How To Explore Reality Of Life Between Lives

By Chelsea Selfield

We are amidst of our own many lives in different time and dimensions in variety of geographies! What an amazing and strange idea! You may refuse to believe the contents of last two sentences but many great prophets and holy religious books preach these points are true. Reincarnation has been strongly believed by many people all over the world.

Many psychiatrists and psychologists view that we can see the remaining of our past life in our mind and its significant reflections in our life. Once we analyze the mind effectively we can identify and eradicate that feature if we feel it unwanted.

You may not be able to find out a scientific definition for the re embodiment theory because it is purely a spiritual concept. To get the full meaning and definition of life between lives, you need to connect your life to the mortality "the single best invention of life" according to Steve Job, CEO of Apple Corporation. The theory tells each and every action we made in our previous lives have direct relations to our current life. Practitioners claim and argue that if we can connect our current life to previous lives and their mortality, we get significant answers for the "real" questions that who are we and why are here?

Here is another important question how this correlation become helpful or imperative in our present life? Life between lives preachers argue that we can make solutions for lots of problem that we are facing now. How? As it is described, we are suffering tensions and issues for what all we did our past life. By knowing our previous lives thoroughly, we will be able to trouble shoot the faulty practices we committed there and erase those from here! Thus, we lessen the bad consequences of our previous births.

Here is another major issue arises that how will reach there in your past lives. You can't do reach with the help of time machine or no flying object can carry you to heaven. The only one way is to earn psychic skills. When your psychic power gets enormous strength, you can converse to the spirits and your own soul. Thus, you can interpret them decoding aura lights and vibes they give off or understand the meaning of symbols and images they pass each other. Hence, you get everything you did in your past lives. Make out your troublesome activities and shoot them with your "karma" of present life.

If you are becoming helpless while trying to get there in your past life, a hypnotherapist can do the duty well or he will make the duty well by your souls. The therapy makes ability within you to interpret your past lives' soul.

Re embodiment theory says neither souls nor spirits die. Death happens only to the physical body structure and its cells. Soul remains in the atmosphere or in the heaven. Your soul is not within you, it lies outside you surrounded by your body. While you are undergoing to hypnotherapy or gaining enormous psychic abilities, the soul become visible to your sixth sense or spiritual sense or psychic sense.

You can switch in to the world of mysteries behind human life and life after death. The only thing you are required is to get the psychic ability to decode human mind.

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