Split Personalities Disease Of Human Personals

By Vanessa Cruz

Most human possesses personality and this is how they characterize themselves. Speaking of personality, there is particular disease that has relationship with human's personality and attacks human's mind called split-personality disorder. You may have ever heard about this before and of course this kind of disease will disturb the personals who suffer from it.

In details, according to the basic definition about Split Personality, "it is a relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge". According to the psychiatry, there is no special category or phenomenon about split personality. Previously, it was once stated that the example of split personality was schizophrenia. But then it was found out that it was a misleading conclusion to say that schizophrenic personals are examples of split personality. Schizophrenia is a condition when someone has a great struggle to keep and maintain the coherence and integrity.

Specifically, there are three different meanings about the term of 'personality,' whereas the two of them are general and popular and the third is technical and philosophical. The most general meaning is the first one that explains that personality is the sum of the characteristics which compose physical and mental being, such as manners, appearance, tastes, habits, and moral character. The second meaning describes the characteristics that differentiate between one and another. Furthermore, the third meaning is considerably the most important among all. This meaning is merely the only conception of any value to the psychic researcher and the philosopher or psychologist. It means that personals have the conception of personality that emphasizes only with characteristic. There are no difference between common and specific marks. Moreover, this third meaning is also extremely different with the previous two meanings and it attracts continuous misunderstandings between the philosopher and the public mainly about the discussion of survival after death.

Back to the discussion about split personality, it will be necessary to trace its history to learn that this split personality is really a disease that attack personals' mind. Medical literature reported that the cases of split personality probably had been occurring since early 19th century and the situation was formally defined in the first years of 20th. Even though the cases of split personality are really rare, the facts about people with this disease were become more common in the 1980s. The publicity of a book entitled Sybil, a story of a woman who lives with 16 personalities made an innovation that concluded the idea of multiple personalities caused by someone's childhood trauma.

In addition, below are the facts about people with split personalities. The first person is William S. Milligan, a person with 24 personalities and each of the personality has different appearance and manner, the first ten dominant personalities in the mind of Billy Milligan are Billy, Arthur, Leigen, Allen, Tommy, Danny, David, Christine, Christopher, and Adarana. The second is Claudia Ellen Yascow who had killed four people but then found out to have mind problems.

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