Make Use Of A Psychic Test And Expand Your Psychic Abilities

By Adrian Bonnie

The difference between psychics and normal people is that a psychic has senses that are more developed. Their senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and even taste are more sensitive, allowing them the ability to have experiences that others cannot.

Psychics are able to touch an object or even enter a room with strong psychic vibrations and see events from the past, present and future or to commune with the dead. With a psychic test, everyone can learn how to develop their 5 senses and become more aware of and in tune with their psychic abilities.

A simple psychic test you can try is by using several decks of psychic cards. These cards might include colors, symbols, geometrical shapes, numbers, animals, or faces. To test your ability to predict the future, shuffle the cards then stack them in front of you. Touch the card on the top of the deck and focus on thinking about what the color, animal, or other figure on the card will be.

Do not rush yourself into making a decision about the card. Take deep breaths and take it very slow. Put your mind into a relaxed state. You will find that words and maybe even images begin to float around in your mind. These should work as clues that will help you make your guess. Once you have decided on the answer, speak it out loud and then turn the top card over. You should give yourself a few practice tries before you begin to track your results. Once you have gotten to a place that you can guess over half of the cards correctly you will know that you are on the way to a great psychic ability.

To focus on seeing into the past there is another fairly easy test that you can perform but you will need to have someone that is willing to volunteer as an assistant. Find a family member or friend that you do not already know a great deal about their past and ask them if you can give them a free reading. You will be working on your psychic intuition and will need it to be able to provide results that are accurate.

The ability to look directly into the subject's life and give them conclusions about themselves is called psychic intuition. It also has a lot to do with being able to predict events that are going to happen in the future. You might already have these feelings a lot of the time. Have you ever had a knock on the door and knew exactly who it was before you answered it? What about having a feeling that someone that you care about has been injured in some way and then got a phone call confirming the worst was true?

Reading a person's psychic aura is a great way to begin to develop your intuition. An aura is a field of energy or a life force that surrounds every person and looks like an ethereal light. A person's health, their mood, and even their personality can be easily detected by their aura. Someone with psychic abilities can feel and see the auras that surround a person.

How many times have you stood beside someone in a line and just been able to feel their anger and frustration over having to wait? Or have you ever walked into a room after a fight and felt the negative energy in the air? If so, you have the ability to sense auras. To sense auras at any time, try physically holding the hand of the person receiving a reading and using soothing music during the session.

Close your eyes and allow the music to help you feel the vibrations. All colors vibrate on their own unique frequency and as you feel these vibrations, expect to feel emotions coming from the other person. Open your eyes after a few minutes and try to see the aura of the person. They should be sitting directly in front of you, use soft natural lights or candles and a white background in the room to help conduct this psychic test.

Hold you gaze on a particular point on their face, like maybe on their forehead. Do not strain your eyes as it can make you see things that are not really there. Just gaze lightly at them for about thirty seconds and you should begin to see the aura on that is surrounding them. It should begin to get brighter as the time goes by.

Though you may be giving a psychic reading, this does not mean that the person receiving the reading should be silent. When the participant is engaged in the reading, the results will be more accurate. To get the psychic test started ask basic questions such as first name and what information they seek. This will guide you in interpreting the visions you see.

Through practice, dedication and belief in your abilities a psychic test can give you an accurate guidance into your current level of psychic ability. Use regularly to strengthen these abilities and unlock all your psychic powers.

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