Your Life Is Run By A Force Called Visualization

By Matt Zavadil

Every single successful individual has utilized the power of visualization. And, those people who think they are not successful in life are using this force, too. Whether they are positive or negative, your thoughts have energy and they influence your reality.

As a matter of fact, you have used the power of visualization all throughout your life, whether you're conscious of this or not. If you're not living out the life of your dreams, it's because you've allowed enough negative thoughts to live within your mind that you ultimately attracted that negativity to you.

This is a fact, even if you don't want to hear it. However, if it's true, then that means you have the power to change your life into the one that you want to live out simply by changing your thought patterns.

To understand this concept you need to understand the power your mind and its thoughts have over your emotional health. It's now time for you to become aware of how you can control this concept, harness it and attract all that you actually do desire into your life.

You can think of visualization in the framework of daydreaming. You begin to "see" all your goals as already having been achieved from inside your own mind. As you "imagine" this, you are imprinting the image upon your subconscious mind. Your mind sends out the energy that attracts the situations, circumstances and people into your life who help you actually achieve your goal.

If you think this is hocus pocus, then think about this. What happened during your day the last day you were in the midst of a really terrible mood? Didn't you come across people and circumstances that made you even more miserable? People cut you off on the freeway, your boss yelled at you, the grocery clerk crushed your bread with the milk, etc.

On the other hand, when you're feeling great and "light" about life, then what? Your entire day is now different, isn't it? Your freeway experience was wonderful, the grocery clerk bagged everything perfectly, people held the door open for you, etc.

Your mind is working the power of visualization all the time. Isn't it time you consciously took control of this awesome power in order to attract the life of your dreams?

From this day forward, remember that your thoughts are energy. Your mind sends this energy out. People respond to this energy. If your thoughts and feelings are positive, people and events respond accordingly. The opposite is also true.

What do you want to attract? Would you like a better relationship? Would you like to find a fantastic business opportunity? Do you wish you had more and better friends? Would you like to find an organization of like-minded individuals who help raise you up in life? Think it first.

The power of visualization is powerful indeed. It becomes exponentially more powerful when you begin to consciously tap into it. When you begin to slowly retract your negative thought patterns and replace them with the positive variety, you begin to completely transform your world.

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