think the past is best left alone, or some things are better left unexplained. But why would you want to ignore a chance to know yourself better? You could discover a whole range of skills you had never considered you had before. It could explain why you behave the way you do or why certain things upset you. Some have even gotten over phobias by learning that the thing they are afraid of now was what killed them in a past life.

Understanding yourself better can help you overcome many obstacles, too. Perhaps once you understand why you possess the strengths and weaknesses that you do, you can get over certain things and lead a more successful life. You can never understand yourself too well.

Your relationships can also be decoded for you. Often times people who are close to you in this life are close because they also have reincarnated souls. They may have held a close relationship to you in a past life, too. The relationship may have been slightly different, but it could explain this one. If you and your father have always been more like friends than relatives, perhaps it is because he was your best friend in a former time.

There are many different theories about why the soul may do this. A common belief in Hindu sects is that the soul is imperfect and needs many live to gain perfection. After you have lived so many times, you will have learned all there is to know and have mastered every skill there is to master. Once your soul is perfect and you die for the last time, your soul can finally go to an after life, which itself is a place of perfection.

For this reason you should investigate more about your past. You can then figure out how many lives you have lived and what things you have learned during them. You can track your soul and see if this life might be your last one.

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Attempting A Psychic Test

By Adrian Bonnie

People that have much more sensitive senses than others are often referred to as being psychic. They have very sensitive senses like their hearing, taste, touch, sight and smell. This allows them to experience things that the average person could not experience.

Psychics are able to touch an object or even enter a room with strong psychic vibrations and see events from the past, present and future or to commune with the dead. With a psychic test, everyone can learn how to develop their 5 senses and become more aware of and in tune with their psychic abilities.

A simple psychic test you can try is by using several decks of psychic cards. These cards might include colors, symbols, geometrical shapes, numbers, animals, or faces. To test your ability to predict the future, shuffle the cards then stack them in front of you. Touch the card on the top of the deck and focus on thinking about what the color, animal, or other figure on the card will be.

Do not rush yourself into making a decision about the card. Take deep breaths and take it very slow. Put your mind into a relaxed state. You will find that words and maybe even images begin to float around in your mind. These should work as clues that will help you make your guess. Once you have decided on the answer, speak it out loud and then turn the top card over. You should give yourself a few practice tries before you begin to track your results. Once you have gotten to a place that you can guess over half of the cards correctly you will know that you are on the way to a great psychic ability.

For a simple psychic test that gives you an accurate idea of your ability to correctly see events from the past, you need an assistant. Try giving free readings to family and friends, this method works best if you don't already know a lot about the past of the individual you are giving a reading too. But for this method to give accurate results, you need to develop your psychic intuition.

Being able to instantly look at a person and form conclusions that are accurate and that pertain to their life is the definition of psychic intuition. It can also mean that you are able to tell about things that will happen in the future. You probably have experiences like this quite often. Has your door bell ringed or someone knocked on the door and you already knew who was there even before you answered it? You may have had a feeling overcome you that something was wrong and then gotten a phone call that confirmed your feelings.

Reading a person's psychic aura is a great way to begin to develop your intuition. An aura is a field of energy or a life force that surrounds every person and looks like an ethereal light. A person's health, their mood, and even their personality can be easily detected by their aura. Someone with psychic abilities can feel and see the auras that surround a person.

How many times have you stood beside someone in a line and just been able to feel their anger and frustration over having to wait? Or have you ever walked into a room after a fight and felt the negative energy in the air? If so, you have the ability to sense auras. To sense auras at any time, try physically holding the hand of the person receiving a reading and using soothing music during the session.

Find a seat that has a white wall and ask the person to sit in a chair with their back to the white wall. Sit directly in front of them and close your eyes. Listen to the music and let it sooth you into feeling the vibrations that are coming from the person that is in front of you. You should know that you will begin to feel the emotions that the person is feeling as you pick up on their vibrations. Let your eyes open after three or four minutes and see if you see their aura surrounding them. You should have neutral lighting in the room and maybe even some candles.

Hold you gaze on a particular point on their face, like maybe on their forehead. Do not strain your eyes as it can make you see things that are not really there. Just gaze lightly at them for about thirty seconds and you should begin to see the aura on that is surrounding them. It should begin to get brighter as the time goes by.

Although you are giving a reading to the person, if you can get them to participate your results may be much better. They do not need to sit quietly while you are doing the reading. You should begin by asking them very simple questions such as what their first and last name is and what kind of things they are hoping to achieve from the reading. The answers will help you to understand the visions that will receive.

Your psychic level can be understood and increased through the use of a psychic test. If you test yourself on a regular basis your abilities will strengthen and you will soon be able to perform the tests without even trying. Your psychic abilities will finally be realized.

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What Are The Benefits Of A Past Life Regression?

By Jon J Collings

Only a total of twenty five percent of the population believe in reincarnation. However, this does not prove it does not exist. Were you ever inclined towards something or perhaps had an ability or talent and maybe wondered where that 'something' came from? Im sure you have an idea what Im referring too. At time during the day, we may feel a strong connection to something and havent got a clue why. Perhaps it was something that was important to you in your past life.

Many people, unfortunately, tend to overlook or ignore the possibility and its validity, therefore missing out on an opportunity to expand personally. Maybe even to find out why they are, who they are, today. By ignoring your past life information it would be easy to impede your personal growth and success achievements.

Research into past life regression has been done extensively and is now used to help the emotionally disturbed and is considered to be a very powerful tool.

The clearing and healing trauma, is a very common benefit of life regression. We have two choices when trauma happens and we can either try to change it of face it straight on. As we talk of life regression and of facing trauma, the option to rescue the past and help the individual (him or her) to continue to move ahead and get into a position where the trauma will be available for viewing by a higher self, as a whole.

Contacting our creative sides is possible with the help of past life regression. Without exception, everyone is imbued with many talents and abilities which can help with guiding them in making choices and dealing with situations that they experience throughout their life. Going back into past lives with life regression makes it possible to bring these abilities forward to use as a inner guide.

A past life regression can also help you rewrite a past-life contract. Karma is a wonder of a thing it always comes back to us. When it involves another person it can have something to do with a promise or an agreement that we made with that person in a past life. To free yourself from this agreement you can go back to that lifetime where you created the promise originally and you can decide, most often with the help of an Inner Guide, whether or not the is an atonement that can be done or if the contract can be modified to help you with a current situation.

A very significant benefit of going back to a past life through regression is the affirming and the grounding of ones self.

Those who do go back to a past life using regression want to feel grounded and this is not uncommon. They also become more aware of their individuality and as a person. They are now more aware that they have some connections, talents, abilities, characteristics and desires and this is a fact. This information they have received gives them the reason for their abilities and talents, enabling them to accept the situation and to begin living a more complete and balanced life.

You can ask the experts in the field. They agree that if a person truly wants to enhance or improve their life then they need to practice past life regression. Past life regression will help you remember the lives you have had so that you can live a more fulfilled life this time.

Believe it or not, even if you think the events and feelings you have are simply figments of your imagination there is a catharsis that will take place and open your mind and breakdown the walls that are blocking you from achieving what you want in life.

To briefly recap the benefits of life regression include dealing with traumatic events from the past so that we can move forward in the present life. By dealing with issues from the past we are better equipped to make better decisions today because we can use the experiences we have had in the past.

Much like history, if you know history you are less likely to repeat history. This is true of the world and it is true of your personal life. If you know that in the past you were dishonest and you paid the price from being dishonest you can change your old habits to improve where you are today.

The most important of all the benefits of past life regression though is the fact that you will have a better understanding of who you are today and why you are that person. This means that you can live a more complete and balanced life where you are able to live to your fullest potential, taking advantage of the talents and skills you didnt even know you had.

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Burst Your Leaping Ability And Control Competitors With Subconscious Mind Power

By Xavier J. Murphy

One measure of physical prowess is your vertical jump. This can translate to better sports performance in almost any sport. If you'd like to increase your vertical jump, you've come to the right place. By the simple application of subconscious mind power, you can increase your vertical jump by as much as fifty percent, in a very short time.

To start with, don't be put off by the concept of your subconscious mind. Many people connect this with mysticism and new age forms of things, but that's far from the truth. Your subconscious mind is merely your substantial, incredibly powerful computer that works outside of your cognizant understanding. It keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and your hair growing.

You may also program your subconscious to simply achieve virtually any target. And believe it or not, attaining elevated sports functionality is probably the simplest objectives to accomplish by proper programming of your subconscious mind. When programmed appropriately, your subconscious mind will modify all the areas of your life, which includes sleep, diet, and desire to exercise, to make your goal become a reality.

Numerous studies have shown this to be true. Several university students showed that simply by imagining (that is a technique to program your subconscious) doing free throws again and again, they really improved their overall percentages.

How can you make this happen? Easy. First get a concept of how high you would like to jump. Make it a stretch, but not too much so it will be difficult to believe. For example, if you can only hop eight inches or so, make your primary goal to jump 12, which will be a fifty percent increase. Get a clear notion of what it really would look like to observe yourself jump 12 inches off the floor. Mark this particular level versus a wall, and prepare a visualization which you could really observe yourself leaping this high. Create the actual visualization from many angles.

Now you've got your miniature movie to play, you'll need to generate some statements to go with it. Easy statements that illustrate what you can do to leap that high. If you're able to, make believe a well known mentor or role model is suggesting how high you can jump. Even if you've never met the person, so long as you have a perception of what their voice sounds like, this will work.

Once you blend your picture, or miniature movie, with a highly regarded role model's voice, this will be very powerful. When you are very calm, and in a sleepy, drowsy state of mind, much like when you are about to fall asleep, play the movie, and play the voice, over and over again. With enough consistency, you'll be jumping higher than ever sooner than you think.

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Getting A Free Online Tarot Reading

By Natalieya Perry

Many people wonder about how a Tarot reading works. They may not want to spend a lot of money to find out, but they wonder. For those individuals the free online Tarot reading offers an opportunity to find out what the whole Tarot reading experience is about.

There have been Tarot readers around for thousands of years. The cards change, but the readers remain the same, gifted interpreters of information that is provided by the cards. Some people use playing cards as a Tarot deck. Playing cards allow one to get some information, but not as much as is found on many of the more detailed cards available.

The decks that are used for Tarot readings may all appear different. Some will have more detail than others and some will seem to present more action. But, when read by a gifted interpreter, the cards all reveal an abundance of information for the individual who is having the reading.

There are different meanings attached to each card in a deck. In addition, the meaning changes when the card is inverted, or is next to another important card. When a Tarot deck has been laid out to be read, one can get a substantial amount of information about past, present, and future events without asking any questions or giving any information.

Many Tarot card readers spend years learning this craft. It requires one to learn the meanings of each detail of the cards as well as the meaning of individual cards when they are set next to other cards. A gifted reader can take this information and provide one with an accurate response to specific questions. Or, they can give a general reading which can take up to two hours.

Deciding to have a Tarot reading to learn about the craft will help a person decide if this is a path they wish to pursue. For some people the keen free online Tarot reading is a doorway that opens when a person has a reading. They want to get more information and find the advice and guidance very helpful.

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Covert Hypnosis--What Is It All About?

By David Drake

Covert persuasion is an art and a science that is primarily focused upon the art of persuasion. This means that covert hypnosis differs in many ways from clinical hypnosis and stage hypnosis.

Clinical hypnosis is the type of hypnosis that is used to cure people of phobias and headaches. Therapeutic hypnosis also helps people stop smoking and lose weight. Stage hypnosis, on the other hand, is a type of entertainment, so stage hypnosis is not good to learn if you want to learn the art of persuasion.

This means that if you are interested in persuading people, that covert hypnosis is the type of hypnosis that you need to master. Covert hypnosis uses language techniques and behavior tactics to alter people's decision making processes and emotions. Language patterns are only a part of the meaning behind covert hypnotic language because language patterns are not guaranteed to work because every conversation you have with a person is different. So, what language patterns do is offer you communication models that you can modify for the unique social interactions that you may have with each person whom you are trying to hypnotize.

The behavior tactics of covert hypnosis are part of what the art of persuasion refers to as "social strategy". Strategic behavior patterns are persuasive techniques that are very efficient because you can use the power of non verbal suggestions to persuade others. Part of social strategy involves the alliances you make and how you decide to use them, and social strategy also involves creating the right social environments at the correct time.

Therefore, what covert persuasion does is blend all of the numerous types of persuasion into one powerful force. A covert hypnosis trainer shouldn't rely on language alone to persuade people because there will be times when people will not be willing to speak to you or when they will feel uncomfortable talking to you if they do not already know you. This is why it is essential for a persuasion artist to create the appropriate social environment that will cause people to feel comfortable communicating with you.

Another advantage to creating the appropriate social environments is that you can position yourself as an authority figure in various social systems so that people will automatically look up to you to the point where they will want to correspond with you.

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How To Practice Basic Telepathy Exercises?

By Penny King

Before we get on to knowing about telepathy exercises, let us first understand what telepathy is. Telepathy is referred to as direct thought transfer from a person to another with no use of usual sensory channels.

In telepathy when the transfer of thoughts takes place, there is no written or verbal use and this is instinctual. Mind to mind contact is involved.

Three types of known telepathy are physical, emotional and mental. You should be able to identify the one that suits you the most according to your capability before you take on telepathy. Read on for some mental telepathy exercises.

Card Exercise- When you do this exercise you will need to ensure that you are in the present, you should neither be in the future or past. You need to relax yourself and be calm. For this exercise there are a few things required like sheet of paper, a pack of cards, and to make the score sheet a pencil is needed. You now should take a decision on roles of sender and receiver and sit against each other's back.

The cards are shuffled by the sender first and then he selects one. Sender then taps the card as an indication that a color is selected by him and is being sent to the receiver. Now the receiver makes an attempt to identify the card color and say it aloud about the card color.

There is another advanced variation of this exercise that can be done. In this advanced stage the card numbers are made use of instead of the card color and that is used to share with the receiver. The queens, jacks, kings, aces should be removed from the card pack. There is should more number cards instead.

Color Exercise - While doing this exercise you need to make sure your mind remains in the present, neither in the past nor future. To do this exercise you need to have one more person with you. You must arrange for different pencil colors and both of you should decide on the roles of sender and receiver. The color selection is made by the sender and the receiver then thinks of the color mentally.

An effort should be made by the receiver to look into the sender's mind to figure about the color and then disclose loudly on the color. The receiver discloses the color and the sender informs whether the color spoken was the right one or the wrong one. This entire exercise is repeated until the choice of right color is made. Once this exercise is completed, both receiver and sender should exchange places.

These are basic telepathy exercises, post success of which you can move to the next level of mastering the art. All this refers to psychology. This is extremely complex and will take some time to master it. You need to keep practicing these exercise till you achieve success over it and gradually you will notice complete success over this.

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Understanding Projection Of Astral Body

By Michael Kranyk

Projection of astral body as the name suggests is all about projecting one's inner self, his soul, spirit or aura from the bondage of the physical body to the higher ethereal realms of consciousness, commonly known as astral planes.

There are two models reflecting two different thought process or beliefs where projection of astral body is concerned. These are the Phasing Model and the Mystical Model which are two distinctly different school of thoughts regarding what projection of astral body is all about.

According to the Mystical Model, astral planes are believed to be located at higher ethereal realms external to one's physical body and the projection of one's astral body takes place from the physical body, outwards and upwards to these higher levels of consciousness. Thus, this model believes in the externality of the entire phenomenon.

According to this Mystical Model, the astral body is an energy form or a subtle energy body within a person which is projected to higher astral plane. Moreover, a common belief is the fact that this astral body remains connected to the physical body with the help of an illuminated silver umbilical energy cord.

The main works on the Mystical Model approach of projection of astral body can be found in the books of 'Out of Body Experiences' by Robert Peterson, 'Astral Dynamics' by Robert Bruce and 'Projection of Astral Body' by Carrington and Muldoon which go on to explaining the phenomenon as an external out of body experience thereof.

According to the Phasing Model, projection of astral body is not about projecting one's inner self to an externally located astral plane as given by the Mystical Model. Rather, it talks about the physical existence and the astral body as the two extremes or two distinct phases on the same consciousness spectrum.

Thus, according to Robert Munroe, the propounder of the Phasing Model, projection of astral body is all about projecting oneself to a different phase of consciousness and not to an external astral plane located outside one's physical body. In short, this model ceases to explain the phenomenon as an out of body experience and is more in line to the philosophy which states external reality as man's internally created state.

It must be said at this point that clarity regarding the validity or effectiveness of either of these two above mentioned models still remains to be proved. Moreover, discussions and debates regarding whether each and every physical aspect has its corresponding astral counterpart or whether spirits reincarnate in physicals bodies resulting in the entire phenomenon of astral projection are still some things that mankind is involved in while some believe that projection of astral body is due to something entirely different from all this.

It can be concluded that whatever may be the explanation that remains to be proven in time, projection of astral body is an experience of a lifetime which gives one a sense of an afterlife or what happens after death, changing and developing one's outlook towards life, death and reality for ever.

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Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming - An Overview

By Allan Woodbridge

If you can go to sleep and dream with full conscious awareness of the fact that you are dreaming, then you can be termed a lucid dreamer. Usually lucid dreaming ability comes with the power to manipulate and change your dreams where you can go, do and see whatever you want. Exploring the world of lucid dreaming is thus usually all about undertaking adventures, meeting celebrities, doing super hero stuffs, solving problems and anything that you wish for.

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming is thus all about enjoying all the adventures and excitement of directing and acting your own movie where you know that whatever you do, it's just a dream and cannot harm you in real life after you wake up. In fact it this very fact which makes lucid dreaming so popular and individuals so desirous to induce the same.

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming for a beginner is mainly about exploring different techniques as to how to hold on to their lucidity in the first place and getting to know the minute things that can be achieved in the dream without putting in too much force as to wake up completely. Thus, moving around and exploring their dream setting, opening cupboards to look inside, attempting to fly, checking out whether all five senses work are some things one can explore in the dream.

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming for intermediate lucid dreamers involves going a step further and setting goals in the adventures and explorations. Thus, if you had been practicing flying as a beginner, try flying to distant stars and planet now. Ask a dream character to explain the answer to a tough spiritual question that you want to know, or ask a deceased relative if he has any message for you.

If you have a certain problem in your real life and don't know which way to go or which solution is the best one, your lucid dream can act as a platform of such trial and error experimentation where you can go ahead with your alternative solution to assess the best suited. Thus exploring the world of lucid dreams can also be tagged as exploring the alternatives for problem solving.

After you are much experienced and have reached an advanced stage of lucid dreaming, exploring the world of lucid dreams takes a new dimension with expansion of one's concept and ability regarding lucid dream experiments to break down all self defined parameters. Explore the dream stage even further by continuously affirming yourself that you can go another step forward. Seek out mutual dreams or try to exercise precognition by getting a dream character speak or write to you about a future incident. You may also try to alter the course of events of something happening in reality.

If you are in that ultimate advanced stage, chances are that exploring the world of lucid dreams for you would entail attempting to heal a person who is ailing in real life. Healing abilities are one such common explorations of advanced lucid dreaming stages.

Thus, as a conclusion it can be said that exploring the world of lucid dreaming is all about making your wishes come true, and the entire experience thereof changes a man and his outlook forever, developing his spiritual bent of mind with improved outlook towards aspects such as life, death and reality.

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Do We Already Follow The Law Of Abundance?

By Kevin Wake

Do you already follow the law of abundance? Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Do you have relationships with others? In short if you answered yes to all three questions then there is a good chance that you are following the law of abundance.

It does not involve huge sweeping changes in your life just small and gradual ones. We are our own worst enemy and our own best friend when it comes to how we behave and react to things in life. Just by following a true path based on the law of abundance we can start to make our lives feel more fulfilling.

Being positive and turning all those negative thoughts around by trying to understand why we react the way we do can really help. We all need to turn to the law of abundance in our lives at some point. How often have you said to yourself I wish I was not broke all the time. The answer may be quiet simple as budgeting or not spending too much on one particular item or maybe getting a better job or a pay rise at work.

That is why following the law of abundance could mean you are healthy too in mind and body. Only you can do this through your mind tell you how to eat and exercise and how to keep yourself sane and relaxed in life.

Again you could have your health but no wealth because you have not found the right balance. Maybe you are not good with money or you do not know how and on what to spend your money on. A wise person with wealth can balance what is the right amount to be wealthy within their means. This varies from person to person depending on what the need out of life. There is no set amount with the laws of abundance only what you think is right in getting that ultimate feeling inside.

Another thing you need is relationships to help you follow the law of abundance. How and how much you interact with can people affect this. Forming good and wise relationships with family, loved ones, work colleagues, unions etc will create its own happiness for you.

There are people out there who already follow the law of abundance and lead extremely abundant, happy and complete lives. A lot of celebrities follow this way of thinking as a lot of them are already wealthy, they never need worry about money and they have always taken their health seriously but in the past have felt something is missing and wondered why they were not happy.

Having wealth, health and relationships really is the key to following the law of abundance. Get the mix right can lead to completeness and wonderful feelings of abundance over and over again.

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A Complete Guide To Lucid Dreams

By Gary Scraysbrook

Lucid dreams are dreams you are having, but you are aware that they are dreams and can actually control them. You are aware of every move you make, and the things you say. You decide where you want to go, what you want to do, what you want to say and who you want to be with.

There are no limits to what you can experience through lucid dreams. You can be the star of a romantic fantasy novel, or high action adventure, you can control the outcome or change the endings to what makes you happiest.

The difference between normal dreams and lucid dreams is that you control lucid dreams, where normal dreams may wander randomly from subject to subject. You may even have to pinch yourself because they can seem so real versus normal dreams that may be strange, abstract and sometimes scary.

One way to make sure that you are dreaming is to attempt reading a book or paper. If you are dreaming your words are sure to change and make reading impossible. If you can't read then it's a lucid dream.

Someone you want to be with may be impossible in real life, but in a lucid dream, you where anything is possible, you can be sitting and talking with a loved one that has passed or a guy you saw at the subway station.

As soon as you realize you are dreaming start to change it, so that what you want to happen does. For example, imagine you are with the person you have been fantasying about, but now that person returns your smile, you get closer and soon touch. Just use your imagination to control your dream.

Lucid dreams are very much possible. Though the body needs to revive itself for the next day by sleeping and resting, it is possible for your mind to be partly conscious.

It can take awhile to learn the techniques of lucid dreaming if you have never done it, but it can be learned over a period of time with practice.

Trying to remember your dreams and what they were about, who was in them and the outcome is a good way to start. Dream interpreters say to keep a pad and pen by handy so that you waste no time jotting down your images as soon as you remember them or awaken. It is possible the dream will repeat its self and you can finish writing it down. If you document your lucid dreams as you go, you may start to see a pattern develop over a period of time.

If you are a writer this information is invaluable. You may have your next novel lined up. In a lucid dream you create the scenes and actions. The dream ends the way you want it to. Lucid dreaming is a time to pacify our inner ambitions and desires and plan their execution in reality.

Try to recall everything you can about your dream, go back to sleep and, if you can, return to where you were before you woke up and you will continue to dream. The dream will occur more than once, so you will have the opportunity to recall more each time it does occur. Recalling more each time you try.

If you happen to wake up in the wee hours of morning, which is the perfect time to have a lucid dream. It may feel as if you were really awake and thinking but it was in reality lucid dreaming.

Techniques, such as self-hypnosis can sometimes help you to recall vividly your lucid dreams, but many people find recalling lucid dreams easy to do.

Another shortcut worth mentioning is a recent development in sound technology called binaural beats. These special frequencies work by synchronizing the two hemispheres of the brain and almost instantly put your brainwaves into the state required for lucid dreaming to be possible.

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Looking At The World Of The Psychic

By Daniel Pitter

Think of all the names those with psychic powers been called throughout the years: clairvoyant, fortune tellers, augur, and prophets. There are many different titles given to those who have any type of powers related to second sight, but the actual powers and activities of this group have been the same throughout the years.

People who are psychic believe that they can tap deep enough into the subconscious to be able to see things beyond what the natural eye sees. Some psychics claim to be able to speak with the dead (mediums). Others believe that tarot cards can be used to predict the future.

Some people see psychics on a regular basis for psychic readings. It is through these readings that serious life problems are solved, thanks to the believed ability of the psychic to see into the deeper workings of a client's mind.

The reactions to a psychic reading or any display of psychic power vary from person to person. Some people embrace the new information they discover about themselves, while others shy away or become alarmed at what they learn. It is never known what may come out when the reading first begins.

The very first known psychic lived from 1766 to 1815. Dr. Franz Antoine Mesmer has come under some scrutiny in modern days, but in his lifetime he was known as a clairvoyant with the power to heal. Exactly how powerful he actually was will never be known.

Margaret, Kate, and Leah Fox were also prominent psychics in history. The Fox sisters claimed to be able to speak to the dead. People paid to watch them perform their antics, which included objects that seemed to move on their own and mysterious rapping noises. This was all part of the 1948, Hydesville psychic movement.

There were several churches in the past as well, that claimed to be able to speak with the dead and ward off demons. Many people still had a hard time believing all of this. Harry Houdini himself claimed that is was all fake. It would be some time before people would start to accept psychic powers.

There have been many times throughout history that people have claimed to have gifts of prophecy and precognitive abilities. Almost everyone has precognitive abilities. A good example is when someone knows who is calling them before they look or answer the phone. Another example is when a person gets a sudden urge to call a loved one, when they sense that something is very wrong.

It is also common today for some people to have dreams that actually become reality. This is commonly referred to as a dj vu experience.

The Universe guides may psychics in reading signs and symbols. These psychics believe that items such as stones, sticks, cards, dice, tealeaves, and shells and help them to predict the future. At one time priests would try to predict the future by watching the patterns that occurred when he poured oil into water. These practices are referred to as mantic arts. We find that in history many of these practices were banned and ever persecuted by Christians.

As we can see the history of psychic readings reaches back into the ancient world. In early Egypt psychics were part of the royal court, they were advisors to the Kings. Before any decisions were made, a psychic was consulted. Although this job was prestigious, it was often difficult. If a psychic were to have the wrong answer to a problem then he or she might face time in prison or even the death penalty.

Later, psychic readers were prosecuted along with fortunetellers, during the Salem Witch Trials. At this time, Christians came down hard on these women because they claimed that this was the work of the devil.

Today Psychics are widely accepted as part of society. They are prominent in large cities, as well as in books, on the radio, on television and on the internet.

While the practice of psychics is accepted in today's culture they do still face a lot of criticisms. Many people still question if psychics are really genuine.

Though a very small minority of psychics may not be sincere, you should remember that there are charlatans in every profession. There is more than ample evidence to show that the majority of psychics are genuine.

In fact, science is now proving that every human being has some level of psychic power. These powers are of varying degree, but they can be developed if you are determined.

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Psychic Training - What Does It Involve?

By Joanne Medley

It's quite amazing that in our modern world a psychic such as John Edwards can become famous and even make a living off books, television shows, and live entertainment. While psychic powers could once get you laughed at or even killed, they seem to be no big deal to most people today. In fact, psychics such as Sylvia Brown often have a large following of fans who seek to learn from them. While there will always be those who don't believe in these powers or who are made uncomfortable by the simple idea of a psychic, most people have a general acceptance that there are psychics amongst us.

How psychic powers actually work and why certain people are blessed with them while others seem to have no extraordinary senses at all remains a mystery. Even psychics themselves will often openly admit they are not sure why they have their powers, where they came from, or why they have the abilities over everyone else. Other psychics have developed there powers over time with different kinds of psychic training.

Most psychics have some form of ESP, or extra sensory perception. This simply means they see or somehow know things about the past, present, and future that most other people have no way of knowing.

Many people who have some natural psychic abilities will never realize their gifts and will never develop them through any type of psychic training. This is not because they do not want to openly identify themselves as a psychic, but is more likely due to ignorance to the presence of anything special about them. Some people do have insights that are uncommon or may show some signs of just knowing things, but it is often ignored or thought of as intuition rather than a power.

There are also many people who pretend they have psychic abilities even though they are clearly just acting in order to make a few extra bucks. This is why many people who go for readings with a psychic do it for fun. They are never quite sure whether the person on the other end of the table is really a psychic or just someone making it all up on the spot.

On the other hand, there are more altruistic psychics who use their very real abilities to help other people. Probably the most respected of these psychics are those who help the police locate violent criminals. In the past, police psychic have given the authorities invaluable clues that have lead to the arrest of countless killers.

Have you ever wondered if you have some psychic tendencies? Do you think you could develop them with a little psychic training? Whether you have wondered from time to time about your abilities or think this could never work through you, don't be so certain about it. Many people now believe that anyone can develop psychic powers if they truly open their minds and hearts to the power that naturally rests within them.

We strongly believe that both of the aforementioned scenarios are, unfortunately, often true. Yes, that's right! We believe that will a little guidance and a lot of effort anyone can successfully complete psychic training.

For anyone interested in psychic training, the first step is to clear the mind of anything negative. You want to do deep meditation, stretching, and other forms of relaxation and train the mind to focus on positive things, removing the negative thoughts and attitudes prior to beginning psychic training.

As any true psychic will tell you, fear and negativity clouds your mind and your senses and makes it impossible to tap into your hidden abilities. But meditation is used in more than just psychic training. Oftentimes, people meditate to release stress, without even realizing it is opening them up to the possibility of psychic abilities.

On a typical day, most people involved with psychic training will strive to spend about a half hour, sometimes longer, in serious meditation. This can take place in a quite place of the home, in a local park or other natural environment, or anywhere else the person finds relaxing and peaceful.

Since this is the first and most important step of psychic training, you must be diligent and perform these meditation sessions each and every day. If you take a break from your sessions, you will quickly discover that most of the progress you have made has vanished into thin air.

The most important part of meditation is actually the patterns of deep breathing. It is in controlling the breath that tension and negativity is released and focus is gained.

Everyone moves through psychic training at their own pace. Some will adapt quickly and feel their natural abilities right away while others will move forward more slowly, perhaps with some lingering caution at first.

New psychics ultimately develop and strengthen their skills by practicing with tarot cards. These are a main staple in the psychic's arsenal, so it is only fitting that new students pick up their own deck and start practicing at some point.

Most students find practicing with tarot cards fun and exciting. They are eager to do readers on everyone they know, and they are extremely blown away when their powers start to progress in obvious ways. This is the fun part of psychic training!

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What Is The Point Of Past Life Regression Therapy?

By David Cootes

Past life regression therapy has proven to be an effective and popular tool many people are taking to heart in order to improve their lives and better their futures. Past life regression therapy is not a gimmick to turn you into the person you used to be, but a technique to help you learn from your past.

Rather, past life regression therapy is essentially a new way of thinking about yourself and remembering your past life, taking a deep look into your personality and seeing the way that you were. This can be accomplished in any number of ways and the advantages of using life regression therapy are numerous.

Keeping a Past Life Regression Therapy Journal

One of the first methods you can use for life regression therapy is advanced journaling techniques. This involves much more than keeping a constant diary of what activities took place today or yesterday. On the contrary, the first step you should take when using journaling is the ability to be open and honest with yourself.

Start out with journaling by listing your thoughts, emotions, and even trival experiences that happen in your day to day life. Record how you feel about those situations and what you did to resolve them. Perhaps the most important part is to be honest with yourself about the emotions that you're feeling as these are the strongest clues that you'll see about yourself when you look back into your past life.

This journal will also help you come to certain realizations about yourself and the patterns you fall into. Using this knowledge you can effect changes upon how you react to a situation, and turn your path towards something more healthy and more fulfilling.

Using Meditation

The most difficult tool you will learn to use in past life regression therapy is meditation. It requires patience and dedication, trust in yourself and the ability to find inner serenity and peace.

If you are having trouble relaxing into a meditative state, try listening to a music CD or DVD with soothing images, peaceful music, or even one that is designed specifically to enhance meditation. It takes time to learn to meditate successfully and to gain the full benefits from it, but with patience and a peaceful mind you will find yourself becoming more and more adept at reaching for inner peace.

When you are in a meditative state you will find yourself able to let your mind wander to what is truly important in your life, to relationships with family and friends and even work. When you are finished with your meditation, take a moment to write your thoughts, feelings, and discoveries in a journal.

Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy

There are many benefits to be gained from past life regression therapy. When you look back at your past and compare it with who you are today, you can find greater understanding. This therapy can help you discover how you truly feel about something, and uncover thoughts and emotions you might not have been aware of. It will also allow your subconscious the ability to help you unlock your true potential.

Past life regression therapy can also help you resolve those issues which have hampered you throughout your life. Perhaps you have unresolved issues with your parents, a sibling or a child; this therapy can help you come to peace with those issues and help you to become a better person in the process.

You will gain not only an greater understanding of yourself through past life regression therapy, but your life as well. When you sit down to look at yourself and the choices you have made over the years, you will be able to take a look at the person who made those choices, and learn how to avoid damaging yourself in the future.

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Why Is Chakra Meditation So Important?

By Gillian Tamzeen

Chakras are the focal points for universal energy which flows through us, whether we know it or not. Your chakras have a profound influence on your life whether this effect is good, such as when they are properly aligned for energy flow or whether this effect is for the worse, like when they are blocked, preventing the flow of energy or are out of alignment.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means energy, and while its roots are Hindu, energy is not partial to a religion. Energy is in fact universal and every single person on this Earth has these energies. The chakra is really the vortex that this energy flows through and manifest physically. The chakras are the channels by which universal energy can flow in and out of our aura.

Chakras which are correctly aligned have a wealth of benefits for the mind, body and the spirit, which is why chakra meditation is such a good thing to learn. You will be able to perform chakra meditation if you know where your chakras are and what each chakra does.

Your chakras are sited in vital areas such as your heart and your head. The organs which are in the area of these chakras are used to control the energy of the chakra and are as such directly affected by their chakra. There are seven chakras in the human body.

Your first chakra is call the Root Chakra and sits at the base of your spine. Governed by this chakra are your constitution and general health. This chakra is representative of our physical bodies and its relation between the physical and mental aspects of human nature. Each chakra has a color and red is the color of the Root Chakra.

In the lower abdomen is out second chakra, the Navel Chakra. Representing our physical drives toward love, pleasure and sex, as well as giving and receiving, this chakra is where you will feel generosity, harmony and selflessness, as well as some acts of creativity. The color of this chakra is orange.

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, located just below our chests near the diaphragm. This chakra represents our will and our ability to change and transform. Our own control over our personal energy is governed by this chakra. This chakra is also the source of self discipline and acts as a check upon the ego. This chakra's color is yellow.

Your fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra, which can be found at the center of your chest. This chakra is representative of your feelings of compassion, love and understanding. Love which goes beyond the physical aspect is part of this chakra. Green is the color of this chakra.

Fifth is the Throat Chakra, which sits between the top of the sternum and your chin. This is the chakra which is in charge of communication and helps you to understand that honesty, expressed through speech can be a source of truth and wisdom. This chakra's color is sky blue.

Your sixth chakra is the Brow Chakra, which can be found on your forehead (and for this reason is sometimes called the third eye). This is the chakra which controls imagination, intuition and insight. Properly aligned, this chakra lets you examine your soul by looking inward. Experiences of the divine are found here, in the chakra which is also the source of peace of mind. The color of the Brow Chakra is indigo.

Your seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra, which as you may have guessed, is situated at the top of your head. This chakra is representative of your mind and your spirit. The Crown Chakra is responsible for your ability to contemplate your own consciousness and your place in the wider universe. This chakra is directly related to the higher self. The color of the Crown Chakra is violet.

Knowing where each chakra is and what each one is tied to will help you with chakra meditation. There are meditations that can be used to align all of the chakras as well as meditations that focus on one particular chakra.

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Chakra Balancing And Meditation The Essential Tools

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

According to the ancient Hindus, chakras are the human body's main energy centers; they are acknowledged as an essential part of our life force which help keep our mind and body functioning together harmoniously in top-notch condition. Although not physically visible, chakras are associated with our body's major endocrinal glands (which are visible).

Chakras control the flow of energy into and out of our bodies. This continuous flow of energy within us and between us and our environment is dependent on your chakras staying in a harmonious balance with each other for proper mental and physical health to exist.

Each of the seven major chakras have their own corresponding functions related to a particular endocrine gland in our body. They are responsible for every sensation, awareness, feeling, sensory and emotional experience we go through as an individual whether positive or negative.

Stress of all types: whether physical, emotional or mental can cause our chakras to be out of balance with each other. This causes a loss of energy or even physical illness! This is a very clear sign that something is wrong with our chakras.

Chakra balancing must be done regularly to maintain good health, just as regular maintenance is important to the proper functioning of a machine.

Importance of Chakra Balancing: Many different methods can be used to keep our chakras in proper balance. The goal of those who want to lead a happy, healthy and productive life is to keep their chakras in perfect balance with one another.

For starters, you have to understand that each individual chakra has its own frequency vibration that corresponds to naturally-occurring frequencies that are present in the environment. It is through these unique frequencies that each individual chakra receives and/or transmits energy referred to as chi, qi, or prana.

During periods of illnesses, our chakras are still functioning but may be out of synch which can hamper the free flow of energy to further aggravate our physical and/or mental and emotional illness. Other contributory factors to the malfunction of our chakra system are undue stress or the inability to cope, suppressed emotions, unhealthy food intake, and lack of exercise.

Though they may be out of synch and not function at their best from time to time, their balance can be restored.

Tools of Chakra Balancing: The most common tools used to restore the balance of chakras are color, crystals and gems, light, sound and aroma therapy.

Colors: Commonly used colors and their corresponding chakras are red (the root chakra), orange (the sacral chakra), yellow (the solar plexus chakra), green and turquoise (the heart chakra), blue (the throat chakra), violet (the crown chakra) and white for any of the seven primary chakras.

Crystals and Gems: Going back thousands of years, the laying of crystals, gems and stones on the body where the chakra points are is another method of regaining balance of the chakra system. Considering that each chakra resonates to a particular color it follows that by laying a stone of the same color to which the chakra resonates on the area of the chakra, they will also be able to achieve the necessary balance for the physical body to be able to heal.

Gems and crystals reflect light in their colors; the play of light through these gems can restore balance to the chakras by putting this light into the body at the appropriate points.

Light: Light therapy employs light not only on the eyes, but also on the reflex points and the meridian points of acupuncture to restore chakra balance. The broad spectrum of light is very beneficial here, including both visible and invisible frequencies, including those corresponding to the chakras.

Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses essential oils, massage oils which are scented as well as scented bath soaps to help the body heal and to restore proper chakra balance. Essential oils can return mental and emotional stability to a person who is out of balance. Aromatherapy is also effective in relieving stress, promoting relaxation and can also assist in alleviating depression and helping one to reach a meditative state.

Sound: The use of tuning forks, soft music, quartz crystal, Tibetan bowls, and other objects to generate an agreeable resonance is also utilized to achieve a healthier well-being. Sound has natural vibration and resonance therapeutic effect because it affects us emotionally. Beautiful and melodious sounds can induce serenity and calm whereas chaotic sounds produce dissension and discord. Sound can be used to achieve a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in order to better faster healing and achieve higher levels of consciousness.

It once was that chakra balancing was a lengthy and difficult process. Now, thanks to innovations in audio technology such as subliminal sound, binaural frequencies and self-hypnosis recordings, chakra balancing is a much simpler thing than it was even a few decades ago.

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Acne Scar Removal Improves Self-Esteem

By Karen Garcia

The nerve-wracking experience of dealing with acne can affect an individual's state of mind. A lot of us have not been spared from a terrible case of acne in our adolescence. We lived with the pimples and were forced to brave out the eventual scarring they left behind.

A breakout of acne is basically induced when hair follicles become plugged with grime and sebum. This clogged environment is an ideal place for bacterial growth; the bacteria cause those reddish papules we call zits.

After the pimples are gone, scars often stay to remind us of those pimples. Some acne scars disappear with time. However, some acne scars will not fade, and we are left with the feeling that we are somehow imperfect.

The 4 easily known varieties of pocking left over from skin breakouts are the following. Ice pick acne scars are scars identifiable by the visible pricks formed on the outer layer of the skin. Another kind is called rolling scar; a broad, shallow depth is what characterizes rolling acne scars. Boxcar-type acne scars are often found on the temples or the cheeks; they have angular and well-defined edges, similar to scars caused by chickenpox. Keloidal and hypertrophic scarrings are raised tissues on the surface of the skin.

Academic researches point out that facial scarring can have major psychological influence on the individual, for example low sense of self-worth, depression, and suicidal tendencies.

But there is no need to lose hope just yet. There are now numerous technological developments for the treatment of facial scars brought about by acne. Some of these treatment methods use a form of laser therapy. Other treatments require some form of microdermabrasion. There are creams and subcutaneous injections available as well. Inquire from your doctor about the best facial eradication and/or treatment procedure that will be viable for you.

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Using The Law Of Attraction In Earning Acquaintances

By Max Lopez

If you need to make new friends in living you should think some what you need to set to have this take place. There are styles to alter your way of thinking so that you are capable to feel good about who you are and what you want in life so that you are a more outgoing and interesting someone to others. Using the law of attraction to make this take place is easy.

Whenever you use the law of attraction in life you will obtain that you are more confident in who you are and what you manage. No matter what type of person you are and what type of individuals you want to fit the law of attraction will help you achieve your goals. Adjoining other allies is something that can get you experience great and make you the assurance that you need.

Always imagine confident about yourself. When you know that you are a good person and you have the power to take your ambitions and goals happen in life you will see that others see your vibe. Applying off good feeling to others will assist you to be more successful and reach your goals easier than what you would without the law of attraction on your side. Do not hesitate when it comes to being the individual that you can with a good mindset in place.

Earning all the allies that you can think of is significant. The more you get the better you will experience about who you are. There is no question that you want to make as many allies as you can so that you are a better and more complete person. Do not be scared to get out there and find the someones that will help you accomplish your goals as a great individual and be more companionable in the affairs that you need to make.

Being sure in recognizing that you are special and that you are getting to be a good friend is something to keep in mind. You need to make sure that you are making completely that you can so that you do not miss your self-respect. Be good to others and you will discover that they are going to be good to you. Applying the law of attraction to be a more superb friend to others should be all that you ask to get the life that is expected of you. Having good people in your life and making friends with everyone around you is going to be the most great thing.

Prove others the good side of you. You want to get surely that everyone sees the person that you want him or her to. Apply them your true side and do not act fake because this is simply getting to make yourself feel poor in the end. You need to go truthful about who you are and what your goals are in life. Do not be scared to show your true colors. Using the law of attraction will help you to be more confident and show the means that you actually feel.

The law of attraction is all about helping you reach your goals and be the individual that you desire to be in life. Consider about the several ways you can practice your dependable ideas and show others the real person that you are. Do not be forceful when you are making this. You do not want to be overbearing and harsh. You want to express to others how you are feeling and what you actually desire in life. Do not be afraid to get out there and try out different things. You are the only one that can get your living best and you want to realize the power of the law of attraction.

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