Abundance Affirmations For A Better Life

By Nichole Tyler

Abundance is essentially the basis of a person's well-being. This is something that is not controlled by any external factor. Abundance is something that happens on a personal level and transcends anything material. This is the kind of hope with which we live our lives each day. Our attention level is described by how we channel the energy of abundance that is in the universe. In order to harness the power of that energy, we use abundance affirmations.

This is the hope that allows us to continue on with our lives, a purpose by which we explain our existence. The difficulties and darkness of this world does not affect our abundance even though they potentially hide it for a while. Our abundance is how our faith is affirmed. It assures us that there is goodness in our lives despite all the hardships of the world.

Abundance is a way that life assures us that it is good and that those bad circumstances are just what they are, circumstances. Abundance is everywhere and yet we cannot find it because we stop ourselves. We do not want to welcome the fact that life gives us the whole thing. We want the kind of abundance that benefits our behaviors and our emotions. Abundance is present in all creation and we look for abundance in love, power, money, health, and happiness.

We are slaved in our own myriad desires of selfish pursuits and disregard the flow of abundance in life. Also, our minds are clogged with age-old beliefs and values that restrict us from absorbing the abundance provided by the universe. Social parameters, is yet another vital factor in our inhibitions of truly acknowledging abundance. Governments across the globe primarily thrive on capitalist outlook - large supply meeting large demands, people need to be in debt for government to create a mass production of consumable supply of goods and services. They cash in on the poor health, and struggles of their citizens. Citizens can choose to accept these limits and inhibit the abundance, or they can welcome abundance in their lives with an open mindset. The more we choose to attract information about our abundance, the more we will receive.

"Seek and you shall find" is what The Bible preaches, and the law of attraction is based on the preaching - the more you seek, the more information you will attract and your life will be a wealth of abundance.

The Bible says "seek and you shall find" and that is what we need to do. To attract abundance, we need to look for it. When we affirm abundance, we have a positive mindset and therefore attract it towards us. Our minds are therefore built to be positive and the effect is positive as well.

Our creativity and intellect should be geared towards a life filled with abundance. Avoid procrastinating and keep yourself healthy. Spend time for yourself because poor health hinders you from living a life of abundance and well-being. Assert yourself and you will get closer to abundance.

To achieve abundance, there has to be an overall well-being in terms of the physical, financial, and spiritual aspects of your life. When this happens, we get to be solitary with the universe and with God. Plus, our relationships improve as well.

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