Split Personalities Disease Of Human Personals

By Vanessa Cruz

Most human possesses personality and this is how they characterize themselves. Speaking of personality, there is particular disease that has relationship with human's personality and attacks human's mind called split-personality disorder. You may have ever heard about this before and of course this kind of disease will disturb the personals who suffer from it.

In details, according to the basic definition about Split Personality, "it is a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge". According to the psychiatry, there is no special category or phenomenon about split personality. Previously, it was once stated that the example of split personality was schizophrenia. But then it was found out that it was a misleading conclusion to say that schizophrenic personals are examples of split personality. Schizophrenia is a condition when someone has a great struggle to keep and maintain the coherence and integrity.

Specifically, there are three different meanings about the term of 'personality,' whereas the two of them are general and popular and the third is technical and philosophical. The most general meaning is the first one that explains that personality is the sum of the characteristics which compose physical and mental being, such as manners, appearance, tastes, habits, and moral character. The second meaning describes the characteristics that differentiate between one and another. Furthermore, the third meaning is considerably the most important among all. This meaning is merely the only conception of any value to the psychic researcher and the philosopher or psychologist. It means that personals have the conception of personality that emphasizes only with characteristic. There are no difference between common and specific marks. Moreover, this third meaning is also extremely different with the previous two meanings and it attracts continuous misunderstandings between the philosopher and the public mainly about the discussion of survival after death.

Back to the discussion about split personality, it will be necessary to trace its history to learn that this split personality is really a disease that attack personals' mind. Medical literature reported that the cases of split personality probably had been occurring since early 19th century and the situation was formally defined in the first years of 20th. Even though the cases of split personality are really rare, the facts about people with this disease were become more common in the 1980s. The publicity of a book entitled Sybil, a story of a woman who lives with 16 personalities made an innovation that concluded the idea of multiple personalities caused by someone's childhood trauma.

In addition, below are the facts about people with split personalities. The first person is William S. Milligan, a person with 24 personalities and each of the personality has different appearance and manner, the first ten dominant personalities in the mind of Billy Milligan are Billy, Arthur, Leigen, Allen, Tommy, Danny, David, Christine, Christopher, and Adarana. The second is Claudia Ellen Yascow who had killed four people but then found out to have mind problems.

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The Power Of The Mind Creates Your Reality!

By Janice Stokes

The mind holds immense power in influencing all aspects of your life. Not only is it powerful to change yourself, it can also influence the things around you to help bring positive changes into your life. Whenever you wish and hope for something, you are actually using the power of the mind without realizing it.

In truth, you use your subconscious mind power every day. Whenever you dream about getting your dream job and hope to fully recover from an illness, you actually put the power of the mind in action. This perhaps explains why is it that when you think of something before you go to bed, it seem to magically happens in the morning. There are instances when you plan to wake up at a certain time before sleeping at night, and you end up waking at that exact same time.

Scientists referred to quantum physics to explain on the link between the thoughts in our mind and reality. They explained that reality is in fact a product of our own mind. Mind power creates our reality!

Even with eastern religions, the power of the mind has demonstrated its influences to reality. They believed that the concept of being real exists because it is the manifestations of our imaginations.

Ironically, in this age of information overload, scientists are still looking for answers on the connection between the thoughts in mind and reality. They go through ancient scrolls and text to conclude the true nature of reality.

So if reality is a creation of our mind, then it seems logical to presume that we can change our reality by changing the way we think about things. We can change things into whatever we want with the power of the mind.

But how do we do this? The real first place to start is by mental conditioning. In order to unlock your power of the mind, it is important that you clear out unnecessary thoughts, and start fresh. One of these methods is by meditation, which while there are many different techniques, there are a few simple exercises that you can do yourself.

To effectively meditate, try sitting on a comfortable chair in a darkened room. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out to your mouth. You may experience light headedness but it is only your body's natural reaction to the increase in its system's oxygen supply.

Then, paint a picture in your mind. Picture yourself sitting by a tranquil pond with small pebbles. The pebbles represent your daily thoughts and ideas, which constantly go in and out of your head. Imagine yourself removing the pebbles from the pond, one by one. Once the pond is clear out all pebbles, you will be ready to unlock the power of the mind. With that, you will be able to pile up all your random thoughts on one side and your wishes and wants on the other side.

Of course, wishing for causes like world peace and global warming is unreachable with only one person. But you can do your part in saving the planet by doing some recycling and waste segregation. However, wishing for dream jobs and happiness in love is something that you can achieve with the power of your mind. While the mind influences virtually all aspects of your life, it is you that controls your mind and make it work to bring all good things into your life.

If you happen to be experiencing troubles in your relationship, you can hope to be a better communicator so all your issues will be settled. But although mind power can never bring your partner communicate with you, you can use it to influence his thoughts and improve yourself.

Now realize that some things may happen right away, but other things take time. Unlocking the power of the mind does take some time, and you must overcome mental programming that says you can't. This is a very simple thing that you can start with.

Although mind power has tremendous influences to every aspect of life, it still needs you to take your part. When the mind can control how your life will come to be, it is you that controls the mind and its immense power. So if you wish to get your dream job, you still need to red through the classified ads, send in applications and do your best.

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Manifesting Abundance - How You Can Have It All

By Anthea David

Manifesting abundance in your life is possible, no matter who you are or where you come from. Abundance comes into your life according to what you deeply are convinced you need, desire, and deserve. Most of who and what are in your life this very moment are reflections or expressions of these things, no matter if you consciously are aware of this or not.

Manifesting abundance is the knowing that thoughts have power. Your life has taken shape, beginning the moment you were born by the quality of your thoughts. When you were a baby, your quality of thought was only beginning to develop, since your thoughts focused on basic instincts and trying to absorb the vastness of the sensory input available to you.

Your parents then taught you what to believe and how to socialize in childhood. Upon going to school, you found that life could be harsh and uncompromising. You learned that it was foolishness to manifest abundance.

Sure, they told you, you might do it, but only if you beat yourself down with absurd amounts of hard work or just get lucky, or you have to have been born with some of the rarest and most incredible genes. The probability is that you won't have a life of abundance. It's not that you'll starve to death, or can't have a decent house (although maybe that will happen to you if you're not smart enough or if you just aren't lucky). It's just that you can forget about your big dreams, or the things out of the ordinary that would have deeper meaning for you, such as not just marrying anyone but marrying your soul mate.

In reality, you do not have to rely on luck, education or rare genes to have abundance. In reality, you do not have to be bored, work too hard at doing a job that does not suit you.

You can thrive, since you have universal permission to do so, you deserve to thrive, you need to know this.

But in order to manifest abundance, you have to be aware that you deserve it. You have to feel 'in your soul' that you deserve it. And, you have to know the certain way to do things that will make it come into being.

Now, each one of us is different. So just because the cosmic laws of manifesting abundance are universal, they will find unique expression in you and in your life, the way a musician applies universal laws of playing his instrument but has his own unique style of playing and composing. This is important to keep in mind so that you don't get confused. Manifesting abundance is not about keeping up with the Joneses.

You may or may not get married when you manifest abundance in your life. You may or may not become famous or wealthy. You may just make enough money to meet your needs and live comfortably in an area of your choosing.

What really matters is what your heart desires. Manifesting abundance means manifesting what you want in your heart. It means living your fantasies.

How can you manifest abundance? What cosmic laws must you align yourself with no matter who you are?

*Know that you deserve to be able to live your fantasies. If this is hard for you to comprehend, start taking the time to find a quiet or internally private space for yourself every day, and find a way to meditate on your deserving (there are many ways to meditate, so study that). You have been conditioned to think you aren't 'good enough' to have a charmed life, and you have to re-program yourself with new conditioning which tells you the opposite.

* You need to know why you want those things you want and it needs to be deeply ingrained in your mind. If it is not, you will manifest things that you really do not want or need, remember you should not ask for anything you do not want since that is what will manifest in your life.

* Know what you want and then allow your fantasies to flow as you focus intensely on the fantasies that come to you.

* In order to fulfill your fantasies, you should take action on the inspired opportunities that come to you. You can go online, read, order books, and watch videos that help you gain the knowledge you require if you are so inspired. Go to certain places and websites and so on when you feel inspired to do so.

* You need to understand that the work you do towards manifesting abundance will be so inspired that it will work for you. For instance, consider the professional basketball player who works by playing his favorite sport and getting paid outrageous amounts of money just to do it.

* You should let things manifest as they will in your life. Do not try to force them. Keep in mind that that which you desire is on its way to you right now. Have the patience that comes along with knowing this.

Your lifetime dreams are waiting for you; you need to move towards them to manifest abundance.

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Ignore Your Incredible Mind Power If You Don't Want A Life!

By Charlie Walbank

You probably didn't know it, but your mind is actually far more powerful than you think. Like a magnet, what it sees and thinks it will eventually bring to itself. This is something called the 'Law of Attraction'. What the law of attraction basically states is that if you believe something, it's going to happen. If you want a better life than the one you have now, you have to be able to envision it, feel it, 'be in it' in your mind's eye, and think about it as though it were really happening. Eventually, it will. It's going to take some practice, likely, but if you persist, you will succeed. Truly, your mind is very powerful and an absolutely amazing instrument of creation.

Every one of us is born with this mind power, but most of us don't believe that it can actually help us or even that it exists. It's been proven, for example, that humans only use about 10% of their current brain capacity for power; now, think about that for a second. That's crazy, but it's probably true. Most of us just stick with the 'tried-and-true,' and never try to break out or our comfort zones. And what that can mean is that we have trouble in life that we simply think 'just is.' We think negatively because we don't think that what we want can truly be ours. So basically, we begin to think that the negative circumstances we now attract are simply all there is. However, if we only understood that we're attracting what we're experiencing, we would see our own thoughts happening before our eyes.

First, understand that 'reality' is within your mind. Whatever you've got to this point has been because of your mind's power. A lot of people think that everyone has extra sensory or psychic powers. But you have to make an effort for these powers to come out. Your mind power is real; just choose to use it. If you want something in life, you have to think it and believe it's going to be true. However, if you think the worst is going to happen - well, it probably will.

I can hear you asking, 'But what can I do to change things?' And the fact is, you can begin to increase your mind's power by doing several things. First of all, do something called visualization. This very powerful technique can help you focus and develop your current mind power state, so that you can literally 'flip the switch' and learn how to use it; and learn how to increase it, too.

Visualizing simply means that you sit down and think of images and pictures inside your head, of things that you want. These images can eventually be brought to life in reality, but first you have to start with yourself and ultimately, your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is more powerful than anything else, in that it can really bring your visualizations to life like nothing else. The images in your mind have to be positive because that's the only way they can get to you. You need to think about how you want your life to be before you try to do this, though.

One good way to start doing this is to write down everything you want on paper, as though you were telling a story (or if you can't write, doing it as a checklist can be fine, too). Write down the goals you want to achieve, so that you have something to shoot for. Then, create the visions you have around those goals. When you write things down, they're harder to simply dismiss later as so much fantasy and instead become more concrete. Do this several times a day until you begin to 'live' in the reality you are imagining.

You can also do this with affirmations. Affirmations are simply little statements of encouragement you give yourself throughout the day. It can be about anything. For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, you can say, 'I'm going to successfully and easily lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.' Keep reminding yourself that you are losing this weight effortlessly and easily, and recent, you'll see the weight simply start to drop off. And it doesn't matter if it feels strange to you do this at first; it's going to become a habit, and like any habit, it's going to take about 28 days to develop this habit, too.

You can also develop your mind power by using brainwave entrainment. This is simply synchronizing brain waves through the use of different frequencies, by using audio technology. Our brains are very good at doing things, and one of them is that it can actually heal itself. Entrainment can actually help you tap into this even more. It may also be able to help you enhance your memory and bring already existent psychic powers into effect. The different frequencies can do a lot as concerns mind power. Although very advanced, this type of procedure does work very well, and can even be miraculous.

Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell them again and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don't have the desire, that they're repulsed by it, and that they're ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work. These hypnotists can help people believe for themselves that they can quit smoking. And all of that happens through the power of the subconscious mind - with a little help from the hypnotist.

So as you can see, everyone has this type of mind power, but they just have to believe in their abilities. It may not happen overnight, but you can change your life and turn things around if they're not going so well for you. To do this, you have to be able to direct your energies into the universe and know that what comes back to you is what you have manifested. It all starts with your subconscious mind, and only you can harness the mind power you have. How much do you think you have?

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What Kind Of Lives Do Psychics Clairvoyants Live?

By Antony Egburn

It's frequently wondered about how psychics clairvoyants go about their daily routines, and if it's truly different from those who don't possess any psychic abilities. In truth, routines can be about as everyday as anyone's when it comes to earning a living and living life.

When it comes to the life of clairvoyants, how one lives is defined solely by the clairvoyant themselves, the extent of their abilities, as well as what they are most comfortable with. While some tend to keep their abilities more quiet, working your typical variety of jobs out there, others may wish to take their skills out into the world to be of use to others. This may be done either by doing volunteer-type work or by working it as an everyday job.

When it comes to volunteer work, generally this can entail doing readings for those that the reader is close to or referred to by, or through means of assisting different local organizations that offer their help to people in need of paranormal or spiritual guidance. Again, this depends on the person and their preferences, as well as how much they wish to expose themselves.

As technology and knowledge increases, so do the possibilities for those who are working with their abilities on a more professional level. With phones, internet and the many other methods out there, there are numerous ways one can earn a living using what skills they have. Some may prefer to work out in the world, while others choose or are able to work in a set location, often using what is called remote viewing.

Those who decide to work on the field may do as those who volunteer their service such as working with local groups, visiting with those who need help or prefer readings in-person, helping with investigations, working through media-based organizations, teaching or assisting with research, or even branching out into their own business. Either way, the list is long and bearing no real limitations, depending on the person and their preference, as well as methods.

For those who prefer working off the field, many choose to work from the comfort of their own homes, which also offers a wide variety of different options to them. Some enjoy performing readings within the comfort of their own home, whether the clients visit them, or it is done over the phone or internet. Generally, those who work from home are gifted with the ability to do remote-viewing, or find that, due to the tools used, it is easier to stay in one place, rather than being mobile.

The earning potential greatly varies on the level of experience, dedication and time worked at it, just as with any professional job. Consider it much like starting off new and at an entry-level position, where you might eventually gain more later on once you've obtained more experience, clientele and time under your belt. The methods used, as well as how the clairvoyant chooses to work and where, are all deciding factors that can impact how much one earns.

As with anyone else, the life of psychics clairvoyants varies on each individual and how they perceive their talents when it comes to the outside world. Many find that helping others offers a sense of satisfaction that they've been able to help someone who is need of it, which can be a rewarding experience on its own.

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The Past Life Holds Wisdom For Your Current Life

By Glenda Burns

Does it feel like you have mental blocks that are preventing you from advancing in life? This psychic chaos may be the result of unresolved issues in your past lives that are now affecting your current life. Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to help you recover memories from your previous lives. Some people consider a look at the past life harmless fun, a chance to see who they were before their current life. Most people, however, seek answers to challenges that continue to confront them.

The practice of regression therapy was first mentioned in the Upanishads of ancient India. However, the bulk of what is known about it comes from the writings of the scholar Pantanjali. Pantanjali wrote that the soul accumulated karma with each physical incarnation and that looking at past lives could help solve problems that were occurring in the present life.

A person can experience past life regression a couple of different ways. You can work with a hypnotherapist who will put you under hypnosis and begin asking you questions that help paint a picture of one of your previous lives. Although it is painless, many patients reported having especially vivid memories that made them feel like they were there.

Another way to harness the power of regression therapy is to use audio recordings to guide you into a deep mediation where you can access your hidden memories. However, if meditating is something new to you, it could take one or two tries before you begin experiencing results so don't give up on the first try.

Which option is best for you depends on a few factors such as how comfortable you feel doing it yourself and your experience with past lives. Getting the help of hypnotherapist may be best if you have never regressed to a prior life before or you are uncertain you want to try it alone. If you are comfortable going into a deep meditative state or you've regressed before then the audio meditations should work for you just fine.

Patients have reported a variety of benefits from their experience with regression therapy. Some felt an increase in their self confidence. Emotional problems, phobias and other spiritual and emotional troubles seem to fade away. Most experienced an increase in their general well-being. At the very least, the therapy can help you clean up any psychic clutter that may have been preventing you from achieving your full potential.

A lot has been said about this type of therapy and the practice has many skeptics. Often they point out the inability to confirm or deny what the patient saw or they pounce on inaccurate details the patient may give. While regression therapy is not a fail proof technique, it can help you get past mental blocks that may be stumping your emotional and spiritual growth.

Taking a journey into the past life can be very rewarding. It is worth trying at least one time. Who knows it could be the very thing you needed to move forward in your current life.

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With Determination To Succeed

By Margaret Hardisty

Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France so many times, despite the bitterness of the French press that tried to discredit him time and again, that it astonishes us. He rose from cancer victim to cancer conqueror to cycling victor. He had the singular mindset that cancer would not beat him. At times he fell behind other cyclists in different stages of the races. Reportedly, falling behind was on purpose so he could conserve his strength for more difficult stages. Other times, it was because someone, perhaps a sprinter, put on a burst of speed and outdid him. Whatever, he kept himself from being discouraged, figured out how he could have done better, and charged forth again with victory in mind.

Whatever, he kept himself from getting discouraged, figured out how he could have done better, and charged forth again with victory in mind.

We say that because if he were a good husband, he would have worked on preserving his marriage, and wouldn't have a bevy of "relationships" behind him. His legitimate children would still have a full time father, and his other children wouldn't have to carry the stigma of illegitimacy around with them all of their lives.

Unfortunately he was himself illegitimate and abandoned by his own father. This may have contributed to his own lack of reliability when it came to relationships. Or perhaps it was his lack of faith as an agnostic. He is quoted as saying: At the end of the day, if there was indeed some body or presence standing there to judge me, I hoped I would be judged on whether I had lived a true life...

A true life? Excuse us? Yes, he was true to cycling. It does not seem that he was true in any way in his personal life. However, since we don't know the man personally, it could be that he would have been true had his wives been true. We don't know who was at fault, but if he is like the majority of men, and especially since he had to be gone much of the time to pursue his career, it is likely that he didn't meet his wives' and girlfriends' emotional needs - essential for women.

Every marriage should have, as its goal, love that reaches the arte level, the Greek word for excellence. "That's easy," newlywed say when they still have the stars in their eyes. "We're doing fine," says the husband who isn't meeting his wife's emotional needs. "I've settled for less than what I desire," says the wife who has given up hope.

That's what our Love Relationship System is all about - showing couples how to reach that level of arte or close to it so that their marriages will stay strong and secure.

Be willing to put the same indomitable spirit into making your marriage a victorious journey in life as Lance Armstrong has done to become a worldwide champion; so that, unlike him, you can save your marriage and give your children that wonderful knowledge that they have steady, loving parents who will keep things together. We give you the tools and the keys for doing just that at www.loverelationshipheadquarters.com: separate tools both for men and for women. Come join us now for a sparkling future in your marriage.

Margaret Hardisty International Best Selling Author and Speaker Dr. Vance Hardisty International Speaker and Author Love Relationship Headquarters www.loverelationshipheadquarters.com

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Could Free Psychics Help You?

By Maria Klass

People, who are blessed with special psychic powers that enable them to hear, see, know and perceive surrounding information that are not perceptible or recognizable through the normal sense organs are known as psychics. There are quite a number of us who are curious to find out whether we possess the powers or not, and if we really do have those powers then up to what level, and if we do not, then how to build up those powers within ourselves. In modern times, where internet is an indispensable part of our life, free psychics are available online for our requirement.

Free psychics refer to the innumerable facets of psychic things that are available on the net for free. Usually, it comprises of the psychic readings that helps to predict a person's future by applying different tools, it could also be articles on the subject and the way to develop the psychic powers, it could be free psychics test for individuals or free psychics answers and also sometimes suggestions or guidance to those people who have gone through strange experiences.

One of the usual and famous facets of free psychics is prediction of the future. Online there are many sites which state to predict a person's future perfectly with respect to his job, financial condition, health, etc. Innumerable tools are used to serve this purpose - crystal ball, tarot reading, astrology, horoscope, numerology, etc.

Free psychics for the category of horoscope or astrology comprises of individuals required to put in their date, time of birth, etc which are fed on a software that comes out with the person's future prediction which are calculated on the basis of the positions of planets at the time of his birth. The same technique can also be applied for numerology where the details like name, surname, and date of birth are put in a formula to arrive at the future prediction and lucky dates or days for an individual.

Tarot card reading is another common tool used by many for future prediction. The process begins by spreading a deck of cards with different pictures in them and the person whose future is predicted is asked to select a card from the spread. Each picture has some importance and gives out some information. So, after the card is pulled out the tarot card reader based on that gives out answers to queries of the individual with respect to his future.

Besides the future predictions, free psychics materials are also available over the net on persons having unusual experiences, like for example, able to say what is going to happen about certain event or thing, being able to read other's mind sometimes, etc. Mostly these are though to be a general guess or a coincident, so the stuffs available on the net help to understand whether they are only that or they have some psychic powers.

The most common and popular free psychics online test is that of the Zener cards, which consists of a deck of cards having various symbols on them. The test involves you selecting them one by one and attempting to predict the symbols by using your extra sensory perceptions. The built in algorithm tells you whether you have very high, moderate, low or no psychic power.

On the whole, free psychics also consist of the advice and suggestion that are given out by many actual psychics online, for people who are interested in development of their psychic powers. Different techniques to make meditation an important part of one's life and also using other methods that help an individual to unleash the power within the subconscious mind is also a component of free psychics. Free psychics are able to explain various unusual experiences that many people have, for example, interpreting a dream and many other such experiences which is otherwise not found in science.

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Just How Real Are Psychics And Clairvoyants?

By Mandy Spacek

Psychics are people who have the special power of perceiving certain things that are otherwise not perceptible through the five senses that a normal person has. That is, a psychic can see, perceive or know things that are hidden or happening at a long distance away.

Assuming that you are that individual from above who has visions about your near and dear ones who stay thousands of mile away or you can see the colour of the aura emanating from an individual and then have visions about his/her future, you can be safely termed as an clairvoyant.

Hence, Clairvoyants are people who have the psychic power of seeing things which are hidden from the normal senses. Thus, a person having a vision of the someone's past or future, or of someone who is a long distance away, etc, are all types of common clairvoyant experiences. The term clairvoyant means 'clear' 'viewing'.

It can then be said that clairvoyants happen to be a subset of psychics but not vice versa. That is, all clairvoyants are said to possess psychic abilities but all psychics are not clairvoyants. In the usual parlance, the term clairvoyant is many a time carelessly used to refer to psychics as a whole. But the truth remains that apart from clairvoyants, there are numerous other types of psychics that are found all over the world.

Telepathy is also one of the most common psychic powers witnessed in the world and something which clairvoyance is confused with. According to parapsychology, which is the science that studies the presence and causes of psychic powers, clairvoyants are involved in direct and immediate information transfer with another external source whereas telepathy involves reading another person's thoughts and hence involves information transfer from another individual's mind.

Again, clairvoyants can be differentiated from psychics having the abilities of retro-cognition and precognition. While retro-cognition involves knowing about another's past, precognitions refers to foreseeing the future. In both these instances, the psychics 'know' the past or the future and they don't necessarily 'see' it. If a person has vision about the future and sees the events, only then he can be called a clairvoyant.

Moreover, clairvoyants are different from mediums. Mediums are those psychics who have the ability to communicate with spirits. This is generally done through any of the four channels of trance, healing, physical and Clairsensing. In the first case the medium communicates with the spirit while in a trance while in case of healing, the medium receives health benefits from an external and higher source. Physical mediumship on the other hand involves participation in activities such as turntables, etc. Clairsensing is the only channel where clairvoyants can function. Clairsensing typically involves seeing spirits or hearing them through clairvoyance or clairaudience respectively.

It can be concluded that be it a clairvoyant or another type of psychic, it is someone who has the gift of sixth sense, a rare special power that the individual has been blessed with. One should always consider it as a privilege and use it for helping other fellow human beings.

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Can Anyone Have Premonitions?

By Mel Decourcey

Do you think you have had a premonition before? How can someone know something is about to happen even before it does? Could it be an event that is paranormal or maybe it is just feelings that we get if things are not exactly right? Premonitions are not believed in by scientists. They only believe in things that they can prove to be facts. They know that there have been reports of people that have had knowledge of events or have had feelings about things prior to it occurring.

Do We See the Future?

A specific example that premonitions exist is found in the recordings of Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry and Canadian biochemist. He was able to record over nineteen different premonitions that his patients told him about just two weeks prior to the Titanic setting sail. These premonitions were of people that had canceled their trip because they felt like there was something negative going to happen and some from people that had dreams of the disaster occurring.

Premonitions, by all accounts of those who have had them, are not pleasant. They are accompanied by either fright or uneasiness over what they feel is about to happen. The people who have the premonitions often do not know what will happen but they know it is not good.

People do not realize how common it is to have a premonition. The subject of a premonition is almost always someone or something that has direct impact on you. They show up in a variety of ways. Dreams and feelings are some of them. Some call it a sixth sense.

The premonitions that are seen or felt are often surrounding a death, a murder, a plane crash, a robbery, or an accident. The incident happens, typically, within a few hours of the premonition. Dreams can cause a very negative emotional mark on a person that has a premonition. They are not able to communicate the level of dread that overcomes their emotions.

There are also dreams that leave nothing to question as to what will happen. They are very clear and the person that is having the dream actually witnesses something happening to someone that they love whether it be a family member or someone else that they are close to. It can be extremely upsetting to have a dream like this and it is usually something that is blocked from their memory to protect themselves. They may be able to put it to the back of their mind until the event actually occurs.

Can premonitions actually be from another world? A premonition is something you see as a dream or a feeling that you get. The apprehension in your life tends to lead to a premonition about things that are yet to come but it is not always clear what it will be. Premonitions are very sense oriented.

What if the premonitions we have are actually something that is happening on another dimension? The premonitions that occur when we are asleep could be the result of being somewhere other than this dimension for the period of time when we are sleeping. This could tie in with the theory of astral projection.

Is this something that is just too far out to actually occur? Many people over history has had to face ridicule for something that they believed in firmly because, in that moment, it seemed truly impossible. Do you think that people actually believed that a man would take a walk on the moon one day? If, prior to the actual event, it was brought up, surely everyone would have considered the person to be crazy.

How Do You Explain These Premonitions?

Should things be automatically dismissed because they simply do not fit within the way that we think? There have been many different recordings of premonitions in history. Abraham Lincoln actually had a premonition about himself dying. Only ten days prior to dying he had a dream that he was mourning with people in the East Wing in the White House. He turned to a solider to ask who had died and the soldier said it was the president.

Does the book Futility that was written in 1898 sound familiar to you? Maybe the Wreck of the Titan? It was written fourteen years before the Titanic was sunk. It tells a story about the Titan, a ship that sank in the North Atlantic. The ship was sunk by an ice berg, there were not enough life boats to go around, it had three propellers, and the Titanic was the exact same size. All of these things are much like the Titanic right down to the names of the boats.

Morgan Robertson wrote this book. How did it come about that the shipwreck so closely resembled one that would happen 14 years later? Regardless of what you call them, premonitions or visions, there seems to be similarities that the book shares with the actual sinking of the Titanic. Did the author of this book see the story told in a premonition and feel compelled to write the book?

It is possible that this question will never be answered. Only at their own pace will the mysteries that are found in the universe and the mind unfold. The things that will be shown to someone cannot be predicted.

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Improving Concentration

By Adele A. Davis

When it comes to improving concentration, here's one idea you may not have thought of. As adults we tend to rely on other methods for calculating things. As a result our skills aren't nearly as sharp as they used to be. Simple math can become a struggle if you don't work on it.

We will figure out our monthly budget, balance our checkbooks, and perform almost all of our daily calculations using a calculator. Today's computer software further enables us to rely on the assistance of calculators, as most programs have them built in, so that we aren't responsible for any math for these tasks either.

You can improve your concentration by deciding to do the calculations of your daily life, in your head, and as you see that you are getting stronger in your math skills, you should rely less and less on a calculator. This process will be challenging at first, but you will get stronger and faster, and will soon be able to perform these calculations in a snap. With a little effort and practice, you will be able to divide up your lunch bill and calculate an appropriate tip on your portion of the check.

You will obviously, initially, spend more time figuring out the calculations by hand, than you did using the calculator. If your daily activities include a lot of math, you may, at first, be annoyed by this new routine. With a little time and effort, you will recognize that you are improving your concentration through the simple act of figuring out all math by hand.

You do not have to completely rule out using a calculator, but should promise yourself that you will only use it after you have diligently tried to arrive at the answer by yourself. Confirming your answer with a calculator is perfectly acceptable. Your concentration skills will reap rewards from doing math in your head and by hand, and the more you do it, the greater the benefit. An individual who allows a portion of their brain function to go unused, will find that, over time, that function will be lost.

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Greatest Manifestation Principle

In my other article on how to program your mind i talked about affirmations and visualizations, Affirmations being simple statements with personal present tenses that you affirm on what area of your life you want to improve, and visualization being the most powerful of all where you impress  images in your subconscious mind visually and emotional .


These are simple statements to impress upon your subconscious mind in the personal present tenses, like;
The main point is to stay off the negativity and keep it present, simply because your subconscious mind is incapable of differentiating time and negative phases. such as
"I will not fear the crowd" instead you say "I am confidence when i speak in public".


Visualization is my favorite because it somehow sums up all and it is easier than statements,  you just visualize something and you don’t have to worry about negatives or present tenses. in order make it more powerful you simply have to add as much  details into it as you can. say like if you want to be successfully in your career you just see yourself in a nice office hear phone calls signing checks, or if you want to loose weight you see yourself in the beach walking comfortable and feel your light body. Some people can visualize better than others, but thinking outside the box  visual images can be generated outside your minds eye,  when you look on a picture it is in your mind at the same time, so it doesn’t matter how better you are in visualization. you just have to be creative so you can use vision board or pictures or even make video clips.
Learn more About manifestation principle
We can use there two tools to improve certain areas of our lives such as wealth, relationships, happiness, health etc, by impressing the ideas into our subconscious mind.
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Is Astral Projection Something You Should Experiment With?

By Benjamin Parry

At one time or another most people have heard about doing astral projection. Maybe they have a friend that practices it, or watched some movie about it, or even read a book on the subject. Not all people clearly comprehend that you really can do astral projection and that in fact everyone can do it. You could have easily astral projected without knowing you were doing it at the time.

In order to determine if you have had an astral projection experience or to begin learning to astral project it is important to understand what astral projection is. Simply put astral projection is when your spirit body leaves your physical body. This is something that happens naturally at night when you are asleep, but it is possible for you to do it consciously and control the journey of your spirit body.

Astral projection allows you to visit any place you like and do anything without limitations imposed by time or space. As a child, you probably were able to do this easily every time you slept. When we age though, its common to forget how to use this ability.

For those that may not be aware of the various bodies other than the physical. Astral projection is done with the astral body. It is often referred to as the ethereal body because of both its duplication of the physical body and its lack of substance. It is in essence an invisible body. The in turn leads to the question of how is the astral body attached to the physical body. The answer is it is attached with what is often referred to as the silver cord.

This cord keeps your two beings connected from the moment you're born until your last breath. As long as you live, your astral body will always come back to your physical form after its travels.

Another question that is often asked is where the astral body travels to when a person engages in astral projection. The astral body moves along the astral plane. This is, as the astral body is a duplicate for the physical, a duplicate of the physical world. There are a number of ways that it can be described. In some descriptions, it is described as a set of vibrations, which penetrate physical reality but are at a wavelength that separates it from the physical world. It can also be described as a secondary reality or another dimension. What is agreed upon with the descriptions is that there are multiple levels to the astral plane.

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

The greatest danger when astral projecting comes with the mind is not carefully prepared or under the influence of thought and perception, altering substances such as drugs or alcohol. There are a number of levels to the astral plane. The lower levels are not considered places to visit and are often considered to be unsafe. It is these levels that are easiest to access when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This is why it is so important that you know exactly what you are doing and where you are planning to go. The goal you are trying to achieve is not just astral projecting, but conscious astral projection where you are aware of what is going on.

You can learn astral projection with relative ease and in little time if you prepare yourself. You could choose to take lessons with astral projection professionals who can teach you some techniques. Alternately, you could do as most people do and learn on your own.

The internet has a wealth of information on astral projection and there are a number of books, which describe a number of techniques that can be used in order to prepare the mind and body for astral projection. There are even recordings that use hypnosis to assist in astral projection. There is an advantage to these types of recordings. You can have them play on repeat giving people who may find it difficult to prepare the time necessary to reach the appropriate state of mind; this extra time might not be available if professional sessions are used.

In the field of sound technology there have been many improvements in the area of binaural beats. With this you listen to different sounds in each of your ears. This quickly gets you into the meditative state that is crucial for you to reach to do astral projection with the right results.

If you are unable to astral project at first, do not be concerned. It is something that requires practice to be able to do. It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project and then to practice in order to obtain a level of proficiency.

If you are still unsure, that astral projection is something that is known to everyone consider these things. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even though you were standing or laying still, how about dreaming about flying. Often times this is the result of astral projection. The falling feeling usually comes when the two bodies rejoin each other and the sensation of flight comes from actually moving through the astral plane. It is a real ability that everyone has, everyone can use and all it needs is a bit of fine-tuning in order to be able to do it at will.

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Self-improvement Tool - Meditation

By Carson Hayes

We live in a high speed and noisy society. Many of us are so accustomed to noise that when we are alone at home must have the TV or the radio on because it is too quiet. Silence becomes uncomfortable, and we avoid it. If not, we entertain all kinds of thoughts in our busy minds - the day's activities, worries, plans - anything but silence. Learning to welcome silence can open other regions of the mind and soul that have been repressed by a chatty mind and the noise of daily living. We can obtain insight thru silence, if we let it be. By calming the mind thru meditation, we can get a look at the soul and spiritual being inside us, and get a better understanding of purpose and fulfillment.

Meditation needs the mind to be quiet, an absence of constant chatting of the mind, of the rambling of thoughts. This is necessary to access the inner guide. This will be difficult at the beginning, as you will find yourself thinking not to think and worrying about the thoughts that enter your mind. You will find out that your mind is always thinking, even when you do not realize it. You will find it almost impossible to quiet the mind, but it is not.

When you are trying to silence the mind to enter in meditation, it is necessary to be in the present, and only in the present. To accomplish that you must release the past, and any thoughts that are in the past. It is also necessary to release thoughts of the future, of things and plans that have not yet come into the present, and any worries about them. By releasing the past and the future, you exist only in the present moment, and that is how you quiet the mind, and enter into a state of meditation. All negative thoughts about the past are nonexistent in the now, and neither the worries of the future.

By practicing this, you will learn to quiet and relax the mind. The mind will become stronger and more in control of the thoughts that enter it. This will release you of the bondages of the past, and the uncertainty of the future, leaving you free to enjoy and live in the present. This will give you the power to control your existence (the now), and the answers to live in the now.

By connecting with the divine that is inside us, with our spirituality, we get the knowledge and inspiration to attract the positive forces into our present to achieve our goals and success. It is by being in the now, while listening to the inner guidance that we improve ourselves, and achieve success.

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How To Be A Master Of Astral Projecting

By Peter Escobar

The term astral projecting refers to the projection of a person's inner self, or in other words his spirit, astral body, soul, aura, or whatever term you refer it with, from that of his physical body to traverse a path towards higher ethereal realms.

The journey of your free spirit outside your physical body is something incomparable. It gives one the opportunity to observe himself and the world from a higher level of consciousness thereby developing the overall spiritual intent of his being, making him clearer on his true potential and the various aspects of life, death and reality.

If one tries to trace the beginning of astral projecting practices, or tries to pin point the place, culture or time where it all began, it will be an extremely difficult task since astral projecting has its existence since time immemorial and in all ancient religions or cultures of our world like that of Egypt, China, India and their western counterparts.

If we start from Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations of the world, astral projecting can be seen to be a concept formed around their belief in 'ka' or the immortal soul within man. They believed 'ka' to be an energy body, the immortal and omnipotent soul inside the boundaries of the physical body which had the ability to be free and to travel outside it. The proof lies in the fact that the ancient Egyptians preserved their bodies after death so that they can travel to the next world along the 'ka'.

Astral projecting is an art that also features in the ancient manuscripts of the Hindus, a religion that is known to be one of the oldest and spiritually advanced. Hinduism in countries like India, has always been about the immortality and omnipotence of the soul that has the freedom of traveling anywhere or doing whatever it wants to, if one can achieve that required level of mind power so as to be able to come out the bondage of the physical body. Numerous scriptures and writings of spiritual men pave the way for how astral projecting is to be mastered and their own experiences thereof.

In ancient Chinese philosophies, astral projecting finds place within all the alchemic practices thereof. Essentially it involves breathing techniques for drawing in energy in a small pearl which is thereafter circulated to form the required energy body for astral traveling from that of the physical body of the individual.

Coming to western parts of our world, it must be noted that astral projecting has its roots in classical philosophies, renaissance thoughts as well as modern theosophical beliefs where the term astral body is thought to be a link between the soul and the body of man while the astral plane is considered to be between heaven and Earth full of galaxies and stars.

Since the existence of astral projecting since time immemorial and across almost all ancient cultures has been proved, it may be said that astral projecting is an ability that is present in each and every individual. Making meditation a part of life with developed spiritual awareness about oneself, the sub conscious mind and one's true potential, the one in a lifetime experience of astral projecting can be experienced.

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Remote Viewing - How Even A Complete Novice Can Get Started

By Vicki Porter

If you're trying to perfect remote viewing, how do you know if you're succeeding or not? Remote viewing is the psychic ability to see places, people or objects with your mind's power instead of with your usual five senses.

However, it's not the same as astral travel. When you are doing astral travel, your 'spirit' body can leave your physical body and travel remote distances to see something firsthand. With remote viewing, your mind is doing the traveling, and your subconscious mind is the vehicle.

How do you know whether or not you can learn remote viewing? Simply, because everyone can. How successful you are at it depends on whether you can relax into a trance state that is very similar to the awareness you experience when you're hypnotized.

Experts have long said that we only use about 10% of our mental capacity, with the other 90% untouched because we simply haven't tapped into it and haven't trained it. As one example, if you've spoken several foreign languages from childhood, those neural pathways are firmly established and you think it's absolutely normal to speak those languages. The same is true of other more 'ordinary' skills, such as reading and writing. You're taught these skills when you're young, and they become simply part of your mind's abilities throughout your life.

Imagine if you'd been taught to access the power of your sub-conscious mind as a child? Just because you can't do something right now doesn't mean you won't ever be able to do it. It simply means you haven't been taught yet and that you need to train your mind to unlock the ability that was always hidden there.

Before you take up the practice of remote viewing, how to relax is going to be a major factor in how well you can do it. If you're not a good 'relaxer,' try something before you pick up remote viewing that will teach you how to relax, like meditation. In this way, you can more easily access your subconscious mind. Self-hypnosis, too, is a great way to get to this stage of relaxation and an almost trance like state.

In addition to learning relaxation, though, you are also going to have to learn how to remain alert. It's very easy, of course, to fall asleep when you are that relaxed, but don't. Make sure you are well rested and calm, and let your mind stay alert as you fully relax physically.

Before you engage in remote viewing, how are you going to test the results you get? Set up a way to verify whether or not your remote viewing session was successful before you get started.

The easiest way to do this is to choose test views that you know are easily verifiable. This could be trying to view a friend's home from the comfort of your bedroom. Look carefully and see if you notice anything out of place. You might see a coffee cup left on a bench or a newspaper left on a table.

These small things might not seem like much, but they can give you a clear indication of whether you're seeing real places and events. Once you've awoken from your relaxed trance, call your friend and verify the objects you've seen.

When you've practiced remote viewing, how to reach the correct state of relaxation required becomes easier each time. You'll soon find you're able to reach this state easily and your technique will suddenly become much more fluid.

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Can I Really Astral Project?

By David J Short

There are millions of people who believe that astral projection is real and that anyone can, and have, achieved this altered state. The key to this projection is practice and that is all it takes to astral project. Believed to be an ancient practice, followers say this practice should be treated with respect. Astral projection is a lot like meditating or yoga and comes in many different forms.

Lucid dreaming is the first level of astral projection. This form of dreaming is when you consciously dream and one type is astral projection. Many say this is a simple form of projection and that while you are dreaming, you begin by telling yourself 'I am dreaming'

As you repeat this phrase, you can wake up in your dream and have the freedom to do anything you like. This may be difficult for beginners and may take time to practice before it works.

Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so. Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this " you were astral projecting.

The key to projecting is to believe that you can do it. This belief will help to eliminate doubts about astral projection and can propel you into becoming a pro.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation helps encourage proper astral projection. Meditation is a great way to prepare your body and mind for projecting and all you have to do is practice, practice, and practice more by meditating.

You should do your meditation in a quiet room where you have a comfortable place to sit and will not be interrupted or distracted. Start freeing your mind of worry and tension. You cant astral project when you have these negative energies in your mind. Begin to eliminate all thoughts from your mind and focus on your breathing. You want to take deep, slow breaths " in thorough your nose, out through your mouth. If you can remain focused on your breathing, youll begin to feel yourself relaxing.

Now is the point where you need to reach an altered state of consciousness. You need to focus not only on your breathing but the way you are breathing. The breaths you take should come from deep down inside. As your breathing slows down, focus more and more on relaxing your body.

Focus on separate areas of the body, beginning with your toes. Tense each part of the body and relax as you work your way up from your toes to your head. As you exhale, tell yourself, 'my arms are relaxing and I am relaxing.'

With each exhalation, you should feel the tension leaving your body. Once your body is completely and totally relaxed you will be ready to move onto the next stage necessary for you to successfully astral project.

At this point, you are completely ready and prepared for sleep, but it is important to stay alert during this time. Many practicing projectors come up with a phrase such as 'I can fly, I can fly' there is no wrong phrase, so you can come up with your own.

If you begin to get bored as the mind tends to do when it has nothing to focus on, you may have to reel it back in. If you are stuck in this rut, either end the session or use your phrase to bring your mind back into focus.

To actually reach an altered state of consciousness, there are several methods. You can repeat your statement to reach this next level. Or you can use the body of light technique. This technique is where you see a body of light in your mind that you envision yourself turning into.

You can count on experiencing three main feelings that will let you know that you have reached astral projection, the first is the sensation that you are moving. The second is when you see lights and colors with closed eyes and the third, are voices you hear that either encourage you to keep going or to stop, this lets you know that you have achieved astral projection.

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Abundance Affirmations For A Better Life

By Nichole Tyler

Abundance is essentially the basis of a person's well-being. This is something that is not controlled by any external factor. Abundance is something that happens on a personal level and transcends anything material. This is the kind of hope with which we live our lives each day. Our attention level is described by how we channel the energy of abundance that is in the universe. In order to harness the power of that energy, we use abundance affirmations.

This is the hope that allows us to continue on with our lives, a purpose by which we explain our existence. The difficulties and darkness of this world does not affect our abundance even though they potentially hide it for a while. Our abundance is how our faith is affirmed. It assures us that there is goodness in our lives despite all the hardships of the world.

Abundance is a way that life assures us that it is good and that those bad circumstances are just what they are, circumstances. Abundance is everywhere and yet we cannot find it because we stop ourselves. We do not want to welcome the fact that life gives us the whole thing. We want the kind of abundance that benefits our behaviors and our emotions. Abundance is present in all creation and we look for abundance in love, power, money, health, and happiness.

We are slaved in our own myriad desires of selfish pursuits and disregard the flow of abundance in life. Also, our minds are clogged with age-old beliefs and values that restrict us from absorbing the abundance provided by the universe. Social parameters, is yet another vital factor in our inhibitions of truly acknowledging abundance. Governments across the globe primarily thrive on capitalist outlook - large supply meeting large demands, people need to be in debt for government to create a mass production of consumable supply of goods and services. They cash in on the poor health, and struggles of their citizens. Citizens can choose to accept these limits and inhibit the abundance, or they can welcome abundance in their lives with an open mindset. The more we choose to attract information about our abundance, the more we will receive.

"Seek and you shall find" is what The Bible preaches, and the law of attraction is based on the preaching - the more you seek, the more information you will attract and your life will be a wealth of abundance.

The Bible says "seek and you shall find" and that is what we need to do. To attract abundance, we need to look for it. When we affirm abundance, we have a positive mindset and therefore attract it towards us. Our minds are therefore built to be positive and the effect is positive as well.

Our creativity and intellect should be geared towards a life filled with abundance. Avoid procrastinating and keep yourself healthy. Spend time for yourself because poor health hinders you from living a life of abundance and well-being. Assert yourself and you will get closer to abundance.

To achieve abundance, there has to be an overall well-being in terms of the physical, financial, and spiritual aspects of your life. When this happens, we get to be solitary with the universe and with God. Plus, our relationships improve as well.

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A Beginners Guide To Creating Abundance

By Derek Davies

Creating abundance; is it really that easy? Absolutely; there are a lot of ways you can create abundance in your life, and everyone deserves to be happy, including you. However, you might not know just how to get that happiness you so richly deserve.

Do you have a positive image of who you are, or do you possess a negative image? Before you can focus on creating abundance, you must become aware of the fact that you deserve what you want.

What is the first step to a life of abundance? Right now, take a few minutes to focus on a few things you'd like to have. Why do you need those things, and how can you get them? Make this a habit, and do it every day. After a few weeks, you should begin to notice that you do indeed think you deserve these things, and you'll also know why you want or need them. You'll know you deserve them, because this feeling of being deserving has been a central focus for you for the last several weeks.

It is important to be an ambitious and goal-oriented person when creating abundance. You must feel inspired to go after the things you want.

Being deserving is a very important quality when it comes to creating abundance, because if you know what you want is something you also deserve, it will become yours. It may not happen instantly, but because it's a driving passion of yours, you will ultimately obtain it, even unconsciously.

If you're interested in creating abundance, focus on your thoughts and actions. Literally everything you ultimately create begins with a thought, and you have to transform those thoughts into action. However, this shouldn't feel like a job or like work.

People may never achieve their goals in life or get the things they want because they think they can't get them. They don't have faith in themselves, so they don't have the ability to make the things they want to happen actually occur.

Sit down right now and envision how you want your life to be. Don't just think about material things you want, but focus on positive mental and emotional attributes, too, like peace. As you do this, focus as well on becoming more ambitious and more determined. These qualities will help you push through obstacles until you get to what you want. There are no limitations your life except for those you've set up in front of yourself. It really is that simple when it comes to creating abundance.

Of course, you can also undermine your own goals and get in the way of building the life you want by focusing on negative things you hear. Negative people in your life can get in your way; if you have them, you must learn to ignore them if necessary. Or, if it's possible, you can teach them how to let happiness come freely into their lives, too.

Every action you do begins with a thought. If you truly think that you're never going to be happy, have the house you want, have a nice car, and so on, you'll continue to get in the way of creating abundance for yourself.

However, if you think you deserve these things and you really want them, AND you know you can get them in one way or another, even if you're not sure just how yet, you'll find a way -- and best of all, it won't be hard.

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How To Create Abundance In Your Life

By Jak Spinks

Being in the state to create abundance involves ones total body, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Likewise, its benefits go in all of those aspects. You must learn to harness this state both internally and externally. It begins with deep introspection; you must allow yourself to heal from past hurts and unpleasant experiences. It is indeed a challenging process.

You will always be unhappy at some point in your life and whenever you are unhappy your life has the need to find a way to have abundance but it just has not found it yet. Do not be mistaken, abundant life does not pertain to mere material possessions nor does it involve money alone. Learn from the rich, they have everything yet they feel they own nothing. They do not really know how to attain happiness.

You find abundance by working on your values, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. Evaluate all the negative ones and get rid of them. Train yourself to be more positive about life. Positivity breeds change in thinking, actions, communication, and goals. Learn to be positive no matter what state you are in and you will be living a brand new life just by doing that.

We can find the spirit of abundant life all around us. The world is rich with positivity. Its just sad that not many realize this and choose to live life in negativity. Be open to positive things and receive it with your whole mind and heart. Get rid of all the negative for it only blocks abundance from coming in. Learn to forgive, get rid of shame and anxiety, anger and hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness. Release all negative feelings so you can perceive more and be able to accept abundance in your life.

Its also vital to put an end to unsettled things in your life. These are like evil demons eating away your happiness. Stop giving in to failure and hurt. Stop the cycle. Finish with the past and run to the future with positivity. You are sure to create abundance in doing this.

Changes are to be welcomed though difficult they may be. Welcome positive changes and aim to make the best out of everything you go through. Live and work in a positive perception of the world and grab every opportunity to make positive changes in your life. As you see each one keep your focus on. This holistic attitude gets you abundance.

One you are accomplishing your goals you cannot allow it to stop there. It is important to continue everyday to create abundance you need to be happy. Lose the selfishness in your life. Its one of the easier things to give into but selfishness can take over the body. You will become even more generous when you create abundance when you begin to share with others. Let other people see how well it looks on you and they will try it themselves. Do not focus on yourself; your aches and pains, your work, your life. Instead focus on helping someone out and you will change yourself as well as others.

Mend your relationships with everyone. Sometimes people get distracted by their own problems and they forget that others may have a problem too. Its important to focus on simple things in life that make you happy and others happy as well. When you work on abundant life you will get a healthier mind and body.

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Exploring Your Mind Power

By Roger Connery

Your mind power is the most crucial thing that you have, with which to face life. It is that one tool you have in your hand that can transform the word 'miracle' into 'possible' for you. The power of the subconscious is tremendous. If used to its full potential, you can create your own destiny in the way you want with the help of your mind power.

When we were children, our parents and teachers taught us many things. They taught us how to dance, how to sing, how to work out formulae, how to frame sentences, how to draw, etc. They also taught us the fact of life that the only two things that cause success are those of backbreaking hard work or luck. But the question remains that why did they never tell us that all this could be accomplished by one's mind power? That you can achieve the impossible and attain the miracle by unleashing the power of your subconscious mind?

Firstly, our parents and teachers have always told us that only hard work and nightlong toil brings the success you desire. If you want to become the head of your department you need to stay back in office and work hard. All the abundances that you seek so much, abundance in money, fame, no, of luxury cars, etc are all a matter of chance. But the truth is that any kind of abundance can be manifested in real life with your mind power.

But the one bad habit that we have picked up since childhood is that of thinking about scarcity. If abundance is what you seek and what you work for, then why isn't it that you always think about scarcity instead of abundance?

The power of faith is very strong. If you truly believe that something will happen to you, then your mind power will attract the event and cause it to actually happen in your life. For example, if you want to become the departmental head at work and you continuously visualize yourself as the head, charging the vision with your own energy and having full faith in its occurrence from the bottom of your heart, then you will see that it will get manifested in your life in reality.

Moreover, a thing to be remembered always is that like attracts like. Thus, the type of thoughts you have, would attract more of the similar kind of thoughts. Hence, if you want to have abundance in your life in terms of money, fame, success, or anything, then you have to think about abundance to start with, instead of scarcity. Your mind power is such that if you feel dissatisfied, it will be dissatisfaction that your mind will attract in the future. Thus, having positive thoughts and affirming your mind of this fact continuously is what will increase your mind power.

Hence, as a conclusion it might be said that if you focus all your energy on something that you want and have the power of faith that it will happen, and then nothing can stop it from getting manifested in reality. Your mind power is the sole source from which your destiny is created.

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Karma And Well Being

By James Cameroone

The karmic index of an individual has long been defined as the premier source of positive esoteric energy in the cosmos. Without ginger sugarsnaps (which determine a person's karmic index) human beings would have no souls or intellect, and that would be shameful. Therefore it is imperative that we as human beings maintain a strong position on curbing greenhouse emissions that negatively affect their karma index in both the atmosphere of, and stratosphere surrounding, Earth.

Ghandi once said, "if it weren't for ginger sugarsnaps, I would not have the strength to fast for humanity." It was the incredibly high index of karmic energy that Ghandi commanded that allowed him to go for weeks without eating and survive nonetheless.

While Scientologists would have you believe that some absurd concept of "thetans" is responsible for the well being of your soul, respected scientists have refuted this position time and again, showing that the real measurement of soulfulness and good or evil in a person is how connected they are to the karmic index.

Mitzvahs are key. If you do not perform daily good deeds, your index will fall below a healthy level and you will become horribly depressed.

Exercise is also very important. Much like endorphins, a healthy index don't just magically happen, you have to energize your self, both physical and mental, in order to attract a higher index of them.

Diet is the last turn key to increasing your index. If you maintain a healthy diet, your chances of maintaining a high index are much more likely. If you combine all 3, mitzvahs, exercise, and a good diet, you will undoubtedly be ready to heal the world with your inherent kindness and humanitarianism as related to your overpowering karmic index!

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Your Intuition

Everyone has it, but few ever use this ability, An ability that helps us make the right decisions the time we need it  the most, it can get us out of danger. And even guides us towards our life purpose. That ability is known as Intuition, some call it gut feelings, women intuition, clairvoyance, sixth sense  or just power of mind,   yet most of us only experience it in flashes.

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Precognition Explained

By Jo Case

Do you believe there are aspects of the world not clearly seen by the human eye? Are you interested in things that are not commonly understood or believed by most people? If so, then you are likely interested in the concept of precognition.

Precognition is the ability to sense or to know things before they happen and if you have ever experienced it, there is a good chance that it is fascinating to you. While some people can access it more easily than others, precognition seems to be something that all people are interested in.

Those with the power of precognition have the power of knowing or seeing the future or present before it actually transpires. For these people, their precognition can be as clear as if the events are happening in the moment at current times. It is as if the future and current times are playing out for them in the past. They are that certain about what is going to happen.

There is a great variety in what types of information and knowledge different people are able to learn through precognition. While there are some people who have the power to predict some of the most devastating and startling events to occur in history, most people pick up on little bits of information such as where each item might sit on their dinner plate before it is actually delivered to their table.

When do people receive these flashes of precognition? While it is different for everyone, many people will receive flashes of it just when they are falling asleep.

There is very good reason for the higher occurrence of precognitive dreams than daytime precognitive flashes. Most people are not mentally open enough to take in this knowledge while their conscious mind is actively alert. The sleep process naturally opens the mind as the conscious mind gives way to a more active subconscious mind. In this more open and less consciously alert state, many people are open enough to take in precognitive knowledge.

Especially at the beginning, precognition seems to be something that cannot be controlled. For instance, they will simply occur in flashes, stops, and starts. Consider the way that your creative brain works. For instance, if you are artist, especially when you are just getting started, you are going to be reliant on sudden bursts of energy or insight. This is often considered to be something almost divine; it comes without reason or expectation.

Yet, for those who decide to actively work on honing in their precognition powers, it is possible to become more controlled with them. This is how artists as well as some psychics are able to function daily, doing their work without waiting for a flash of inspiration to hit.

Take a moment and consider whether you have had anything in your past that would have pointed towards precognition. One experience that many people have is that they will be thinking about someone and then a few moments or a few days later, they will receive a call or a letter. On one hand, skeptics will dismiss that coincidence, but when you think about how often it happens and when you think about how strange it would be if it were merely coincidence, you'll see that there could very easily be a case made for being able to tell the future.

Note that precognitive instances are forward looking, so they are very different from dj vu which is a sensation that you are reliving something that already occurred in the past.

So, what makes precognition happen? This is something that is not clearly understood and which has not been proven, though there are many theories out there. For instance, many people believe that our concept of the world as a place where time passes in a straight line is inaccurate. They believe there is more of a cyclical nature to the world where things repeat. Other experts in the field believe that it is our reliance upon the five basic senses that leads to our being blinded to much of what is actually around us right now.

Those with precognition powers are essentially able to move outside those basic senses to see things on new levels. Think about how exciting it would be to do that in your own life! If this excites you, consider finding out more about these powers and how they can actually benefit your daily life.

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