Learning About Premonitions

By Angeline Duport

Seeing the details about events that will occur in the future is referred to as premonitions. It may seem unnerving to have such an experience. It has been said that people feel uneasy, disquiet, nervous, and anxious no matter if their premonition is about something that is not bad at all. The term "premonition" does often refer to seeing the unpleasant things like disasters in the life of their loved ones.

People that experience premonitions often times so hear or see things that will happen in the future. It is common to experience these just prior to an event that will be very emotional like a death, an accident, or another occurrence that is unfortunate. Premonitions can come forth while the person is awake but are more likely to present when they are asleep, like other psychic phenomenon. Our conscious minds usually stop us from having getting a good sense of understanding about the future when we are awake.

A large portion of premonitions have to do with our senses and many people actually have the experience of the emotional distress for absolutely no reason while they are experiencing it. This feeling is difficult to describe if they have seen that something terrible is about to occur. Distance is not something that comes in to play when a person has a premonition about someone that they care about and the premonitions are about times that could not have been foretold by anyone.

Many of the premonitions are about events that are going to happen to people that are connected emotionally with the person having the premonition. This could be a relative, a friend, or someone else that the person loves.

Why is it that many of the premonitions involve tragic and terrible events and are not usually concerning good things that are to come? It may have something to do with why we cannot typically have premonitions while we are not sleeping. Our conscious, unless weakened by an outside force, keeps us thinking logically and with our creative minds. It prevents us from seeing these things.

The conscious mind is less active and influential when we are asleep and when we are emotionally tired it is not able to control the unconscious mind as much as normal. This is the part that has the premonitions. That is the main reason that the negative events in our lives are more likely to present themselves in a premonition. This is not necessarily true for all people, though.

There have been several people that are able to see the positive events that will occur in the future. While many people see this as fortune telling or prophecy rather than a premonition, it is the same effect as a premonition. Knowledge about what will happen in the future is being told in the present.

No one knows for sure why these phenomenon occur. Some would say that they're simply another form of dream, but this does not explain the eerie accuracy of some people's premonitions and prophetic dreams. Details that could not have been known beforehand are reproduced down to the smallest piece of information. There are a lot of theories about why we experience premonitions and prophetic visions or dreams, but so far, none of them are objectively verifiable. We just know that many people report having this kind of experience.

There are those that believe that a divine force such as God or a universal spirit is responsible for the vision of the future. Others believe that it is all part of time being nonlinear - we are simply remembering things that are going to happen because all at once, these things are happening. Other people believe that time is just circling and that we are recalling things that happened during the last cycle of time. One other theory points to a web of energy that connects everything in the world and that the information is simply passed through the web.

No matter how exactly the premonitions happen, it is possible to make them occur when we are conscious. While it is not something that can happen easily and it is very rare, we can force our conscious mind to remove the control and not allow our imagination to take control and mislead us. Using a great deal of practice and efforts there are people that have successfully produced intentional prophetic visions and premonitions.

This can be done in several different ways and they all are largely different depending on the person. Some use meditation and prayer and others need extreme concentration and isolation.

The visions that people have are not always regarding things that are very important. In fact, some people only experience unimportant things that are going to happen. The truly life changing events seem to be hidden in their minds. It is possible, though, with the right amount of effort and using the technique that works for you, having intentional premonitions can come forward.

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