Improving Concentration

By Adele A. Davis

When it comes to improving concentration, here's one idea you may not have thought of. As adults we tend to rely on other methods for calculating things. As a result our skills aren't nearly as sharp as they used to be. Simple math can become a struggle if you don't work on it.

We will figure out our monthly budget, balance our checkbooks, and perform almost all of our daily calculations using a calculator. Today's computer software further enables us to rely on the assistance of calculators, as most programs have them built in, so that we aren't responsible for any math for these tasks either.

You can improve your concentration by deciding to do the calculations of your daily life, in your head, and as you see that you are getting stronger in your math skills, you should rely less and less on a calculator. This process will be challenging at first, but you will get stronger and faster, and will soon be able to perform these calculations in a snap. With a little effort and practice, you will be able to divide up your lunch bill and calculate an appropriate tip on your portion of the check.

You will obviously, initially, spend more time figuring out the calculations by hand, than you did using the calculator. If your daily activities include a lot of math, you may, at first, be annoyed by this new routine. With a little time and effort, you will recognize that you are improving your concentration through the simple act of figuring out all math by hand.

You do not have to completely rule out using a calculator, but should promise yourself that you will only use it after you have diligently tried to arrive at the answer by yourself. Confirming your answer with a calculator is perfectly acceptable. Your concentration skills will reap rewards from doing math in your head and by hand, and the more you do it, the greater the benefit. An individual who allows a portion of their brain function to go unused, will find that, over time, that function will be lost.

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