Extreme Weight Loss - Some Insights

By Jason Kendall

You'll see a mass of autobiographies of the rich & famous if you look at any best seller list today. We learn that it's not that they didn't experience tough times, but that they didn't allow the tough times to dominate their thought processes. Only when we encourage a 'can do' mental attitude will we rise above the crowd.

For people who are on a slimming diet, this attitude to weight loss is the key. You can only do it if you think you can! An optimistic approach brings about all sorts of opportunities to achieve. It throws up possibilities we might not previously have thought of. A pessimistic approach though does the opposite.

It's all down to our mental apparatus - something called the reticular activation system that automatically prompts our thoughts. Over our lives, we've experienced a huge number of things that no longer remain in our conscious thoughts - that's because thoughts that are no longer pressing are moved to our sub conscious mind.

Then, when we have a need to refer to something, our automatic RAS (reticular activation system) goes through our sub conscious to check if we're holding anything relevant. So when we're strolling down a road, things that have meaning to us come to our attention, but everything else doesn't.

So if our conscious mind has regularly been transferring up-beat, positive messages to our sub-conscious mind, then that's what will come back. But the sub-conscious can only return what it originally was given. So if it received negative information, it will send negative back.

Achievers, it would appear, are able to manipulate the messages streaming through to their sub-conscious minds. They do this by choosing exactly what the conscious mind sends, thereby programming their RAS. For achieving goals this makes the RAS an essential tool, because the sub-conscious mind doesn't know what's real or imaginary.

In other words, as it believes what it's told, we need to create a very specific picture of our goal in our conscious mind. This will then pass on to our subconscious via the RAS - and help us to achieve our goal. It does this by bringing to our attention all the relevant information which otherwise might have remained as 'background noise'.

Napoleon Hill said that we can achieve any (realistic) goal if we keep on thinking of that goal, and don't think any negative thoughts about it. Obviously, if we keep telling ourselves that we can't hit a goal, our sub-conscious won't allow us to achieve it.

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