Facts About Anti-Aging Treatments

By Trudy Allmon

Anti-aging skin care products can help this happen. Twenty-five per cent of the skin's protein is collagen. Collagen is related to other Substances called anti-oxidants which help reduce the anti-aging process.

You probably know many anti-oxidants by name, including vitamin C, the use of which is still, even now, hotly debated in the science and nutrition community. The problem with vitamin C derived skin care treatments, is they can become oxidized when exposed to the atmosphere, often even before they are used.

To find a way around this some skin treatment treatments are based totally on derivatives of vitamin C, which are way more stable and cheaper. These alternative products aren't as useful as vitamin C but vitamin E and lipoic acid are anti-oxidants and are to be used.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble anti-oxidant and is found in human blood, it helps build resistance against infection like cancer. It is known to combat the signs of aging very effectively by reversing skin damage caused by the aging process.

They're removed from diverse plants. Like lipoic acid, phytochemicals help reduce the frequency of cancers such as prostate, breast and colon cancers.

Some B-vitamins like B5, B6 and B12 are also in use for contra-aging skin creams. This just goes to focus on just how complex and far reaching the whole field of contra-aging skin products is and why so much more research is needed.

A great deal about the process of aging has already been learned and the products around today are already much more advanced than ten years back there is however still a great distance to go. With the analysis that is now occurring many of us are assured that in time, better, less expensive age defying skin care products will be found.

However, man-made skin care regimes should be used only as a supplement. For instance, regular sleep patterns, exercise, a good healthy diet and less stress will all contribute to reducing the signs of aging.

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