Remote Viewing - How Even A Complete Novice Can Get Started

By Vicki Porter

If you're trying to perfect remote viewing, how do you know if you're succeeding or not? Remote viewing is the psychic ability to see places, people or objects with your mind's power instead of with your usual five senses.

However, it's not the same as astral travel. When you are doing astral travel, your 'spirit' body can leave your physical body and travel remote distances to see something firsthand. With remote viewing, your mind is doing the traveling, and your subconscious mind is the vehicle.

How do you know whether or not you can learn remote viewing? Simply, because everyone can. How successful you are at it depends on whether you can relax into a trance state that is very similar to the awareness you experience when you're hypnotized.

Experts have long said that we only use about 10% of our mental capacity, with the other 90% untouched because we simply haven't tapped into it and haven't trained it. As one example, if you've spoken several foreign languages from childhood, those neural pathways are firmly established and you think it's absolutely normal to speak those languages. The same is true of other more 'ordinary' skills, such as reading and writing. You're taught these skills when you're young, and they become simply part of your mind's abilities throughout your life.

Imagine if you'd been taught to access the power of your sub-conscious mind as a child? Just because you can't do something right now doesn't mean you won't ever be able to do it. It simply means you haven't been taught yet and that you need to train your mind to unlock the ability that was always hidden there.

Before you take up the practice of remote viewing, how to relax is going to be a major factor in how well you can do it. If you're not a good 'relaxer,' try something before you pick up remote viewing that will teach you how to relax, like meditation. In this way, you can more easily access your subconscious mind. Self-hypnosis, too, is a great way to get to this stage of relaxation and an almost trance like state.

In addition to learning relaxation, though, you are also going to have to learn how to remain alert. It's very easy, of course, to fall asleep when you are that relaxed, but don't. Make sure you are well rested and calm, and let your mind stay alert as you fully relax physically.

Before you engage in remote viewing, how are you going to test the results you get? Set up a way to verify whether or not your remote viewing session was successful before you get started.

The easiest way to do this is to choose test views that you know are easily verifiable. This could be trying to view a friend's home from the comfort of your bedroom. Look carefully and see if you notice anything out of place. You might see a coffee cup left on a bench or a newspaper left on a table.

These small things might not seem like much, but they can give you a clear indication of whether you're seeing real places and events. Once you've awoken from your relaxed trance, call your friend and verify the objects you've seen.

When you've practiced remote viewing, how to reach the correct state of relaxation required becomes easier each time. You'll soon find you're able to reach this state easily and your technique will suddenly become much more fluid.

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