Manifesting And Why We All Need It

By Rossana Reagan

As human beings we all have wants, needs and desires in life. Life would be very dull if we didn't need anything. How we good about getting those wants and needs in life differs from person to person but we all have one thing in common. Our needs and wants stem from inside our subconscious mind and manifesting in our end goals.

It's our commitment, determination and faith that are helping in manifesting all our needs and desires in life. These elements are the oxygen to our manifesting things. Manifesting things is what we all want to do we just do not know how to do it. By understanding what is involved in manifesting it then makes it easier for us to manifest something and once you are successful once you will probably want to do it again and again.

Will power can be a very strong thing but it can also make or break you. Having a strong will power can help you achieve many things like quitting smoking; losing weight or getting a new job. Will power comes from deep within our own minds manifesting itself as a strong determination never to quit and to keep on trying until our own minds help to manifest what we have been craving from the start.

Manifesting things isn't something magical or make believe it is a desire or need within our own minds and spirits to want to create or achieve something in life that we think we really need. It helps build up an almost adrenaline like state in our minds to push ourselves on to our ultimate goals through sheer determination, encouragement of our own self belief that we drum into ourselves almost every minute of every day. Imagine you are a marathon manner it's not the legs that carry the runner over the finish line it's the mind's belief, determination and positive attitude that manifests itself in the runner carrying on and not giving up where its body may have done-mind over matter or a manifestation!

Manifesting something does not always happen overnight it depends on your subconscious mind and its preparedness and also how big your task may be.

What we say out loud to ourselves can help drive and inspire any thoughts or images we have locked deep inside our minds eventually manifesting in a tangible desire. The bigger or more complex the desire the longer and more committed you have to be in repeating to yourself over and over again about how much you need and will get this desire achieved. By drumming in this repeatedly you will begin to believe it more and grow in confidence and eventually manifesting it yourself.

We are all instinctively born with the tools to be manifesting what we want or need in life. Even as a baby if we want something to drink or eat we will cry and cry until we get it with sheer determination and we will not give in until we get. By rediscovering these hidden skills we can create a path to happiness and well being.

When will you know that manifesting works? As soon as you start concentrating on something really pacific that you want and need. You must be focused on the task and tell yourself that you can do it, you're not going to give up and you belief in your own ability. After all if everyone else can do it then why can't I? Remember one small step at a time and you could be on your way to a better life!

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