A Brief Look At The Body Chakras

By Yvonne Metler

The Body Chakras are an ancient Hindu science in itself of understanding the way a man is or his well being in the entirety, that is, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The Body Chakras are seven energy centers placed in a vertical line along the human body in its subtle within. Scientifically speaking, each of these body are linked to the major nerve ganglia from the spinal cord and correlates to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, body functions and much more.

The Base Body Chakra of Muladhar located at the last bone of our spinal cord is all about group force and group identity. Physically it is connected to our immunity system, legs, rectum, bones and feet. Its strength can be felt for example, when you watch your country win a gold medal. Any blockage or misdirection results in problems in the above areas of the body along with viral and epidemics.

After the Group identity in the Muladhar Chakra, the power of relationships and choice are given by the Swadhisthana Chakra. Located second from the base in the sacrum region, it is physically linked to reproduction and any blockage or energy misdirection thereof may results in diseases such as arthritis, ovarian cancer, etc. Psychologically, it teaches the lesson that after making choices one does not have absolute control on things and the fears of this chakra are those of loosing control, authority, power, money, issues with sex, addiction, etc.

The Manipura is the third of the body chakras from the base and stands for personal power where the concept of self and individuality develops since the time of puberty. While the advantages of this body chakra are self esteem, self respect, ambition and the like, there are disadvantages such as fear of rejection, criticism, obsession with physical appearance, etc. Proper channelizing of energies here will result in an empowered and successful personality.

The central power house of the body chakras is that of the Anahata or the heart chakra as commonly known which may be termed as the central point where one's body meets his spirit. The fears in this chakra are those of emotional weakness, loneliness, betrayal, fear of commitment, etc and these can only be overcome with positives such as hope, trust, unconditional love and most importantly forgiveness. Always remember that negative energy of this chakra can not only wound a person emotionally but also has the capacity to cripple one physically with severe diseases. Hence, forgiveness is something that is not only an emotional act but also an important tool for physical wellbeing.

The throat chakra of Vishuddha stands for one's power of will and this is where the struggle between the emotions and power of choice takes place. The fears here are that of loosing control over your own life and this body chakra teaches the lesson that faith is everything. It can be said to be the meeting point of the head and the heart.

The sixth of the body chakras is the chakra of Ajna or the third eye. Located between the eyebrows it is all about the energy that can be directed and channelized through meditation in opening up the sub conscious realms of our psychological forces. This chakra detaches us from all subjective perceptions and opens up the mind for the separation of truth from illusion.

The final of the body chakras, or the Sahasrara chakra at the crown of one's head is one which houses all positive energies. It is aligned to the ultimate spiritual enlightenment and thus generates the energy which paves the way for devotion, inspiration, prophetic thought, mystical connection, psychic powers and in short the attainment of moksha, knowledge about the ultimate universal truth, experience of the soul's immortality and omnipotence and realization of one's true potential.

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