A True Understanding Of Your Past Lives

By George Amway

I had a friend once in school who used to be petrified of fire. For reasons unknown, she had been so much scared of it since childhood that even the slightest of blazes was enough for her to start shivering and getting sick. So much so, she used to never enter kitchens and needless to say we could never have bonfires when she was around! Many of our friends, then kids, used to joke that she must have been burnt to death in her past life. Now when I come to think of it, would it have been possible that those kids were speaking more sense than others?

It is said that if you have been good in your past life then you would reap the benefits of that in your present birth. This belief in past lives, or reincarnation as commonly known, has been prevalent and believed by the age old religions of the world since ancient times. The spiritually rich and one of the oldest religions of Hinduism to more contemporary theosophical beliefs of the western world, all echo the same belief.

The cycle of birth and death goes on till the time the immortal soul has gradually ascended to the highest level of spiritual attainment realizing the omnipotence and immortality of it. Only then the soul attains the ultimate liberation going out of the painful cycles of rebirth and getting trapped in a physical body amidst worldly illusions.

Past lives are something that is not known to man. If you want the answers to some questions regarding yourself, your current life situation or some strange experiences, Past Life Regression Technique is till date the best technique used to recollect memories of your past lives.

Past Life Regression is a technique of hypnosis in order to bring out the memories of past lives of the subject. It is undertaken in a psychotherapeutic setting where hypnotic induction is administered on the subject in order to attain higher levels of spiritual awakening where your subconscious remembers your past lives.

Hypnosis, which was earlier considered to be an unconscious state of mind is actually a condition where the mind is wakeful but in a state of focused attention. Thus, with the decrease in the awareness of the surroundings along with a focused and heightened suggestibility your mind is in a position to recollect memories from the past. Hypnotic Induction on the other hand involves administering a series of instruction and suggestions to gradually lead the subject to the hypnotic state of higher spiritual awakening.

The benefits of undergoing a past life regression involves getting answers to many aspects of your personalities and the reasons behind it. Moreover, such a strong spiritual impact unleashes the creativity bound within you and results in being aware of all your talents, passions, skills and attributes which you can develop and be tremendously successful

A topic such as 'past lives' surely does not go without its share of skepticism and disbelief. Apart from numerous religious differences in views, many consider it to be a pseudoscience without having the required proof and validity. But it must be added that since many things in life are still awaiting a scientific explanation, mere rejection will only lead to a loss of opportunity in personal growth and an hindrance to your own success.

Knowing about your past lives is like watching the journey of your soul, your intimate core that is actually you. Through such a powerful technique such as Past Life Regression, you would be on the verge of realizing your true self and unleashing your ultimate potential.

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