Understanding The Filipino Dating Scene

By Antony Litten

In the Philippines, dating scenes may not be necessarily similar to its equivalent in other countries; however its difference is not that huge. If you've never ever dated a Filipino or is new to the Filipino dating scene but can't seem to have a lot of luck then you might need some guidance.

Foreigners who are a dating a Filipino and is apart to each other or trying to maintain a long distance relationship with another Filipino, here are a few tips:

- If you are truly serious about your relationship, as you should be if you entered the commitment in the first place, honesty is the operative word. It is much more difficult to be trusted if you are caught, even once, in a lie.

- Linked to honesty is trust. A fair amount of it is needed for any relationship to work, even more so in a long distance relationship, where you cannot verify a lot of rumors to be true, only take your partner's word for it. Filipinos generally tend to be possessive or jealous to a point, even to a fault. Fortunately, if you are truly worth trusting, there will be little reason to be jealous.

Fortunately, if you are truly worth trusting, there will be little reason to be jealous.

For those who are dating the regular way, here are a few pointers.

- Respect the other, regardless of age difference or skin color. It is not uncommon in the Filipino dating scene to have two very seemingly different people, in terms of age, race, or religion, together. If you are of different races, you will both have individual, culturally-based beliefs and values that do not always align. You might even be of different religions. That does not mean your relationship cannot work. There is no need to convert to the other's beliefs, or pretend to believe in the same things even if you don't. It is not even wrong to disagree or argue- the best relationships are between two mature adults with a strong sense of identity. If you're in a foreign country it is your obligation to adapt to the culture of your partner. Your partner as well should adapt to your culture, but you must not totally convert to each other's belief, respect for once individuality, and setting differences side is the key to a strong relationship.

- Listen and share in equal portions. It is unbearable to date a person who never listens, just talks incessantly and mostly about himself. At the same time, a relationship won't work if all you do is to listen without sharing part of yourself- it will seem like you don't trust your partner enough. Also, the sharing of thoughts and ideas form a bond. You will both learn from each other in this way, and learn how to support and empathize.

Talk and listen to each other. No women likes a person who incessantly talks about himself and never listens to what you have to say. Relationship works if you have equal share in this process. At the same time, a relationship won't work if all you do is to listen without sharing part of yourself- it will seem like you don't trust your partner enough. Also, the sharing of thoughts and ideas form a bond. You will both learn from each other in this way, and learn how to support and empathize.

- Avoid bringing up your ex, especially on the first date. That will just show your date that you have not completely moved on, and may just be on the rebound. Also, nobody likes being compared. Don't fault your date for being your ex's polar opposite, that alone may be a good reason to be with him or her.

- Bringing up ex in conversations especially on your first date is a no-no. this will leave an impression to your date that you have not moved on from your previous relationship and that she might just be a rebound. Never compare your current date to your ex, nobody likes to be compare it's rude to compare someone to others. -Never use past mistakes as fuel for a fight, and never, never nag on about it.

Don't be discouraged if your first date doesn't work. Filipino dating scene is a process to learn if you're new into it. Just keep on dating someone and eventually you'll find that someone. Hang in there.

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