Fantastic Results - Boxing Workout Curriculum That Builds Muscle And Flexibility

By Angela Chen

Boxing workouts are a great form of cardio exercising but, they are also a great way to build strong muscle while maintaining flexibility. First off, it can be a great deal more exciting then the traditional mundane gym workouts. Secondly, the look you get from boxing workouts are much leaner without compromising on strength. An effective boxing workout program builds on a prefect combination of muscle building, flexibility and endurance.

And, beyond the physical benefits it results in a big boosts in confidence levels. This is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness without burning out with old routines. It can be a very intense program that may not be for everyone. However, it is for those who are driven to realize the great benefits that come with this level of commitment. It's not the type of program that you do every once in a while nor is it one that you just try out and quit if you feel like it. Once you begin you have to stick with it, and if you do you will see some phenomenal results in the way you look and feel.

There are many cardio boxing programs out there however, only a few of them offer any proximity of the real deal. Some of the more popular ones cater to the type who wear leotards and smile while doing their workouts. But, if you're looking for that special boxer physique then, you need to put a little snarling into your routine.

There is one program that follows the same workout that is used by world champion boxers. Developed by recognized boxing trainer Brandon Jones.... called the Mitts Conditioning Program. His curriculum does away with all the hype and gets right down to business. It takes you through three 21 day workout levels along with some very intense boxing routines that are specially designed to build on muscle, endurance and confidence. A concentrated program that focuses on a unique blend of cardiovascular and muscle building to achieve a real boxer's body.

Results will vary based on each individual however, with the right amount of commitment and determination, the results will simply be the best you and your body can achieve. You will not only look so much better but, you will also be physically stronger, much faster and incredibly agile. As with any exercise program, consistency is key however, in the case of this form of exercising there is an even greater expectation for a higher level of commitment.

The cardiovascular workout consist of variable heart rate work along with a very deep commitment to endure intensive workouts. You can also determine the intensity of your workout by taking your heart rate and measuring it against the expected ranges that fall between 50% to 70% of your particular maximum heart rate. The general practice in determining your particular maximum rate is to subtract your age from 220 and multiply the results by .5 and then by .7 to get both your high and low end heart rates. Following this formula can be instrumental in maintaining the intensity in your exercise program that helps you obtain your true potential.

What distinguishes an effective program from other popular cardio boxing programs, is in how the program is focused in a way that helps you to progress faster and much safer. While investigating most other programs, you will discover how their routines revolve around getting their clients involved in random punches over a period of time whereas, an effective program, like Mitts Cons program, works their clients through rounds according to a variety of very specific protocols using metabolic conditioning.

The Mitts Cons Program is a focused conditioning program which is considered very challenging and trains you like a professional fighter. All the routines are visually taught via video audio classes and explained in further detail in a comprehensive manual. This program can be intense yet, it is also designed to be inspiring. There are varying degrees based on the client's individual requirements but regardless, it will require a true commitment and strong desire to succeed. The results will simply change your life not only physically but, in a variety of other ways too.

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