Learn Chakra Healing For Better Life

By Pashwar Iman

In the human body there are a total of seven main chakras with each one located at a dissimilar points in the body. The fitness of that particular chakra point reflects how the health of the chakra will be for that point. In addition traits of one's personality are linked with each chakra. Chakras are the place where aura can be entered into.

They are activity centers which recognize, express and absorb energy from the life force. A person's physical, mental and spiritual state is reflected by the chakra. Energies are all around us - in the universe, in various things, in nature and also in people. These energies are absorbed from one another and passed on to and fro to each other.

There are Seven Main Chakras situated along the central line of the body from the spine base to the top of the head. Chakras constantly rotate and vibrate.

The behavior in the chakras has an impact on the body's shape, spiritual processes, chronic physical ailments and glandular processes.

You can assess Chakra by either using a pendulum or using your hands. Over each chakra pendulum needs to be placed and must be asked for direction, speed and size.

There are diverse techniques which can be used to influence our chakras, our health and our lives.

Balancing with use of hands or a Pendulum, Yoga, Affirmations, Aroma therapy, Physical exercises, Meditation, Reiki healing, Color therapy, Guided visualization, Aromatherapy, Positive thinking, Conscious breathing.

Balancing of chakras helps us attain balance of the physical, spiritual and emotional imbalances as well.

There are different reasons for the Chakras to get blocked: Childhood traumas; bad habits;limited self belief system;physical and emotional injuries; cultural conditioning.

We all face many difficulties in life and to cope with them different strategies should be adopted. For correct healing tools to be developed first we must recognize the reason of the difficulty, what are the blocks that are carried and their sources.

You don't really have to be an enlightened master to achieve relative balance through the chakras. A lot of people who have carried out their own healing work may be relatively reasonable.

A well balanced person has the following qualities: is in touch with their body and well grounded, aware of their feelings devoid of being lined by them,in good shape and vitality,content sexually with no craze for it, heart would be compassionate, peaceful, loving, centered, With the balance of the third chakra they would attain confidence and that too without dominating anyone,the upper chakra balance develops personal connection with spirit ideas and thoughts, imagination and wisdom, Everything gets communicated with total truth and clearness, Ability to listen to others is developed.

Healing of chakra develops with practice and patience. By practicing healing you can easily attain all of the above. This depends on the practitioner's style and a person's structure. The mind, body, spirit, soul, together with the seven chakras are one invisible whole.

In a nutshell with continual practice you will definitely gain from chakra healing and eventually gain mastery.

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