Astral Travel - The Secret For Beginners

by Rick J Griffiths

If you've ever drifted off into a pleasant daydream and imagined yourself floating somewhere high over the roof tops, then you may have been exercising astral travel! Have you ever dreamt about going to different places and seeing different people? That too could be a sign of astral travel. Astral travel is a state of mind that allows you to journey outside of your physical body, going to places you've literally only dreamed of.

Many people confuse actual astral travel with dreaming. This is not to say that each and every dream a person has is an astral travel adventure. When you first go to sleep and begin to dream it is your minds way of working through the events of your day. This is when the mind is trying to work out various stresses or events that were not settled while you were awake. This helps to keep you sane. Few of those dreams are remembered, and if they are remembered it is only bits and fragments.

Whenever you can vividly remember a dream, rest assured you were likely experiencing some form of astral projection. No matter what you intend to do with the information, it is a good idea to recall these dreams as best you can and put them down on paper in a journal. While one or two of these dreams will not make sense to you, there will be time when you can go through several of your recalled dreams and they will make complete sense.

Just like regular dreams help you work out the stresses of your life, astral travel dreams also have extreme benefits. The types of astral travel experiences you have will be unique to you, as will be the benefits. This is why it is important for you to keep track of them rather than try to compare them with someone elses.

The primary benefits of writing down your astral projection experiences stem from an expansion of your spirituality. Through astral projection, you will become more aware of your surroundings and the inner workings of your soul. Once you truly know yourself, you will have an overall sense of well-being and peace. And because astral projection causes us to use parts of our brains that are seldom used, it will make you a sharper person enhancing memory and mental awareness.

Once practicing astral travel, you should see a significant boost in your telepathic and psychic strength. Anyone who works at astral projection will tell you that their psychic abilities increase the more they practice. They can more easily sense spirits and use their telepathic skills.

Astral projection acts as a conduit to your inner self, and thus enhances these other spiritual abilities and skills.

Those who are skeptical of astral travel soon come to their senses after working on their astral travel skills. Even they have been able to read the auras of other people quite easily.

Finally, a fourth benefit that most people enjoy is the pure and simple excitement and adventure that comes with astral travel. The ability to go wherever it is they want to go and do what they want it is a freeing experience.

With all of these benefits to improve ones life, why aren't more people practicing astral travel. The answer is that most people are under the false assumption that astral travel and astral projection are only for a gifted few. When the fact is that every person that is alive today has the ability to astral project.

Everyone has, at one time, taken some sort of astral travel experience. Whether it is through remembered dreams or daydreams, everyone has done it! Flying out of your body is quite common even if you dont realize it as that.

Now that you know something about astral travel, you can allow yourself to experience these events openly. The next time you have an astral travel experience, try to control some aspects of it. A little practice at this and you will see your mental strength increase each day.

There are techniques that you can learn on your own through books offline or eBooks and other resources online. These were created by people who practice astral travel. Learning to astral travel is not as difficult as people want to believe that it is. This is a natural ability that you were born with, you just forgot how to use it and need to fine tune your ability.

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