Reiki Chakra Balance - How Does It Affect You?

By Julie O'Mahonney

Reiki Chakra Balance is all about balancing or aligning the energy meridians that we have in our body. According to ancient Hindu philosophy, a human body is known to have seven chakras, or seven central energy spheres of energy reception and transmission located in the subtle within and placed in a vertical straight-line from the crown of the head to the base of the spine.

Reiki Chakra balance can be said to be the art of balancing or aligning the energy flow from these energy meridians throughout one's body. The seven chakras of Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye and Crown of the Head receive and transmit the life force energy of man and any blockage or misdirection thereof results severely in physical as well as emotional ill health.

Reiki Chakra Balancing is one of the ways in which these energy meridians are aligned. Other methods include practices like meditation, acupuncture, radiotronics, sound therapy and the like. Also known as Palm Healing, the Reiki practitioner acts like a vessel through which the positive energy from higher and infinite universal source is transmitted to the chakras of the healee. Specifically it involves transmitting the energy through the palms of the practitioner.

The process of Reiki Chakra balancing usually starts with the practitioner attaining a meditative state of mind and the healee lying down in a calm and relaxed way wearing loose clothing for being comfortable. Remember that more the comfort level of the healee, more open he will be and thereby more effective will be the process of energy transmission.

Common Reiki techniques involve looking/staring, blowing, touching, tapping stroking or placing the palms flatly against specific positions or diseased part of the healee's body. Most of the hand positions are around the head and neck area but they can also be on the front or back of the torso as well as knees and feet. Many a times the process starts with the healer scrutinizing the aura or the energy field emanated from the person to identify the diseased body parts.

Various kinds of hand positions in Reiki energize and balance chakras in different levels. It can be a mere energizing on the physical level via the warmth of your hands where the healee will feel a tingling sensation in areas being focused on. Going a step further, Reiki symbols are used to energize on the mental level. There are various Reiki symbols drawn for achieving specific objectives and these can be drawn on the person's body or mentally focused upon for the desired benefits. Localized treatments is a term that denotes placing hands on areas such as injury or requiring surgery, for varied lengths of time for intensely focused healing purposes.

Thus, it can be said that just by mere laying of hands, one can improve another person in all the aspects be it physical, or otherwise, without any medical interventions. Using proper techniques and ancient Reiki symbols, the energy is allowed to flow where needed so as to bring the chakras into alignment and proper balance.

It can be concluded by saying that though Reiki Chakra Balancing is extensively used in healing and is most popular where a person is diseased or has a serious injury, it is always better to proactively go for Reiki chakra balancing for smooth energy flow in one's body for the ultimate physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

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