Executive Health Examination

By Katherine Moto

Executive Health Examination

It's the well-being of and over-all health that takes a beating when it comes to the high stress and fast paced lives lived by many professionals. It can be quite difficult to take care of our bodies properly when there are so many duties and responsibilities to attend to.

Usually we only go to the doctor when something is seriously wrong or for our mandatory yearly check ups. While this may be the standard in our lives and amongst our peers it is by no means the healthiest way to live. Too often serious problems are only caught in their latest stages.

Executive Health Programs

In an effort to keep costs down insurance companies do not allow doctors to use CT scans and other in depth tests on a regular basis. These kinds of tests are only used after a problem or serious symptom has been identified. It's a horrible way to approach medicine for the patient but keeps costs down for insurance companies.

Dr. Mark Anderson and Dr. Walter Gaman both run Executive Medicine of Texas where they provide in depth, preemptive medical services. They understand how difficult balancing work, life and health can be and that to stay on top of your health you must be proactive. That is why they wrote the great book, Stay Young.

Executive Health Check Ups

This book is one that lays out ten easy to follow tips on how to get and stay healthy as you grow older and increase your workload and responsibilities. It encompasses the doctor's outlook on proactively looking after your health, identifying problems before they become serious and taking care of any threats that pop up.

The nice thing about these tips in the book is that you discover that it doesn't take a lot of money to implement them in order to experience better energy levels and overall health. There's no fad being shown here as it's all about following scientific medical advice that will result in a longer and healthier life.

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