Can Anyone Have Premonitions?

By Mel Decourcey

Do you think you have had a premonition before? How can someone know something is about to happen even before it does? Could it be an event that is paranormal or maybe it is just feelings that we get if things are not exactly right? Premonitions are not believed in by scientists. They only believe in things that they can prove to be facts. They know that there have been reports of people that have had knowledge of events or have had feelings about things prior to it occurring.

Do We See the Future?

A specific example that premonitions exist is found in the recordings of Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry and Canadian biochemist. He was able to record over nineteen different premonitions that his patients told him about just two weeks prior to the Titanic setting sail. These premonitions were of people that had canceled their trip because they felt like there was something negative going to happen and some from people that had dreams of the disaster occurring.

Premonitions, by all accounts of those who have had them, are not pleasant. They are accompanied by either fright or uneasiness over what they feel is about to happen. The people who have the premonitions often do not know what will happen but they know it is not good.

People do not realize how common it is to have a premonition. The subject of a premonition is almost always someone or something that has direct impact on you. They show up in a variety of ways. Dreams and feelings are some of them. Some call it a sixth sense.

The premonitions that are seen or felt are often surrounding a death, a murder, a plane crash, a robbery, or an accident. The incident happens, typically, within a few hours of the premonition. Dreams can cause a very negative emotional mark on a person that has a premonition. They are not able to communicate the level of dread that overcomes their emotions.

There are also dreams that leave nothing to question as to what will happen. They are very clear and the person that is having the dream actually witnesses something happening to someone that they love whether it be a family member or someone else that they are close to. It can be extremely upsetting to have a dream like this and it is usually something that is blocked from their memory to protect themselves. They may be able to put it to the back of their mind until the event actually occurs.

Can premonitions actually be from another world? A premonition is something you see as a dream or a feeling that you get. The apprehension in your life tends to lead to a premonition about things that are yet to come but it is not always clear what it will be. Premonitions are very sense oriented.

What if the premonitions we have are actually something that is happening on another dimension? The premonitions that occur when we are asleep could be the result of being somewhere other than this dimension for the period of time when we are sleeping. This could tie in with the theory of astral projection.

Is this something that is just too far out to actually occur? Many people over history has had to face ridicule for something that they believed in firmly because, in that moment, it seemed truly impossible. Do you think that people actually believed that a man would take a walk on the moon one day? If, prior to the actual event, it was brought up, surely everyone would have considered the person to be crazy.

How Do You Explain These Premonitions?

Should things be automatically dismissed because they simply do not fit within the way that we think? There have been many different recordings of premonitions in history. Abraham Lincoln actually had a premonition about himself dying. Only ten days prior to dying he had a dream that he was mourning with people in the East Wing in the White House. He turned to a solider to ask who had died and the soldier said it was the president.

Does the book Futility that was written in 1898 sound familiar to you? Maybe the Wreck of the Titan? It was written fourteen years before the Titanic was sunk. It tells a story about the Titan, a ship that sank in the North Atlantic. The ship was sunk by an ice berg, there were not enough life boats to go around, it had three propellers, and the Titanic was the exact same size. All of these things are much like the Titanic right down to the names of the boats.

Morgan Robertson wrote this book. How did it come about that the shipwreck so closely resembled one that would happen 14 years later? Regardless of what you call them, premonitions or visions, there seems to be similarities that the book shares with the actual sinking of the Titanic. Did the author of this book see the story told in a premonition and feel compelled to write the book?

It is possible that this question will never be answered. Only at their own pace will the mysteries that are found in the universe and the mind unfold. The things that will be shown to someone cannot be predicted.

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