Astral Projecting - Is It Really Real?

By Peter Escobar

The term astral projecting refers to the projection of a person's inner self, or in other words his spirit, astral body, soul, aura, or whatever term you refer it with, from that of his physical body to traverse a path towards higher ethereal realms.

The journey of your free spirit outside your physical body is something incomparable. It gives one the opportunity to observe himself and the world from a higher level of consciousness thereby developing the overall spiritual intent of his being, making him clearer on his true potential and the various aspects of life, death and reality.

If one tries to trace the beginning of astral projecting practices, or tries to pin point the place, culture or time where it all began, it will be an extremely difficult task since astral projecting has its existence since time immemorial and in all ancient religions or cultures of our world like that of Egypt, China, India and their western counterparts.

In Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations of the world, the concept of soul or 'ka' existed. The 'ka' was believed to be immortal, trapped in the physical body, which had the power to move out and travel to other ethereal realms. It is infact for this very reason that their bodies were anointed and preserved so that it could travel to the next world along with 'ka' after death.

Astral projecting is an art that also features in the ancient manuscripts of the Hindus, a religion that is known to be one of the oldest and spiritually advanced. Hinduism in countries like India, has always been about the immortality and omnipotence of the soul that has the freedom of traveling anywhere or doing whatever it wants to, if one can achieve that required level of mind power so as to be able to come out the bondage of the physical body. Numerous scriptures and writings of spiritual men pave the way for how astral projecting is to be mastered and their own experiences thereof.

Traveling more eastwards till China, we see that astral projecting used to be done here through alchemical practices of creating an energy body through breathing meditation. Thus, the Chinese involved themselves in specialized breathing techniques so as to draw in energy into a small pearl which was then circulated to form this body of energy that separated from the physical body and traveled to higher astral planes.

Astral projecting can also be found in the western philosophies starting from the classical phase till the modern beliefs. In this case the astral body is considered to be the link between man's physical body and his soul while astral projecting in an astral plane is considered as travel amidst galaxies and the stars between the realms of heaven and Earth. Astral Projecting is described in the bible as traveling outside and beyond the physical body with a silver energy cord linking the two.

Since the existence of astral projecting since time immemorial and across almost all ancient cultures has been proved, it may be said that astral projecting is an ability that is present in each and every individual. Making meditation a part of life with developed spiritual awareness about oneself, the sub conscious mind and one's true potential, the one in a lifetime experience of astral projecting can be experienced.

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