Do We Already Follow The Law Of Abundance?

By Kevin Wake

Do you already follow the law of abundance? Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Do you have relationships with others? In short if you answered yes to all three questions then there is a good chance that you are following the law of abundance.

It something that many of us cannot or think we will not be able to follow the law of abundance. The secret is first we need to be wealthy. When I say wealthy I am not talking Donald Trump wealthy I am talking wealthy as in I am satisfied with what I earn or have in the bank and I have or have enough money to buy the things I really need or want in life. Do you really need 10 Ferrari's? Probably not it's just a show of excess wealth.

Being positive and turning all those negative thoughts around by trying to understand why we react the way we do can really help. We all need to turn to the law of abundance in our lives at some point. How often have you said to yourself I wish I was not broke all the time. The answer may be quiet simple as budgeting or not spending too much on one particular item or maybe getting a better job or a pay rise at work.

In the law of abundance how much money you have is not the key issue it is how you spend it or live on it. Having a big bank balance does not qualify you in any way automatically. Wealth is only part of it and how it goes with the rest of your life is more important. Being wealthy and not looking after your healthy by going out every night getting drunk and east fast food everyday will not ever bring you an abundant life.

Like the saying goes, "If you don't have your health then you have nothing." Unless you ever become ill you never appreciate this saying. Same goes for the law of abundance if you never follow its laws you will never know how great it feels to always feel abundant in life. In this case ignorance certainly is not bliss.

If you have your health then you are lucky. Not necessarily true. You will not feel abundant just by having your health according to the law of abundance. You need you mind and body healthy to be able to live life and enjoy things that make you happy, others may even need your health too, for example a baby. Having your health and not having friends, family or a loved one to share it with would be a bit like winning the lottery and having nobody to brag about to.

Again in the law of abundance just having relationships is no good if you do not have your health or you have no wealth or contentment for it. This all reflects back on you as a person. We need each other in life otherwise there would be no point in being wealthy and there would be no point being healthy because we would have nothing to live for.

So you need to be healthy to enjoy life, you need wealth to survive financially and be content with that wealth and you need relationships to share your life with on an emotionally level. This is what the law of abundance is about, making people feel complete and giving you a completely different outlook on your current life.

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