Is Astral Projection Something You Should Experiment With?

By Benjamin Parry

At one time or another most people have heard about doing astral projection. Maybe they have a friend that practices it, or watched some movie about it, or even read a book on the subject. Not all people clearly comprehend that you really can do astral projection and that in fact everyone can do it. You could have easily astral projected without knowing you were doing it at the time.

In order to determine if you have had an astral projection experience or to begin learning to astral project it is important to understand what astral projection is. Simply put astral projection is when your spirit body leaves your physical body. This is something that happens naturally at night when you are asleep, but it is possible for you to do it consciously and control the journey of your spirit body.

Astral projection allows you to visit any place you like and do anything without limitations imposed by time or space. As a child, you probably were able to do this easily every time you slept. When we age though, its common to forget how to use this ability.

For those that may not be aware of the various bodies other than the physical. Astral projection is done with the astral body. It is often referred to as the ethereal body because of both its duplication of the physical body and its lack of substance. It is in essence an invisible body. The in turn leads to the question of how is the astral body attached to the physical body. The answer is it is attached with what is often referred to as the silver cord.

This cord keeps your two beings connected from the moment you're born until your last breath. As long as you live, your astral body will always come back to your physical form after its travels.

Another question that is often asked is where the astral body travels to when a person engages in astral projection. The astral body moves along the astral plane. This is, as the astral body is a duplicate for the physical, a duplicate of the physical world. There are a number of ways that it can be described. In some descriptions, it is described as a set of vibrations, which penetrate physical reality but are at a wavelength that separates it from the physical world. It can also be described as a secondary reality or another dimension. What is agreed upon with the descriptions is that there are multiple levels to the astral plane.

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

The greatest danger when astral projecting comes with the mind is not carefully prepared or under the influence of thought and perception, altering substances such as drugs or alcohol. There are a number of levels to the astral plane. The lower levels are not considered places to visit and are often considered to be unsafe. It is these levels that are easiest to access when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This is why it is so important that you know exactly what you are doing and where you are planning to go. The goal you are trying to achieve is not just astral projecting, but conscious astral projection where you are aware of what is going on.

You can learn astral projection with relative ease and in little time if you prepare yourself. You could choose to take lessons with astral projection professionals who can teach you some techniques. Alternately, you could do as most people do and learn on your own.

The internet has a wealth of information on astral projection and there are a number of books, which describe a number of techniques that can be used in order to prepare the mind and body for astral projection. There are even recordings that use hypnosis to assist in astral projection. There is an advantage to these types of recordings. You can have them play on repeat giving people who may find it difficult to prepare the time necessary to reach the appropriate state of mind; this extra time might not be available if professional sessions are used.

In the field of sound technology there have been many improvements in the area of binaural beats. With this you listen to different sounds in each of your ears. This quickly gets you into the meditative state that is crucial for you to reach to do astral projection with the right results.

If you are unable to astral project at first, do not be concerned. It is something that requires practice to be able to do. It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project and then to practice in order to obtain a level of proficiency.

If you are still unsure, that astral projection is something that is known to everyone consider these things. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even though you were standing or laying still, how about dreaming about flying. Often times this is the result of astral projection. The falling feeling usually comes when the two bodies rejoin each other and the sensation of flight comes from actually moving through the astral plane. It is a real ability that everyone has, everyone can use and all it needs is a bit of fine-tuning in order to be able to do it at will.

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